
Chapter 1107 - An Unexpected Visitor

The demon glides through the air with such exquisite grace, only to land in a perfect kneeling posture in front of me. I'm surprised, to say the least, and reflexively lash a bridge together so I can communicate with this odd specimen.

[Are you bowing?] I ask after my initial exclamation.

This seems very much an Earth thing to do. I can't recall seeing demons bow to each other, regardless of the circumstances. Unless this is some as yet unseen custom of the denizens of the third stratum, then something different is going on here.

[I wanted to speak with you, so I drew close, too close. I gathered the attention of your… associate… and have been forced to reveal myself in order to preserve my life.]

Something about the way the demon spoke, a calm, deep and somewhat quiet voice, told me that he didn't necessarily believe what he said. As if he actually thought he would have a chance against Tiny.

[You think you could take him on?] I say, flicking my antennae to the grumpy looking ape approaching from the side.

[Of course not,] comes the immediate reply.

Again, the tone I got seemed to imply something entirely different. I'm half tempted to throw the demon into a fight with Tiny right away, just to show him what for, but I decide against it. That isn't important right now.

[You are speaking only to me at the moment,] I assure the still kneeling demon, [so you can speak freely. I have to ask… this wouldn't happen to be your second life, would it?]

I watch closely for any reaction, but the demon, with his face pressed into the ground, gives nothing away. Not even a twitch. Fortunately, his body language isn't the only way for me to gain information. The mind bridge connecting us is more than just a channel for communication. As my skill at handling this particular connection and mana has grown, I've been able to glean more from even a simple bridge such as this.

What I detect in that mind is a rapid, lightning fast churning of thoughts as the demon considers how to respond. He's cycling through possible responses like a computer, weighing options, considering outcomes and trying to find the best possible course of action with least risk.

This guy is seriously working his brain right now! I'm surprised I don't see steam coming out of those ears…. I'm kind of befuddled, to be honest. What is he so worried about? I decide to make it easy on him.

[I was originally from Earth,] I confide to him in a hushed whisper, [died and was reborn here as an ant. I presume you experienced something similar? And were reborn as a demon larva?]

If anything, the bubbling churn inside that mind increases rather than the opposite. His thoughts are practically boiling in there! I goggle at the back of the demon's head as he keeps it pressed into the ground. What the heck are you thinking about in there?

Almost involuntarily, I raise an antenna high into the air and bring it down swiftly. A good THWACK will teach this demon to straighten out his mind!

Except, my blow doesn't land as I intend. As if he has eyes in the back of his head, the demon slides back rapidly, using his blade arms to get himself out of the way. A magnificent dodge, especially considering he couldn't see me, but things don't unfold quite like that.

Gifted with foresight, I know the dodge is coming and instinctively adjust my aim.


The demon seems stunned to have been hit, lifting his head up for the first time since that remarkable leap, but I don't give him any time to think.

[Stop twisting your thoughts around in your head and answer the question honestly! Sheesh. Your mind is so crooked, it's like you were a legendary assassin or something.]

The demon grows still.

[You… can see my thoughts?]

I realise then that it may be considered a breach of privacy to peer into the activity of another person's brain-zone. A little too late for that epiphany.

[Not really. A bit. No. Sort of.]


[I can sorta sense how your mind is moving through the bridge that connects us. I can't see your exact thoughts or memories or anything of that sort.]

[You… can't… see my memories?]

[No! Of course not. I mean… well… I could, if I used a mind spike and invaded your brain… but I'm not going to do that! So you can relax. I shouldn't have hit you, and I apologise for that, but I could tell you were looking for the most advantageous answer. Just give me the real one, and we won't have any problems.]

The demon eyes me for a minute, and I can sense his thoughts moving in slow, deliberate circles until finally he nods.

[I was a human,] he admits, [from Earth, like you. My name is Odin Malum. I was reborn here in this place… not that long ago, I can't tell how long. I'd rather not talk about my last life if I can help it. I want to focus on this one, if possible.]

Immediately, my heart warms to the little demon and I scuttle forward to tap him on the shoulder with one supportive leg. Man, he must have had it rough on Earth. I mean, my situation wasn't ideal, but I get a feeling this Odin chap had a real hard time.

[I get you, man, I totally get you. Supposedly, the Dungeon only picks out people who had a sucky life and went a bit crazy on Earth anyway. Don't feel too bad about it. Apparently, normal people don't really cope when thrown into the Dungeon.]

[So… there are more of us? Is every monster a reborn human?]

[Heck no! We're super rare. You're like the… fifth I've met? There's me, Sarah, Jim, the Mother Tree and you. And, uh, Garralosh, I guess. I'm sure there are more of us out there, but I haven't come across them.]

There's a lot there to take in, but the demon seems to latch onto one piece of information in particular.

[How do you know the Dungeon only takes in crazy people? Where could you have learned that?]

[From Gandalf.]

He looks at me a little oddly and takes a slow step away, letting my leg fall back to the ground.

[Hey! Oi! That's what I call him since he won't give me a name. When I evolve, I get a little window of time to exchange words with him. Haven't you experienced something similar?]

Sarah hasn't evolved for literally decades, so who knows what her experience will be like the next time around. The Mother Tree sure isn't going to talk to me about her time evolving, so I'm super keen to hear what Odin's is like.

He shivers. Which isn't a good sign.

[No, I didn't speak to any… wizard. I spoke to Arconidem, the Demon God. He… took over my mind. I can feel him now, battering at me, trying to dominate my will.]

Oh. Snap.

[You spoke to Arconidem?! The Ancient?]

I better not let any of those Red Truth lizards find out about this guy. They will lose their cold-blooded minds. At least he hasn't spoken to Yarrum. Granin would be sprinting over here already, having somehow sensed the name of his great and glorious worm… god… thing.

But right now, there is something much more important. I lean forward intently.

[Odin Malum. Tell me. Did you speak to Arconidem?]

He shudders once more, but then, the demon nods. This is good.

[The next time you evolve, I need you to do a favour for me. When you come face to face with him, there's something you have to say to him for me.]

The demon looks a little bewildered by this request. I can tell going face to face with the Ancient again isn't exactly what he wants to be doing.

[W-what do you want me to say?]

I click my mandibles decisively.

[Tell him… that he's a butt.]

Odin stares at me. I stare back.

[A butt…. You want me to tell the demon god… that he's a butt.]

[Yes please.]