The Past

Li Ying woke abruptly.

He knew that he would fallen back into a coma if he expended himself too much, however despite the almost fatal illness, Li Ying simply wanted to play one last time before he was denied that wish. Knowing that he would survive much longer anyways, Li Ying had gathered his courage and energy to escape the hospital confinements, leaping back into the world of music.

Although Li Ying had woken up, he subconsciously felt a deep-set fear within his mind. A fear that spelled his eternal confinement to the bed, never to play music again. What would he wake to? A gas mask, desperately providing him oxygen? Tweezers, pulling and tugging at his dying body? The blinding lights of a surgeon?

He couldn't trust his own senses. When surgery was to occur, the one having the surgery would be put into a state of deep sleep through anaesthetic and this would prevent any of his senses, other than vision to work. That was how far technology had advanced.

Gathering up his courage, Li Ying quickly opened his eyes, only to see the vivid world once more. Feeling a seat below him, Li Ying looked down in panic., 'Had the doctors placed me into a wheelchair? Am I disabled?'

Contrary to his worst fears, Li Ying only saw a plain, wooden seat below him. Slowly, the noises in the surroundings began to ring and soon, it had reached the volume level of a rock party. Looking up curiously, Li Ying glanced around the room to find himself within what looked like a bar, however quite the ancient one.

Customers in shaggy clothes and straw crafted hats sat around circular desks, situated in random positions across the room. Noticing that there were copious amounts of foaming drinks upon the desks, Li Ying stood up quickly before looking around for the usual 18+ sign. Although he had scoured the entire space, he was unable to find one.

Sighing in relief, Lu Ying strode over to the man at the counter about to ask his location and such details, however he was cut off before he even started.

"I thought I told you to get back to your seat and wait, brat!"

Taken aback by the man's aggressive tone, Li Ying had no thoughts about opposing him and went to sit back down.

"Old man Liu, you should treat your son a little better!"

"Exactly, he still has to play for us."

"Bottoms up!"

The man moved over to each of the customers desks to appease them before striding furiously over to Li Ying, "You heard them well enough. When you're told to play, do your best!"

Plastering a filthy smile upon his face, the man moved back to his position behind the counter before pulling out a drink from his draw, drizzling his thick beard with foam.

Confused as to what was going on, Li Ying shuffled his feat uncomfortable before kicking into something quite fragile. Looking down to see what had obstructed him, he saw an almost perfectly crafted erhu. The strings were of only the finest quality while the body of the instrument was simply magnificent, the work of a master craftsman that would cost into the hundred thousands range.

Evidently glad that beside him lay one of the most beautiful instruments he had ever seen, Li Ying stooped down to pick the masterpiece up before feeling down the sides. The instrument seemed to vibrate in excitement, urging him to play it, and yet Li Ying knew that it was just his imagination at work.

"Hey boy! Play a song for us!"

"Yeah! We're done with drinking for the moment."

"That means you're going to continue later?"

Bursts of laughter rang around the compact bar before everything fell to a silence, all eyes trained upon Li Ying.

Seeing no less than a score of well-built, topless man staring at him, Li Ying couldn't help but feel uncomfortable, however his life as a performer had been harsh. This pressure was nothing compared to playing upon the world stage, performance being streamed live to numerous media platforms and displayed to millions of people in the world.

Drawing up the bow which leaned upon his chair, Li Ying moved into position, placing the horse-string upon the erhu. Although he had majored in piano and was known for his passionate playing, Li Ying had boundless experience in other instruments as well, be it string, wind or percussion.

Li Ying closed his eyes, dragging the bow lightly across the delicate strings. Long, dawn out sounds flowed through the air within the room, caressing each ear lightly, as if a whisper from a loved one.

Nocturne No. 20 in C-sharp minor

His first song he had ever played upon the violin was an accompaniment part to a world renowned pianist and it was this very song. The slow chords struck deep into his consciousness as he sighed to himself.

One may think that the song was only special because it was his first, however it was definitely not the case. Throughout his childhood, his father would leave work early every single day just to play the nocturne. Not only was this song memorised to perfection, it was deeply imprinted within his mind. No matter where we went or what he experienced, he would never forget it.

After all, it was his only memory of his father...

Before realising it, Li Ying strung the last note before reflexively moving the erhu to his side and standing up, bowing towards his audience. Claps rang around the bar as the muscled men stood up, applauding and praising him.

"That was quite the unexpected song."

"Truly pleasant to the ears."

"I felt tears at one point."

Li Ying felt tears come to his eyes as he remembered the figure of his father. The reason why he had never played this song after his first performance was entirely due to this. Every time he heard the nocturne, his father's large figure, protecting him from danger before collapsing, would flash before his memory once more, causing him to cry tears of pain.

Many years had passed since the event, however Li Ying could still feel the fear he felt as his father's body was shot repeatedly before falling on top of him. The gory blood stained his hands, never to be the same again.

"You did good son! I can see that you've practised well." the counter manager from before stepped up to Li Ying before ruffling his hair and gesturing for him to leave the room.

Smiling slightly, Li Ying shook his head in disappointment. In the reflective surfaces of the room, he had seen his appearance. It wasn't his own. The instrument was not his own. That father was not his own either. Was this world a fake? A dream?

There was only one way to find out.