Meeting Son Gohan, Goku's Adoptive Grandfather!

I flew alongside Lettu and Roshi, who was in the plane, to Son Gohan's home.

'Can't wait to see how Kakarot's doing' I thought, as I located a small house in the middle of nowhere.

"Is that is Master Roshi?" I asked.

"Hmm? Oh yes, it is! Now, children. Remember, act respectfully to Gohan, he may be passive, but he's strong" Roshi warned.

"Okay..." I said.

"Alright..." Lettu said, not really heeding Roshi's warning.

We then landed near Son Gohan's small home.

"Hello? Who's there?" An old man asked, cautious yet curious.

"Gohan, is that you?" Roshi asked.

"Ah, if it isn't Roshi, come inside my old friend... oh, who are these younglings?" Son Gohan asked, curious.

"Ah, these are the latest disciples of the turtle school!" Roshi proudly said.

"Oh, is that so... well, I do hope they become powerful martial artists in the future... maybe even powerful enough to beat Piccolo..." Gohan said.

"Yes, if I whip them into shape, they'll more than likely be able to beat King Piccolo" Roshi said with a grin.

"Well then... come inside, you must be starving!" Gohan said, as he led us inside.

There wasn't much in the house, just the essentials and... a lot of food.

"Oh right, Roshi I haven't told you about my grandson!" Gohan said, with a face screaming that he had just remembered.

"Grandson? You have kids?" Roshi asked.

"No, I... found him in the woods... Goku! Come on out!" Gohan said with a smile.

As he said that, a small boy with spiky black hair, black eyes and a tail came out of the next room.

"Hi! I'm Goku!" Goku said.

"Isn't that Kakarot?" Lettu whispered to me.

"Yeah... let's not tell him" I whispered back.

"Why not?" Lettu whispered a reply.

"We should let him live a carefree life..." I whispered back ending the conversation.

"Hey, what were you kids whispering about?" Roshi asked.

"Nothing..." I said quickly.

"So... do you kids want me to teach you a couple of my techniques?" Gohan asked out of the blue.

""Yes!"" We replied instantly, since it's always good to know more techniques, especially if they're suitable for different occasions.

"Okay, so this one is called Explosive Wave, it's a ki attack which uses your body as a nexus and sends a wave of ki out of you, slightly injuring anyone who gets caught up in it" Gohan said, as he used the Explosive Wave, pushing everyone back slightly.

"And this one's called Sleep... it's kind of self-explanatory... let me just show you, using Goku here... Sleep!" Gohan shouted and shot a small beam at Goku, who in turn collapsed to the floor, passed out.

"And this is the last one, which relies on speed... I call it the Afterimage Technique" Gohan said, as he began to side-step extremely quickly, creating an afterimage of himself in the process. "It can be used for confusing enemies and dodging blows"

"So, do you like the techniques I showed you?" Gohan asked.

Lettu and I simply nodded our heads in agreement.

"Ah, wonderful! Now, let's all have some tea... right after I wake Goku up" Gohan said, as he started to softly shake Goku awake.

"Huh? Where am I?" Goku asked, confused.

"I used the Sleep attack on you for demonstration purposes, and for that, I apologise... now, have some tea and your meal Goku" Gohan said with a soft smile.

"Demo-what? Meal? Okay! Thanks, grandpa!" Goku said, as he ran to a table filled with various foods.

After about an hour, we ate the meal and left Gohan's home.

'Well, that was interesting' I thought, as we made our way back to Kame House.