Sam vs Troopers

Toppo immediately caught him, without even let him touch the ground.

He started to feel his life force and was relieved that he was still alive.

He was still alive but was conscious.

Toppo throw the robot eye dude, as this fight had already taken its toll on him.

Toppo immediately looked back at Sam and said "you bastard, ill show what it means to go against the pride troopers".

Toppo had completely forgotten about the fact that he was meant to be q righteous guy and the only thing he was thinking about was taking revenge.

Without even a wait all the troopers came behind Toppo and knew what to do.

They all rushed at Sam without giving a second for Sam.

Sam immediately appeared in front of one of the guys that was near toppo and grabbed him from his neck.

He pushed him up and punched him in the stomach.

The punch was landed on his stomach but the punch was loaded with enough power to immediately make VUON fall unconscious.

Toppo saw punch his friend and he immediately ran to Sam and sent a punch at him, so he could let Vuon go but the punch landed on Sam and to Sam, it felt like the wind was gently blowing against his abs.

Sam smiled at Toppo and said, "thank you for the wind, I was feeling a best heated from the excitement that is being built up inside me by doing this".

Toppo heard Sam and was in shock, as his punch that could normally destroy galaxies was treated like the wind.

He got angered and desperate to have his friend, he immediately started to punch Sam left and right.

The same thing continued until Sam had all of Toppo's team under his leg.

Toppo tried everything to stop him but he could do nothing to him.

After beating up all his friend Sam walked towards toppo.

"Seems like you should give on your so-called justice, at least in another you can convince somebody to follow you or something".

When toppo heard Sam, he immediately started laughing, "guess to beat you I have to leave my belief behind".

The moment he said that the aura surrounding toppo changed.

His normal aura started to change to the godly aura and slowly marks started to appear on his body, with his aura changing from a mortal to a god.

His divine ki slowly started changing from normal divine ki to destruction ki.

His eyes started to change purple and a purple protective aura appeared on his body.

The gods were in shock as toppo currently had become one of them, a God of destruction.

Toppo slowly looked at Sam and said: "Now be ready to pay for making me awaken my true power".

Toppo started to charge a ki ball that was basically a hakai.

He sent it towards Same like Frieza Sam did not move and decided to take it head on so he could do what he wanted.

The ball of hakai engulfed Sam, everybody looked at Sam trying to see what he would do against a God of destruction ultimate move.

The moment the ki ball touched Sam heard this,


The new version of the system is now able to hack everything about you.

All your stats can be hacked now without a problem, and your body can develop resistance against all types of attacks sent towards you.

Sam saw this notification and was quite happy as the system had finally updated.

To check the system new function Sam said: "hack all my stats to their max".

"Ding"= this will take 30 seconds.

As everybody was looking at Sam inside the hakai ball suddenly he was surrounded by codes.

The codes slowly started to speed up, everybody was wondering what was happening.

30 seconds passed inside the hakai ball Sam, heard this

"Ding"= host has developed time resistance and your whole an ester has received the skill.

Time resistance: at a certain level of power all being gain this skill naturally to protect himself.

The skill when gained well appear in the status of the in anybody that was related to your existence and anyone that tried to kill you will be attacked by a clone of you that will appear in that time.

Sam was happy that he received this skill as he now didn't have to waste his time trying to learn this skill by using the hakai.

Sam wanted to know how strong he was so he said: "show me all my stats".

Name: sam

Age: 17

Title: the peak of existence

Cultivation: unknown (stage does not have a name)

Gamer points: 1,034,638,737

Level: 10000: 89010/100000

Skills: immortal punch: Punching stats increased by 2.

Need to kill 1 million creatures to make it into a seed skill.

One with sword

Your sword slashing power is boosted by 50%, whenever you evolve the skill your slashing speed and power will increase by 5%.

Eight Gates: Each level adds 12.5 to the multiplier

Kio-ken: multiplies your power. Currently can do times 8

Phoenix dance: Can burn anything



Dragon God

Phoenix bloodlin


Demon King.



All stats are at Outerversal

Sam read his stats and when he saw the last part he had one question, "what is outerversal?"

The system didn't even wait for Sam to ask before explaining.

Currently, in this stage, almost all of the character that is here is 3rd dimensional if a character 4th-dimensional character appears here he will be infinitely stronger than everyone.

Jiren is a 4th-dimensional character and is stronger than everybody but in your case, your are infinitely stronger than a character that is an infinite dimensional character.

Just to give an example if you just appear here without the system restricting your power, the whole dimension will disappear just from your presence.

Sam had no words to say, but he still had to continue with this tournament.

Sam snapped his finger and the whole destruction ball disappeared.

The crowd was in ow just from Sam doing this, then Sam looked at Toppo and said "Owari da"

(it's over).

Couldn't post anything yesterday and the other day cause a big event was going on in a game I'm playing and I was stuck with that.