Plot Armour

Sam and the group continued their journey but this time they did not go as fast as they could.

Sam wanted to do some sight seeing before going to the supreme continent.

The first place they stopped for sight seeing was a with a group of people that were standing in front of a huge door.

The door was releasing huge amounts of evil qi, it was making the area look very gloomy and scary.

Sam went to one of the guys in the area and asked "what is this gate?".

The person looked at Sam, though that he probably just saw them, so he was here to check what going on with this crowd.

The person said, "The gate is called The Under World Gate, it lets us go to the continent of demons".

[The Under World Gate]: a gate that is opened in every continent each year, it lets people go to demon continent, the sole reason for going there is to keep the demon under control.

Sam looked at the gate and said "okay this is boring, bye"

After saying that he walked back to the group and continued their journey to the supreme continent.

4 hours later

After riding on the back of the wolf for four hours they met a group of cultivators consisting of 2 boys and two girls.

It seemed like the group were tired from walking the whole time.

One of the makes of the group came to San and without even saying hello he said "give me your wolf and scram"

Sam was now thinking "why the fuck, does this seems so familiar, it almost seems like I'm in a story and everybody is trying to attack me to make a cliche scene, then does this mean that this part is just some extra part to stretch the plotline?" (yes)

Sam looked at him and said, "I'm not even bothered to do anything to you, so I'll give you chance to walk along with your group".

The guy didn't listen and quickly jumped up towards Sam.

Sam was speechless as this was exactly what happens in every novel he had read and now it seems like he was going to be the main character of a novel and fight this fodder.

'Wait wait wait, if this situation is happening to me, it means that I have the strongest weapon to ever exist, it can even make a cell to totally annihilate an existence at the top of God Realm, when this situation gets out of hand I could escape with no problem, oh wait do I even need it for this situation?'

'Plot Armour, the weapon was plot armour, the weapon that could turn anything into the top existence of anywhere'.

"my friend, I have decided to gift you something that could change your future and your life".

Sam went to his shop and searched for plot armour.

The moment he did an item appeared it was a person writing on his computer.

The item was called A Guy On His Computer.

]A Guy On His Computer]: an item that makes the person that its on to get out of any situation and become stronger with many benefits, the person that has this item on him can never die.

Sam bought the item and gave it to his opponent.

The reason being that he wanted to test out his strength to see if this person could run away from him or if he could kill somebody with such a heaven-defying item.

"dude, start wishing your self to be lucky, and the item that I gave you could make you get out of this situation".

Sam said to the guy that was still flying towards him.

"what are you talking about, it not me who should be lucky it's you, you should start wishing to survive this attack".

The guy punched sam with some skill that sam wasn't bothered to check out, the skill hit San's face and the moment it did, nothing happened.

"should j still be wishing for me to survive the attack you just did". Sam

"What is going on?" enemy

"nothing going on, it's just that I'm too strong for your weak ass attack to affect me" Sam

"Now I think you should be begging that the plot armour I gave you to work and save you".

Sam punched forwards and was expecting something unbelievable to happen, sams punch did not land on anything and he thought that it was probably the plot armour doing its job and protecting it hist but when Sam looked at the position of his hand, he saw his punch going through the heart of the guy.

San checked out if he was dead, but when he checked, he was dead.

The only word going through Sam's mind was "far out, that was the biggest rip of ever, the system took my points and gave me something that didn't even work".

Sam looked at the rest of the group and threw the guy to them, but before he threw him to them Sam brought back his soul before it could go away and quickly healed him, so he could stay alive, the reason he did him this favour was that he helped him to do an experiment and that he never planned to kill him.

Sam was still made because they made him waste his time, so what he did was send them back to where they started their journey.

Sam and the group started to continue their journey and this time they did not have the time to sightsee as there was only boring stuff from the things he saw in that journey.

On his way, he also bought some food from the system and gave it to the kid and the wolf changed to its human form to eat too.

The food that Sam bought made all of them be filled with the purest form of qi it made the kids break through many staged just by eating it and made the wolf breakthrough a whole immortal stage but for Sam, it was the Sam as a particle being dropped inside a universe.

After eating they continued their journey.