A Night with the Hero

The hero had become creepier with each minute I had been alone with him. While he had never tried to invade my hideout under the bed, he didn't stop mumbling to himself either. Those fox-ears of mine had revealed far more of his thoughts than I had ever wished to know about.

He had talked something about my 'level' being too low and about how he had to get me to 'grind experience'. I did not understand a single word of that. There was only one thing I was sure of now: he planned on doing something to me.


«He is creepy! The hero is so creepy!»


Even though there had been not a single sign of movement for what felt like half an eternity, I still couldn't get myself to leave the shadow I was hiding in. There was still the danger of the hero trying to trap me. He would attack me as soon as I crawled from under the bed!

I didn't even dare to think about what that 'grinding' he talked about might mean for me. He didn't wish to kill me, that was the sole thing I was somewhat sure about, everything else, however, laid in the dark.


«Don't tell me he wants me to become a part of his harem?!»


A cold shiver went over my body. Sure, I was by no means inexperienced, as I had invaded the dreams of hundreds or even thousands of men, but not a single one of them had been as creepy and perverted as the hero!

Some of them had been shy, others like starved wolves, but all of that had been in their dreams, it was their inner self! If this guy was peeping on girls in broad daylight, there was no way to predict what would happen in his dreams!


«I should get rid of him before he traumatizes one of my sisters ...»


Neidun and Zena were younger than me by a few dozen years, and naturally far less experienced with men. If one of the two dared to slip into this despicable fools dreams, they would be damaged for life! Maybe they would choose to never feed on men again!


«He is so creepy!»


Hesitatingly, I raised myself to my feet. I crawled out from under the bed and let my gaze wander through the room. The hero was sleeping deeply on top of my former hideout, only protected by two or more blankets.

His armor was neatly stacked up on one of the chairs and his large backpack was leaning against the wall right next to the tightly sealed door. Only his sword was still in reach of his grip, should he suddenly be woken up by an intruder. It was lying on the nightstand that almost touched the bed.


«Should I get rid of his weapon first?»


There was no reason to. If the hero decided to kill me, he wouldn't even need that sword. He could just beat me up. I was nothing but a small pup after all! Moving the weapon would wake him up, too, which was a risk I wouldn't take no matter what.

The inn room had no fireplace, no glass shards lying around, and nothing else I could think of as a tool to murder him. The sword was far to heavy for me to carry and I couldn't possibly search the backpack without him finding out.


«I have to kill him without all of that ...»


My chances weren't great. In fact, I couldn't even think of any idea on how to do it. It was only when my gaze wandered on his silly looking, drolling face, that a plan formed in my little head.


«That's it!»


I jumped on the edge of the bed, as silent as I could possibly be. There wasn't even much of a noise. Sure, my ears caught the sound of my claws scratching the soft fabric of the blankets while trying to get hold, but the hero was sleeping far too tightly to even register this.

The pervert wasn't even moving when I climbed over his arm to reach the pillow his grinning-in-his-sleep head was resting on.

I breathed in deeply twice, then I climbed on that drolling face on his. A nasty wetness attacked the soft fur of my stomach.


«This pervert! This nasty bastard!»


Gnawing my teeth, I let myself sink onto his mouth, using my full weight to seal off his lips and nose with a sea of fluff. He didn't even react to this attack.


«Die, you pervert!»


It didn't even take seconds for my attack to show its first results. The hero's body began shaking. It looked like it screamed for air and was fighting for its life, but I wouldn't give in! I would never show him pity!

The shaking was becoming even more intense. it wouldn't take long for it to stop forever. I would finally be able to return to Karion! I would finally be at his side! Nobody would be able to separate us!

The fox body of mine had already started to purr as the arms of my victim suddenly grabbed me. The hero lifted me up, high above his face, before opening his eyes and releasing an almost deafening, bright laughter.


«He was never- he was trying to hold his laughter?!»

"I knew it! I knew you would come to cuddle with me!"

「WHAT?! Who would want to cuddle with you!? You filthy worm!」

"You don't have to be so shy, Ahri! We can cuddle as much as you want!"



His tight embrace overwhelmed my pitiful struggle. The hero forced me onto his chest and began to stroke my fur. I was so petrified I couldn't even react to his attack. When my body then even reacted to the hands of his, not with a cold shiver, nausea or goosebumps, but with a clearly audible, vibrating sound. I felt something inside of me die.


«He is violating me! He totally is violating me!»