Conversing with Launch while walking home

"So, are you guys like... rich or something? Who was that anyway?" Launch asked us, as we walked to our home.

"Oh, that was Sebastian, my servant" I said with a smile.

"So, you are rich?" Launch asked again.

"No, we're just middle class" I answered.

"Then, how can you have a butler?" Launch asked.

"Simple, he's a demon that I made a contract with after summoning him, in exchange for a piece of my soul, at the time of my death" I said with a grin.

"Okay, but seriously, how do you have a butler?" Launch asked, not believing me.

"I saved his life around ten years ago and he said that he owes me his life, so he'd serve me loyally as a butler until the day either of us die" I lied.

"Okay... that, sort of makes sense..." Launch said with a smile, as she kept on walking alongside us.

"Yeah... so, do you want to see something cool?" I asked.

"What is it?" Launch asked, interested.

"Well, our parents work for Dr. Briefs, and we asked him to make something for us" I said.

"What did he make?" Launch asked.

"A gravity chamber" I said with a smile.

"A... what?" Launch asked, slightly confused.

"It's a place where my brother and I train. We can enhance the gravity as much as we want... but we have to be careful, since if we set it too high, it could literally crush us to death" I said with a grin.

"O-okay..." Launch said, slightly shocked.

"Yeah, the other servants use it to train too" I said with a casual smile.

"O-other servants?" Launch asked, slightly confused.

"Yeah, there's my bodyguards Zabuza, Rukia and Alucard, our mechanic Edward, our maids Seras and Erza, our tactician L, our... General, Lelouch and his second in command Lieutenant Hawkeye and Chrome, a girl we picked up last year, she was in a dire state, so we helped her and she swore her allegiance to us..." I said, as I continued walking.

"Wait, General? Maids? Mechanic?" Launch looked bewildered.

"Yeah... they sort of think I'm going to rule this world or something... it's not the worst though, and L is pretty chill, not always calling me Master, Benefactor or King, he just calls me by name, Tomant... like, honestly. It's actually pretty annoying to be called by those titles all the time" I said with a slightly annoyed tone. "Edward's alright too though, just calling me Boss... Dr. Briefs likes him, since he and Edward can talk about advancements in technology for hours at a time..."

"Wow... wait, how didn't I notice them when I went over yesterday?" Launch asked, slightly confused.

"Ah, my bodyguards and Sebastian are always watching from afar, Edward was in the garage with L, as they were thinking of tactics for the droids to use... Lelouch and Lt. Hawkeye were doing some battle simulations with the droids, Erza and Seras were with Sebastian and my bodyguards and Chrome was probably frolicking about with nature, she loves the outdoors for some reason..." I said, explaining everyone's absence.

"Okay... they sound like good people" Launch said with a small smile.

"They're really nice... once you get to know them" I said with a grin.

Lettu kept on walking alongside us in silence, until we finally arrived at our home.

"So, let's see that... Gravity Chamber thing, shall we?" Launch asked, as she walked inside with us.