
After the intense conversation , John went to book flight tickets in economy class for Emerald city in Sam Marcos ,though returning home after wasting 500 grands and leaving school for almost 1 year in search of his manliness would be a shame but he could bear with it and then he had a 2 min silence of his host's dreams and after a long pause he became more cheerful thinking about his future as second gen rich kid.

The flight was 10 Am of next morning , John and his little cute sister reached airport without any accident and proceed for their passport check and then they boarded the flight . after some time , flight attendant announced for passenger to tie their seat belt as the flight is going to take off . At 11 Am when they were in air suddenly ,a commotion broke out from the first class cabin . John was shocked to see there were three personal with guns in their hands pointing to their side coming out from first cabin .

"why my life is becoming worse and worse , were is my lucky charm" John truly want to swear to heavens at this point of time. his fat face was truly showing trace of anger instead of fear . He truly wanted to kill somebody ,when he thought that he going have his life simple and easy.

Le and behold ,what we have here

legendary hijack "Hijack your mom " "damn"

To Olivia and most of passenger surprise ,they saw a hero fighting with various high end kung fu styles unarmed with kicks and punches that could shatter the skies ,as they were seeing real life Bruce lee , but they were soon disappointed as they saw bullet hole on his chest .

In instant his anger vanished and he became sober and realized that he was going to die second time .

"Damn you" with this last word , his mind became blank and he lifelessly fell on ground .

At that moment every thing stopped , the tears on Olivia seem to stop ,the man the gun with mouth open stopped , the uncle sat on the next seat on his half sitting and standing pose seem to stop in air as if time is stopped.

then he stood up from ground then saw his chest and then he got shocked as there was no hole , then he saw the tears on the sky , he was more shocked and a sudden a pain came across his mind and then he again fell on the ground.

"hey bro are you okay"

"huh I am not dead"

"what are you saying , we are on the plane"

John got shocked from all the bizarre happenings as in one minute he was dead and a second later he was in his seat .

beep beep beep beep beep beep

fate changing system is initializing....

Unknown DNA detected ?????????????

Unknown atmosphere detected ????????

Further information needed....

Connecting outer system web.....

/!\ Connection failed

Connecting to planet's system web...

Connection established !

Retrieving information ....

Information retrieved !

New host detected.....

Binding soul of host initiated.....

John was once again shocked by seeing the blue screen in his front ,thunder were flashing on the corners of screen . John saw left and right and noticed that no one was interested in the new flashing screen .

"what the hell"

"Its real thunder"

"Have you seen a real thunder flashing at side of screen" John can't help but to turn towards Olivia.

"Fatty are you okay, what thunder , another nonsense and I will throw you out of the plane"

Olivia can't help but turn angry but thinking that what death ,what thunder ,this fatty think I am idiot "hump".

John can't help once again become shocked then he once again practice his special neck exercise and was forced to belief that they can't see the screen . This can't be hallucination right, John can't help but became afraid thinking of these recent events.

Binding completed !

with these the thunder screen became a blue thunder ray and it shoot between his eyebrows.

"Hey what are you doing ,why are you behaving as two year child"

Olivia can't help but shout seeing his sudden monkey dance.

"Sorry" with this he calm down

Fate changing system is ready !

this gave John again huge fright but seeing Olivia angry eyes he had to calm down

Initializing host stats....

then again the same thunder screen popped in his mind

Name - John ????

system detected another presence........

Name - Jacob

Race - Human

Age - 12.5 years/35 years

Calculating total age - 47.5

system remark - so you are grandpa huh

"fuck , your father is grandpa" John can't bear but blunt out but soon became embarrassed under the strange eyes of mass public* .

Olivia had a strange expression toward John thinking that her big fat bro's brain can no longer tolerate his fat so it became crazy.

John again focused on the thunder screen

strength - 0.4 , vitality- 0.5 ,endurance -0.3 , agility - 0.1 , intelligence - 2 (taking the ratio comparison to 1 ,were 1 represent normal human strength)

Calculating the causes..........

Cause- due to obesity

System Remark - weak as an ant

"Damn you, come outside and I will show you who is ant " John snorted in response of remark

Calculating death point.........

John can't help but get attracted to the further detail forgetting his past grievances .

Death points - 2

Quest points - 0

Rank -None

Skill - Advance robbery

Art - None

Profession - Student ( High school)

Life Remaining - 1 years

"what the hell"

"what shitty system is this"

"This bro has many years to spend"

'System data is always right host can 100% believe it'

John face became white as paper as though all blood had been sucked out of it.

" My millionaire dream"