Awakening (3)

In the president's office,the president wore a hat on his head and took a stick with him,and said"Are you prepared Steven."

Steven replied"Just a moment,puting the files back"

Charles said"No need.They are gonna get burned anyways,just throw them aside,if someone does get them it will be his luck.We gotta go now"

Steen hesitated but went outside after continous insistence of Charles.He threw the papers and they fell straight into the trash basket.

And they were gone from there very soon.

Meanwhile at the department.Allen said"What,are you gonna ask me of my last words or tell yours.I assure you that we..."

Tim whispered"Hey stop your horses and listen to me.I just saw a person whom i assume to be the department head slipping through a underground tunnel.We should also sneak away from there."

Allen looked at Tim then others and frowned.Tim continued"I know what you are thinking.We will just tell them when entering the passage.That way there will be no trouble for us"

Allen nodded and they both walked towards the room separately.They avoided showing suspicious behaviour and retreated safely.The people present were also much worried about themselves,that they did not have enough capacity to care for others.

The other rooms were occupied except the department head's.Some might have thought that the department head was trying to get help,or Tim might have done something.

They smoothly entered the room and the door closed.Luke and Yushin were busy checking the room.Tim coughed and they got into attention.

Tim went to a side which contained shelves of objects and spit on his hand,he brought his spit covered hand forward and stroked a half globe.The moment he had completely stroked it,the globe started to expand itself and bacame a full globe.Simultaneously an underground passage appeared in middle of the room.

The others stared at Tim with curiosity.Tim replied"I will be brief,I had come to the room before you saw the animals.The department head was not present for the first time so I just ,hmm,you know started touching small stuff,I was examining a trophy when the door opened.

I took cover under the desk and saw the pair of boots heading towards here and doing the the same thing I have shown you."

Luke stared at Tim.

Tim said"Hey that's all I know,really"

Luke said"Let's go.Tim has already delayed us by much"

Tim stared speechless and was about to rebute when Yushin said"He is saying the truth.We didn't ask you to tell the story.This passage is all that matters,right Allen"

Allen coughed"Well,we should get going".

Tim stared at the three and went ahead without saying another word.The three stood still and stared at one other,they shrugged simultaneously and followed Tim's lead."

Before going, Allen switched the speaker on and put it to recording mode.He said in the speaker placed on the table"Everyone no need to go outside.There is a safe passage in department head's room.Please come in small groups so that the room may not get crowded."

He saw the options on the speaker and there was one that said default voice.He pressed on it.After he had set the recording to be played after one minute,he turned around and entered the passage.

After a minute since Allen had gone,the recording started playing.The first part of the speech was anounced in the voice of department head while the second part started to little by little resemble Allen's voice.

The others had gotten quite ahead by the time Allen was finished.,he had to sprint to catch up to them.

They stood at a spot seeing a railtrack,they got onto the lone railcar present there and it automatically started towards a direction after they shut its doors..They reached at a stop after half a minute.They disembarked it and it went somewhere else.They moved towards a door and opened it,or to be more precise tried to.

No matter how much force they used on the handle the door wouldn't budge.After several failed tries,Luke went forward again but slipped,he flailed his hands trying to find support and both of his hands fell on the door and pushed it.The door slided aside and Luke fell on the floor.The three of them went through the opeend door.They had arrived in an unfamiliar hallway.

They were just taking in the new surroundings when Allen said"Hey guys if you have looked enough then turn your heads over here".

The others turned towards where Allen was pointing and they saw a snake coiled on the ceiling watching them.

Seeing many pairs of eyes gathered on it,it started hissing,drops of its saliva dripped when it hissed,the drops fell on the floor and corroded the strong floor.The snake fell down and started heading towards them.

Yushin said"Maybe it's the twin of That snake we saw earlier,and is here to complete the unfulfilled task of its brother.The snake stopped and stared at them.Slowly its mouth started swelling little by little.

Luke"Is it gonna spit something?"Soon the mouth of the snake had swelled to an abnormal degree,then it opened its mouth and a jet of liquid was released.The range of the spray seemed a miscalculation on the snake's part.It only covered half the distance between them,so they were safe from splashing drops.They backed away from the snake.The snake was now standing at the entrance from where they came from.

They didn't want to become more familiar with the snake so started going the opposite direction.They were soon getting outrun by the snake.They soon arrived at a cross-section.

Tim said"We should split up".

Yushin said"It's dangerous.A snake is already proving to be our Achille heel what about the other we don't even know about."

Allen said"But being together is not really helping right now...We will go straight..."Allen had just said that when he saw the front of him was blocked by a wall not there before.

The four of them had to stop.The snake also crawled at a slower pace seeing them stop.It seemed to be mindful of its surroundings.

Allen's thought spun"We need to shut of its mouth.But its skin could also be poisonous.Maybe covering our hands with our upper-wear will protect our hands for a few sec.We will have to do something in that time."

Allen said"Use your jackets to cover your hands,we are plugging its mouth.Then Luke you kill it if you get the chance".

The others nodded.Tim had just went forward when the snake spurted a long jet of liquid.The aim seemed to be off and went right past Tim.Tim gulped and continued with the plan,the cloth had just touched the snake that it already started burning.

Tim shaked his head at the others and let his hold over the cloth go.The cloth burned at a visible speed and vanished in seconds.

While the others were worried about the situation,Tim went foreward and tried to catch the snake with his bare hand.The snake showered him with his fluid.Allen was pained to see that but kept his sorrow in his heart.

He was calculating the next move when Tim unfazed by the liquid grabed the snake and strangled it.

Allen stared at Tim with surprise.Tim put some liquid in hands and threw it on Luke.Luke yelled loudly"Ahhhhhh" and started rolling on the floor.

Tim stared at Luke and said"Let's go,He will come when he is finished with his act"

Luke stopped yelling and stood straight"Hey don't go splashing people with stange liquid"

Tim said"The liquid does not seem to have effect on human skin,maybe designed to corrode metals.Don't know what will be the effect when it goes inside the body though."

Luke was scooping the liquid and dropped it upon hearing that.The four of them were about to depart when they heard a voice"Hey what are you doing on top of my grave"

Allen turned around and stared at the new appeared wall."We know you are there.If you wanna come out then come otherwise don't waste my time."

There was silence and the wall opened like the previous one.The wall slided and there was a man standing there.Tim advanced and punched the man on his face and said"One reason I should not leave you unconscious in this place filled with blood thirsty animals."

The man smirked"I can take you outside,Alive" for a while thinking furiously.

The roadblock was not the only they encountered, but after the first one the continuous roadblocks were just a sweat for them to pass through. They were not as intrusive as the more they went forward the more the net loosened.

They finally arrived at their destination after so many stops and turns hither and thither. The place they arrived at was very small.

Allen asked "How did you know of this location"

"Well don't mind the small things after all we have gone through"