
While You Were Sleeping (1026)

When the Eldest rested, there was a change that came over the Colony. It was as if we were set adrift, without the guiding force that drove us. Naturally, we were as industrious as ever. We built, researched, expanded, administered, hunted and built with our customary vigour, yet something was missing. During those times, an air of stillness would descend upon the family, as if we were waiting, as if everything we did was simply in preparation for whatever would come next once the Eldest awoke.

Despite everything we had been given by the Eldest, our intelligence, curiosity and independence, we still lacked a crucial element that would allow us to truly flourish. After living through these events and reflecting upon the records, as well as interviewing many, many of my siblings throughout the history of the Colony, I came to the conclusion that, fundamentally, we still were ants. We were greedy, ambitious and determined, ever hungry for growth, for more brood, more territory, more resources, but the Eldest was the one who dared to dream for more than that. It was the Eldest who pushed us to strive for the truly valuable, intangible things that we didn't know we needed.

They pushed us to gain more freedom. It was the Eldest who demanded that we rise above our instincts and value our sense of self. It was the Eldest who fought to allow us the power of choice over our own lives. It was the Eldest who elevated us and allowed us to value these qualities in others, to forge partnerships and alliances.

While they slept, we reverted to a primitive state, bustling endlessly within our nests, waiting for the moment they woke so we could explode into motion once more, and grow in ways we didn't know we could.

For this reason, the Eldest must be preserved at all costs. The Colony requires them in order to achieve our fullest potential. No matter what need be done, they cannot be allowed to fall.

- Written submission from Historiant to the Council.

The shadows coiled around Crinis and she wiggled in pleasure as she felt the cool embrace of the darkness. The Nameless had been busy; as the fort had been constructed, they had worked their magic, creating pockets and tunnels of pure shadow in which they could conduct their sacred task. Her Master had to be protected during this vulnerable time, and she was pleased to know that his defenders would be rested and ready.

To have such pockets of perfect darkness within her reach was pleasing. They were like beacons that she could see with total clarity, could move through with complete ease. With their help, her reach was extended throughout the mountain.

Inside the chamber, her Master slept under the watch of her and her… siblings.

For that is what they were, she had begun to accept it. Their Master thought of the family constantly, and over time, it had worn off on all of them. Tiny lifted his head, a gleam of intent in his eyes. He had appeared asleep, dozing loudly, his breath rumbling throughout the chamber, until he had sensed something, snapping to alertness.

She formed a tentacle from her flesh and waved it at him, and the older monster flashed her a quick thumbs up before he closed his eyes once more. Shortly, the deep vibrations rattled throughout the chamber again, strong enough to send the antennae of the watching ants twitching.

Her older brother enjoyed his rest, but should he need to fight, he would be ready. It was almost amazing how swiftly he could snap to alertness. Though he might not give the impression of it, he was as dedicated to protecting their Master as anyone could be.

Her younger sibling hovered nearby, his eye fixated on the sleeping form of the giant ant in the centre of the chamber. The bright green glow that radiated from him filled the space; even without eyes, she could sense it driving back the shadows. Doubtless he was filled with envious thoughts, eager to evolve himself and ascend in power. Dangling beneath his body, the two stick-thin arms ended in those long claw-tipped fingers that curled and unfurled repeatedly.

He was an unusual creature, her demon sibling, but she did not question his devotion. He was committed to defending the Master, in his own way. How many times had his shields and healing saved the day?

Satisfied that all was as it should be, she turned her focus back to the shifting form of the Master. Not long ago, the changes had begun, fluctuating waves of mana rippling over the sleeping form. Already, the carapace was beginning to change, the sparkling light of the diamond covering fading away as something new was formed underneath.

She hoped that whatever took its place was as shiny as what had come before, for the Master's sake.

Ever vigilant, she flicked her awareness throughout the tunnels and chambers that filled the fortress, testing, sensing for any threat. Finding none, she relaxed once more and coiled around herself.

Soon, she too would reach tier seven, under her Master's guidance, as would her brothers. But she did not expect their ascension to stop there. As much as it lay hidden, there was an ambition to the one she was bound to, a hunger that demanded to be fed.

They would descend ever deeper into the Dungeon, of that she was sure. The Colony would follow in their wake and they would peel back the layers of this world until all of it lay bare before them.

And all of it would pay homage to the one she served.