
Trump card. Not even a retard would assume that Brom, the person holding the title of Humanity's Strongest, did not have a trump card. Given that he was such a straightforward and prideful warrior in battle, it would be impossible for him to keep his life until now without trump cards.

The battle ceased for a moment as they braced themselves for whatever he may throw at them. In their hearts, they were sure that what Brom called a trump card would definitely be some kind of super powerful offensive skill or something which enhanced basic attributes like strength or stamina. It could also be a mega heal given that he had the Grand Healer's most prominent disciple as a wife.

Before even a second managed to pass, however, they continued their attacks with even more vigor. They had realized that bracing themselves would do no good but only allow him more room to move. With their continuous barrage of attacks, he would definitely be pressurized and hopefully would not have the chance to take his trump card out.

Putting enough energy behind the offensive spells and skills, they shot their most convenient and practiced attacks simultaneously.

An illusory realm opened up, misleading Brom's senses to keep him from dodging. Spears, hammers, axes, swords, and all other kinds of weapons covered the sky as they pointed towards Brom. Blue pillars of water depicting Flood Dragons shot out and enveloped the surroundings, the heads fixed towards Brom. Raging flames rose and large chunks of earth detached from the ground and floated above the flames, catching fire!

A fountain of lava sprouted from the ground while streams of oversized insects swarmed the air. The air stilled for a moment but then started to stir and spin as a huge hurricane formed and as if they had planned earlier, everything rushed towards Brom at the same time!

Brom was temporarily cut off from the outside world thanks to the illusion but he could already guess that outside, they had prepared the shovels and had already started digging his grave!

He hastily took out two azure blue orbs with a yellow sheen. They were the size of eggs.


The illusion suddenly disappeared revealing the deadly moves rushing towards him. Flood dragons covered in lava, rocks with fire, venomous oversized insects, a rain of heavy weapons and whatnot. He did not dare delay as he crushed one of the orbs.


A huge blue Raven with metallic scales appeared behind him suddenly covered with azure blue lightning with a coating of yellow crackling around it. The huge Raven spread its enormous wings and tightly covered Brom with it. The next moment, they both disappeared with a thunderous flash.

Eir was nervously waiting for him in the corner. Not for Brom, she was waiting for Blake.

A cloudless lightning suddenly struck in front of her. After it dispersed, Brom was standing in its place. The Raven had shrunken down to the size of an eagle and was sitting on Brom's broad and muscular shoulder. Brom did not stop and immediately crushed the second orb. The Raven immediately regained its former size as it proceeded to shelter Brom under its wings. Brom dashed forward to envelop Eir in his arms.

"Huh?" He finally noticed the peculiarity here. "Where's Blake?" He asked lightly.

"Toilet" the faint red hue on her cheeks told just how flustered she was.

Brom cursed out loud at the news. Unfortunately, he had already crushed the orb. His Raven could not hold onto so much energy for long. It had to release it quickly.

"Don't worry, he's our son. He'll manage", he patted her back to console her. The wings covered him and...


They disappeared.

Blake, obviously, did not need to use the toilet. He just did not want to go out of Earth right now. There was so much to do just on Earth that he could not be away. He decided he would stick on Earth until all matters are settled. He could go to outer space later.

He ran off to hide in the toilet when he got the chance and decided to stay there till his parents were forced to escape without him. He kept himself busy with the mini game version of SBz on his portable MBz console. (MBz= Mini Brawlz)

With such positive reviews and so much popularity in the among the gamers, The company behind SBz did not divert its focus from the arcades but this did not mean it did not step into other industries like pc or mobile games. Aiming to keep the original game in arcades, it created many mini games called MBz and distributed MBCs (Mini Brawl Consoles). One had to buy an MBC before getting access to the online shop which distributed the rights to play the MBZs. The SBz company knew how to make money.

While he was immersed in the game, he suddenly heard someone getting inside the washroom. The person did not enter any of the cubicles but instead stopped in front of the taps. Soon, sounds of water falling into the sink filled the place.

'Damn! This guy's wasting water!' Blake thought to himself as the water continued to flow into the drain for a while. Getting out of the cubicle he was in, Blake saw that it was none other than Dagger standing there in a daze, staring at the running water!

Walking over, he tugged at Dagger's sleeves. Getting no reaction, he raised his hands to close the tap himself.

The twenty seven were all not in the best of moods. They clearly saw Brom disappear from in front of their eyes but they could do nothing. They had not expected him to actually escape!

The almighty Brom Stone, titled as Humanity's Strongest, actually ran from battle?

What about the dreams of people who still fantasized about his endeavors?

There dreams must have shattered, right?

What was done was done so they started to disperse, each going back to their caves where they would hole up like before. Just when they were about to leave, the dwarf who was the Haed of the Blacksmith school called the others. "He left a message".

They did not wait for the place to stabilize after the explosion from their combined attacks and directly plunged into the remnant hot, poisonous gas from the explosion. Circling the place, they could clearly read the words left by Brom on the ground. Their attacks had not been able to erase them.

"I didn't break anything. It was you guys, so don't hold me responsible for the mess like last time!" Was what it read.

Their expressions dulled as they looked around. Half of the Spaceport was in ruins. Some parts were ablaze, some flooded and a few had even corroded with the poison! The vehicles were badly damaged and the ground had large chunks of earth missing.

How much does building a Spaceport cost? Including the vehicles and infrastructure...?

"I'm a monk! We monks have to rely on Buddha for bread so asking this monk for compensation is not plausible!" A lotus appeared under the monk's feet as he flew off.