Training and Launch's Secret

"Wait, what do you mean by training?" Launch asked.

"I'm going to whip you into shape, make you strong enough to lift cars and help you control ki to the point that you can fly... the normal stuff" I said with a grin.

"Wait, fly!?" Launch asked, slightly bewildered.

"Yes, like this!" I said, as I flew in the air, Launch looked at me for a moment before something happened.

"Aaaah.... aaah... achoo!" Launch sneezed and she made a slight transformation, her previously blue hair and eyes turned yellow and red respectively, and she looked at me with a fury that could destroy planets.

"Where am I!? Who are you!? Why do I feel so heavy? But, more importantly, how are you flying!?" Launch asked with a furious tone, as she pulled a tommy gun from nowhere.

"What the? Oh crap, right!" I muttered as I noticed that I was still flying in the air, so I slowly hovered down to the ground of the Gravity Chamber.

"So, once again... who are you!?" Launch asked, pointing the tommy gun at me.

"It's me, Tomant. We go to school together, we're friends" I said, trying to be as non-threatening as possible, not because I was afraid of being shot since I'm basically immune to bullets, I just didn't want one of the summons to accidentally kill her while trying to save me.

"...Let me guess, the other me is friends with you..." Launch said, as she slowly lowered her gun.

"Yeah... wait, other Launch?" I asked, acting confused.

"Ah, right... she didn't tell you, did she?... Every time she sneezes, she turns into... well, me..." Launch said with an overly serious face.

"Is that so..." I said, trying not to smile.

"And every time I come out, something bad happens..." Launch said, still with the overly serious face.

'Is it because you're very angry and get a gun out of nowhere?' I thought questioningly, as I walked toward her slowly.

"Maybe we can fix this with the Dragon Balls?" I said with a smile.

"Wait, they're real?" Launch asked, shocked.

"Well yeah... wait, this isn't common knowledge?" I asked.

"No, it's not... but, if we gather the Dragon Balls, maybe I can finally get rid of this... problem... thanks Tomant..." Launch said with a small smile.

"You don't have to thank me, it's what friends are for... but first, let's continue our training," I said with a grin.

"T-training?" Launch asked me, confused.

"Well, yeah... before you... transformed? We were just beginning training... so, we're going to do some casual sparring and other exercises, until you're used to it and begin with ki control after that... it should take a couple of months, but it will be of use to learn this stuff..." I said with a smile.

"Wait, why would it be good to train?" Launch asked.

"Well... there are going to be quite a few threats coming to earth within the twenty to thirty years... most of which could instantly kill me with a flick... so, I'm going to be training as much as I can with my brother Lettu, but it'd be boring if it's just the two of us, so I figured why not get someone else to train from the ground up?" I said with a grin.

"Okay... let's start, but know this. I'm not going to go easy on you" Launch said with a cocky grin.

"Good. I didn't expect you to" I said, as I appeared behind her and flicked the back of her head.

"Ow! How'd you do that!?" Launch asked, as she turned around to look at me. But I had already gone behind her again and flicked her on the back of the head. Again.

"I'm going to train your senses and reaction time for now... and when you can finally figure out where I'm going to be, or when I'm going to go behind you... we'll move onto more... extreme stuff" I said with a grin.