
5 ties in a row

A gentle breeze went by, and it caused the cherry blossom tree to shake. The tree slightly rustled, and petals of cherry blossoms drifted down at the two sitting on the bench underneath.

The boy suddenly remembered that he had to make it to the uniform shop before it closed. Since it was the weekend, it closed at 2 pm. He got up from his seat and bid her farewell.

"Oh no, I've still gotta pick up my school uniform from the store!" the boy mumbled to himself, then he got up from the bench and frantically said, "I'm in a hurry so, I have to go now. Take care."

The boy sprinted off. Isabelle could not reply at all with a mouthful of the egg salad sandwich.

"Mm, mm, mmm," she tried to speak out, but only 'mmm's came out.

After a few moments, he was already out of her sights. Her heart sank, and she felt abandoned. She didn't even get the chance to ask him for his name. In fact, she didn't even get a good look at his face either.

Isabelle exhaled after she finished the sandwich. Her stomach was full, and her thirst quenched. She could think properly again.

'He said school uniform… Maybe he's in the same school... ' she thought. Isabelle had a smile on her face, made a determined first, and declared, "I must find him! Mmm!"

Thus, her first love came and gone.

Jogging through, he quickly made his way out of the park. Arriving minutes before the store closed.

He entered the store while panting and could barely catch his breath. After a few huffs and puffs, he said, "Hello? Are you still open? I'm here to pick up my school uniform. My name is Jack, Jack Bluebell."

"Calm down, calm down. What was your name again?" said an old lady.

"Jack Bluebell, ma'am, here to pick up my school uniform," he said.

"Alright, hold on one second," the old lady said and slowly walked to the back of the store.

A while later, she came out of the back holding a large stack of brand new school uniforms. Jack saw her struggling and just had to help her. He rushed to her and said, "Let me help you, ma'am," and grabbed the stack of uniforms from her.

"Thank you, young man," she smiled and then pointed to the counter nearby, "Just set it over there."

"Got it," Jack nodded and quickly set it down on the counter a few feet away.

"Your uniform should be in that pile, find the one with your name tag on it," the old lady said.

Jack carefully rummaged through the pile and found his at the very bottom.

"Got it, thank you, ma'am. I'll be leaving now," he respectfully said to the old lady.

She nodded and waved him goodbye.

As Jack opened the door and a boy stood at the entrance. This boy was on just on his way inside, so Jack let him in before exiting.

"Sorry, you go ahead first. I was just leaving," Jack as he moved out of the way.

The boy nodded in agreement and entered, as Jack held the door for him.

"Alright, time to head home. Still have some unpacking to do… " Jack muttered to himself as he started walking in the direction of his home. This time, he didn't go through the park. Because he gave away his sandwich, he didn't have any to eat for lunch. His original plan was to sit in the park and watch the flowers bloom while eating his light lunch before picking up his school uniform. Who would've thought that he ended up giving it away to a total stranger?

He then took out his wallet for a peek at his current funds.

"Sigh… It looks like I can't buy anything to eat right away… " Jack sadly groaned.

He quickly cheered himself up, and thought, "At least it wasn't wasted. I hope she's doing better… Let's just go home and cook some instant ramen."

Jack quickened his pace and headed home.

Back at Florescent Park,

Isabelle screamed, "HEY! Bodyguards! Show yourselves!"

Immediately, two black-suits appeared in front of her. She had her arms crossed and eyes closed.

"Give me a mirror, some wet wipes to clean myself, and bring a makeup kit!" she commanded.

One of the bodyguards took out a hand-sized mirror from his pockets, while the other took out a pack of wet wipes from his. Moments later, another black-suit arrived with a small makeup kit.

These things and many others were standard items to be carried on them at all times while they protected Isabelle. They were used to it.

She carefully looked into the small mirror. Perked her lips and turned left and right, and saw that her makeup was still somewhat perfect. She was relieved that her makeup was still presentable, it would've been a real disaster if it were ruined. She wiped the sweat off by gently and carefully dabbing a wet wipe on her face. Then, she wiped her mouth clean with another wet wipe, making sure any residue from the egg salad sandwich were not left behind. She opened the small makeup kit and grabbed a travel-size mouthwash, opened it to take a swig and gargled before spitting it out. She wiped her mouth again with another wet wipe and started looking into the kit for lipgloss. She couldn't find one and got angry again.

"OH EM GEE!" she screamed. She was agitated again but quickly reminded herself that today was a good day, a great day.

Isabelle took in a deep breath and exhaled.

"Forget it… Now, begone! Shoo~ Shoo~" she shooed the bodyguards away with the motion of waving her hands forward.

The black-suits instantly retreated to their posts.

Isabelle looked down and turned her waist left and right to make sure that her outfit was still presentable. She gently brushed the leaves of cherry blossoms off her shoulders and patted her romper at her waist, making sure that all the leaves were off of her. After making sure that she was presentable enough not to lose any face of the Royale family, she started pacing back to the brunch.

Arriving back to the brunch, she was swarmed by many once again. Everyone wanted to 'rub shoulders' with the princess of the Royale family. They all thought that if they were able to gain her favor, she would help mention their names to her father, thus creating the possibility of her father to consider future business relations with them.

After 20 minutes of mingling, she grew tired. People were getting on her nerves, always talking about this business or that business. She didn't want to hear any of it, and her feet started to hurt. Isabelle then decided to go home. So without announcing her leave, she started walking toward the entrance.

When she reached the exit, her driver Max was already waiting for her with the door to the car opened. Max, the driver, knew her too well. He was always able to calculate precisely when she would be leaving.

Before Isabelle went into the car, she called out for her bodyguards to appear again, "Come out you fools! I have a task for you!"

The same two black-suits from before appeared by her side. With their right hands placed on the left side of their chest, they slightly bowed.

"Find out if any students had gone to pick up their uniforms for Biscord High from the local store," she commanded.

The two black-suits looked at each other and turned away from her. They didn't want her to see them play rock-paper-scissors to decide the winner to carry out her demand.

They whispered while waving their arms up and down in the air, "rocks, papers, scissors, set, shoot!"

They both threw out 'rock.' Again they waved their arms up and down, whispering, "rocks, papers, scissors, set, shoot!"

They threw out 'rock.' Tied, again.

They couldn't determine the winner after five tries. After a minute or two, Isabelle became agitated. She knew exactly what they were doing. Her bodyguards always did this; everyone would rather be off doing something else rather than staying by her side.

"Can you two morons just both go?!" she screamed at the top of her lungs with both hands tightly clenched together in anger.

They were startled by her screaming, they quickly turned back to face her and replied with a bow before disappearing.