Searching for the Dragon Balls Part: 1

I flew over to Gohan's house, because I knew the Four Star Dragon Ball was there.

"Hello? Anyone home?" I asked, as I knocked on the door.

"Hello? Oh, Tomant. It's a pleasure to see you" Gohan opened the door and smiled.

"Do you need anything?" Gohan asked.

"Uh, yes. I need the four star dragon ball" I answered.

"Four star dragon ball? You mean this old thing?" Gohan asked, as he handed an orange ball with four stars on it.

"Yes! That!" I said happily.

"What do you need it for?" Gohan asked.

"I need it to make a wish!" I answered without thinking.

"Wish!? It can grant wishes!?" Gohan asked.

"Well, that's what I heard. And what would it hurt to try?" I asked.

"Okay... here you go Tomant, tell Roshi and your brother that I said hi" Gohan said, as he handed the four star dragon ball to me.

"Okay! Goodbye!" I said, as I flew away.

"H-he flew!?" Gohan fell back and shouted.

'Okay, now I have two of the seven dragon balls... where were the other five... I remember there was one in the village Oolong was terrorising... but the rest, I cannot remember' I thought, as I flew around the planet, looking for any signs of the dragon balls.

I searched for a couple of hours, going at my maximum speed, until I finally saw one!

"That's the one star dragon ball, isn't it?" I asked myself, as I went down to grab it.

But, I then noticed that it was in a nest, next to a bunch of eggs.

'Okay... I have to be careful, I don't want to break the eggs... got it!' I thought to myself as I managed to grab the dragon ball without destroying the eggs.

I then went around, searching for the village that Oolong terrorised, Aru Village.

After a couple more hours, I finally found it.

"Hello? Is anyone there?" I asked, as I walked into the village.

"Hello child, where are your parents, and why are you here?" A kind looking elderly woman walked up to me and asked.

"Well, they're not here... and a man named Zabuza asked me to help him with collecting these" I said, as I showed her the dragon balls that I had in my backpack.

"Oh! I have one of those, what do you need it for?" She asked.

"I don't know... Zabuza just asked me to get them for him, he said they could help his friend out..." I lied.

"Oh, alrighty then kid, here, you can have it" The elderly woman said with a grin, as she handed me the six star dragon ball.

"Thanks!" I said with a grin, as I flew off.

"Ah! He flew!" She shouted, as she fell down.

'I love that reaction!' I thought, as I flew around to search for the other dragon balls.