Going to Outer Space?

Blake dejectedly went back to his room. There was no guide in his memories which could help him in situations like this one. He could only helplessly dump everything in his room inside the storage dimension inside the bracelet. It was big enough to stuff the whole house inside so he did not have to worry about space management. The bed, mattresses and other furniture and gadgets were very necessary for him in case of emergencies and accidents.

After all the stuff was thrown in, he changed into his pajamas out of habit. Having confirmed that he did not miss anything, he went downstairs to see his Dad waiting at the front door. His face carried nothing but hints of impatience as he looked around repeatedly. He looked in to see if Eir and Blake had arrived yet and then looked out with a gaze of a sentry keeping guard, alert for any unwanted intruders. His serious expression really didn't suit him, at least according to the image Blake had built in his mind of this father of his.

"What's taking so long?!" In the end, he could not help but holler at Eir.

Eir soon arrived in a shiny dress. On Brom's inquiry, she harrumphed and declared, "Don't expect me to go out looking like you two!"

Blake looked down and realized he was wearing his worst possible set of clothes- his two year old pajamas which were still large enough to oversize him. Brom was the one who ordered it online but he mistakenly ordered the small size meant for another, somewhat larger, race similar to Giants. Of coarse, he did not admit to it. It was rather comfortable so Blake kept it even after all the permanent stains and stitches gathered on it throughout the passage of time.

But he did not feel odd at all while going out just as he was. His father was one reason he had such a character. Brom was in his outdated armor which had lost all its previous luster after remaining untouched for over a decade. Brom looked like he was cosplaying some old, well-beaten knight fresh from a battle. The armor had numerous dents which were not fixed in time, its colors had mostly worn off, becoming as dull as a grave. But all that was in the outside, Brom was satisfied that the armor was still as sturdy as a decade ago so he happily donned it, not caring about appearances.

The three quickly made their leaves. Under Brom's lead, they were led into the underground garage where they hastily entered the biggest of the four cars present in a line. It was a shiny black jeep. Blake would not be too surprised by this scene even without the memories of his future.

Brom brought him here occasionally to show him his 'hidden base'. Moreover, the jeep was their ride which they used every year when they went out for vacations.

Brom turned the engines on and soon, they would be smoothly sailing through on the roads. Would be.

"Damn! The tank's empty! How could this be? I remember I filled it till it was overflowing last time" Brom was currently thinking about the phrase 'when it rains it pours'.

"It was leaking, not overflowing", Blake told him, "That's why I always tell you to drink less".

"Let's use the other one!" Brom promptly exited and practically ran the few steps it took to reach the other car.

"It won't work either! I remember you accidentally tore off its steering wheel in a fit of anger. I wasn't surprised by the fact that you had strength on par with superheroes. You are my father, of course you must possess super strength." Blake called before Brom could unlock the car.

"You! I remember that it was you driving me crazy!" Brom ran to the next one, getting in, he started the engine and horned for the other two to hurry up but Blake merely opened the door to tell him all the tires were flat.

"I told you it was a bad idea to let the cheese be stuck to the tires but you insisted that it would clear off itself after a long drive. Congrats for successfully providing food and shelter for pests."

"Bullshit! The tires are made from 'Thousand Year Tempered Rubber'!" Brom retorted.

"I shouldn't say since it was not me who left the 'Four Teeth Silver Mice''s cage open", even if Blake did not know about magic earlier, Brom had not hidden the more 'normal' things from him.

Brom was in a hurry but he still asked, "what about the last one?"

"That thing accidentally caught fire for some reason. It wasn't black previously, the color changed after the fire charred it"

"Cough! Let's call in a taxi!" Brom did not let Blake to continue.

Getting out of the garage, they called a taxi. Soon enough, the taxi arrived. They all got in and told the driver to hurry to the Spaceport. Then, they could be seen running out of the taxi frantically like someone who was being chased by a dog.

Inside, the driver mysteriously smiled, he was wearing a tall white hat which pressed against the roof, long white robes and on his waist was an eminently large belt held by a larger buckle which spelled the word 'DOOM'.

"Going to outer space? Sorry, the flights were delayed due to bad weather in space", he laughed hysterically. The taxi moved on, following closely behind the three.