Side story: The nature of hate.

Authors (singular):

Hate and love ever twined in mutiny

Both coexisting in each person you see,

One may be bound by neither or both,

But what is hate signed in oath?

The nature of hate is a strange fate.

Ever changing with the times and to compensate...

For lack of perfection which will never be,

No matter how perfect,

It is not perfect you see!

There will always be hate in this world,

But never should one forget the allure,

of forgiveness forgotten in times past.

Main characters are often brash!

What is the nature of a main character?

Charismatic yet bold,

Youthful and friendly to all to behold,

All different brands to be sold...

Hatred is good to bring up conflict.

Hatred is good to bring up plot.

But what is this that we forgot?

Hatred cannot drive alot!

Without love hatred cannot exist,

The world of fantasy revolves on this,

What we love we take and kill,

What we loose we take back with thrill!

A main character is often brash,

At other times cold but all has that,

For every character is able to hate.

Even the happiest person cannot elate,

The notion of a pure being,

Hearing is not seeing.