Tale of the beauty, the prodigy, and the dope (part 2)

The true trial, should start after leaving this Building. He increasingly felt that this place is warlick former residence 1000 years ago, Little did he knew how close he was to truth after warlick killed his best friend as well as his lover he chose to stay in the now former academy for his entire life Afterwards it was sealed with his strength before he died, becoming his place to test future generations.

Walking out of the garden, the gurgling sound of flowing water traveled into his ears. In front of him appeared a chasm about 50 meters wide, on top hung a 50 meter long, 4-5 meter wide bridge, underneath the bridge is the flowing river water. Everything here was close to the most pristine of nature, making people very easily get lost in this painting of nature and hard to connect this place with the dangerous trial ground. Lin fan slowed his footsteps, walking forward one step at a time. When he was just about to step on the bridge, a series of barking sounds traveled over.

Ling Fan's eyebrows immediately furrowed. He bent his waist, picking up a stone beside his hand and throwing it onto the bridge.


Right at the instant the stone came in contact with the bridge, a white sword aura suddenly shot over from the chasm beneath, hitting the stone. Before the rolling stone could touch the bridge a second time it had already been destroyed into dust.

This bridge… is actually hiding a terrifying sword aura formation!! As long as one steps onto the bridge, large amounts of sword aura will shoot over making it impossible for people to guard against!

"This bridge, is the first challenge of the trial? This is truly Inheritance trial, very scary, but how did he made it weren't warlick, xan and irene mages?"

How should I pass?

Standing at the edge of the bridge hesitating for a long time, Lin Fan still did not try crossing, and also could not go try. After a little while he lifted up his head looking left and right, suddenly seeing that not 100 meters to his right, there is another bridge. This bridge also connects both sides, but it looks a bit narrower.

With his movement speed, it is impossible to pass through the sword formation on the bridge. After thinking for a bit he moved his feet walking toward that bridge to the right.

Standing before the second bridge, Lin fan just discovered that that this bridge is a lot narrower that that other bridge just before. Its width is only less than two meters and it is formed from wooden planks. The occasional light breeze that blew over made it shake, looking like it could snap at any moment.

Lin fan picked up a rock testing the bridge. This bridge does not have a sword formation like the bridge before, but Lin fan's state of mind did not relax because of that. A bridge with a scary sword formation, a bridge without a sword formation… Maybe anybody would pick the one in front without a sword formation! This seems to be purposely guiding people to walk this bridge… Under this kind of situation, it's very possible… On this bridge exists danger even greater than that other bridge.

Lin fan became silent. After a long time he finally moved his feet, carefully stepping onto the bridge. Even if there could be even greater danger in front, he could only walk this path.




His feet stepped on the bridge, bringing up the sound of the wood being tightened and potentially breaking at any moment. That sound made Lin fan quite rattled. At the same time following him stepping on, the bridge also shook even more severely making it a bit difficult for him to control the balance of his body.

Right when Lin fan carefully walked to the center of the bridge, Turning his body his eyes scanned the front and back of the bridge, his alertness rising to the highest. this is something he has from the moment of his birth both sister and brother have it they never understood; To them it's frightening after the fail kidnapping attempt they say the unknown always bring fear to people and in this case they both were children not even 10 years old... they were scared, until their mother soothed and explained it to them after that incident at that time he was 3 and her sister 9, it means that it has detected the approach of danger, it runs in their family (mother's family) (kind of like spidey senses, bloodline ability)

He still remember that day he cried, he cried hard because he was scared but he was very quickly soothed by his sister who hugged him and caress his head, he could see it the watery eyes of hers she was scared just like him but she was not crying she was soothing him like it's nothing.... that was the first time he saw just how strong she is...to him his sister is the strongest women in this world and he would do anything to protect her


Two white rays of light suddenly flashed at the two ends of the bridge at the same time and then rapidly set up two wide barriers, blocking off the front and back of the bridge.

Lin fan: "!!!!"

Two white barriers that fell from the sky sealed off his path of advance and retreat, locking him in on this incredibly unstable bridge that could snap at any moment. Lin fan focused his eyes looking at those two big barriers, his eyebrows scrunching together… This bridge, sure enough isn't that easy to pass… And, it is far less simple than just these two barriers.

After the barriers appeared, two virtually identical grey lights flashed in front of the barriers, and then forming to human figure covered in a faint grey glow.

[Sword God's Page Boy · Sword]: Type: Undead, Level: LV15, Grade: Boss, HP: 15000. The sword page boy of Artix page boys, has superb sword mastery. After death it carried a portion of artix's will and power, becoming an undead that guards this place.

[Sword God's Page Boy · Spear]: Type: Undead, Level: LV15, Grade: Boss, HP: 15000. The spear page boy of artix's page boys, has superb spear mastery. After death it carried a portion of artix's will and power, becoming an undead that guards this place.

"Who the heck is artix, aren't i here to get warlick,xan and irene's DAMN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The two undead page boys did not have any pauses after appearing, charging at him from two different directions. Right at this time, a screech traveled over to Lin fan from above. Lin fan rapidly lifted his head, seeing a massive green colored bird that appeared at some unknown time, diving straight at him.

[Undeady Zephyr Bird]: Type: Undead, Level: LV15, Grade: Boss, HP: 12000. One of Warlick's pets he raised when alive, has sharp eyes, an agile body and extremely strong dodge ability, can manipulate wind elements to attack. Even though it is in an undead state, its body seems to be harboring a certain mysterious power Warlick left behind before leaving.

Lin fan: "!!!!"

Left, right, upwards… A whole 3 Boss grade!!!

STUPID GAME!!!!!!!!!

[Come on people if you like this work send some comments reviews and if nothing at least make my work go up in ranking, i believe i did a good job in creating a fantasy book, the story is good, hype is almost up for 3 chapter or so, and in the future it sure will have romance too]

[Some one asked me so i am clearing something to you, our hero and his family were rich but mother situation suddenly broke hell dad could not focus on his work and the brother under some circumstances throw away his money lin An kept looking out for the mother but she was just one person even if she could earn she can not do both work of looking to her mother and work and bring in money, the consumption was far too great so they become poor fortunately father came out of shell but katz father played a trick and this whole mess start like this]

[This work of mine is more of a story based, not game based they will play and you will see but as you might have guessed and saw from previous chapters i focus more on relationships and story not gameplay]