The Droid Army

"What about... Lucy?" I asked.

"Lucy?... It's not the worst name ever... alright" Lucy, previously yellow-haired Launch said.

"Okay... so, what now?" Launch asked.

"Hmm... do you want to see the defence droids Edward and Dr Briefs have been working on?" I asked.

"Sure," Launch said with a grin.

"Alright," Lucy said, looking slightly bored.

"Then, let's go," I said with a grin, as I flew off, back home.

Launch and Lucy also flew beside me.


It took about ten minutes, but we returned home at a somewhat fast pace.

"So, why didn't we see the droids, when we were here for months?" Lucy asked.

"Well, you simply didn't ask," I said with a grin.

"Also, weren't they called defence robots?" Launch asked.

"Ah, we re-named the weaker ones to defence droids to make it easier to differentiate the two" I answered.

""Okay... so, where are they?"" Lucy and Launch asked at the same time.

"Here," I said, as I walked outside to a shed.

""Here?"" Launch and Lucy asked at the same time.

"Code: Ultra Instinct," I said, as the shed door opened, I then proceeded to walk into the shed. "Come inside"

Lucy and Launch walked into the shed.

"Why did we go into a shed?" Lucy asked.

"This is why," I said, as I pulled a small lever, and the floor began lowering.

"Wait, is this a secret elevator!?" Launch asked, excited.

"Yeah, Edward and a couple of engineering droids made it," I said with a grin.

"Engineering droids?" Lucy asked.

"Droids that help build stuff, Edward made them to help out with the mass-production of defence droids, there are also a few medic droids" I said with a grin.

"Okay, cool..." Lucy said.

We kept going down for about a minute, until the doors finally opened to reveal an army of droids looking at us and three people saluting.

One of them was a man with brown hair, purple eyes and was wearing a suit of black tactical gear. He was Lelouch Vi Britania, the general.

Another was a pale looking teenager with messy black hair with black eyes that had bags under them, he was wearing some casual clothes. He was L Lawliet, the tactician.

The last was a woman with short blonde hair and brown eyes, she was wearing a blue trench coat with matching blue pants and had a pistol in her holster, she was Riza Hawkeye.

"Lucy, Launch. May I introduce you to, General Lelouch Vi Britania, Tactician L Lawliet and Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, some of my most trusted companions" I said with a grin.

"Hello..." Launch said timidly as she waved.

"Hey, cool robots," Lucy said with a grin as she looked at the droids.

The droids looked like bronze humans with a sword on their left arm and a shield on their right, with fully functional human-like legs, they had no faces and were about as tall as the average mans chest.

"These are the basic droids, for the defence of humanity against any otherworldly invaders, they're not, robots," L said, slightly annoyed.

"Okay, cool..." Lucy said, backing off slightly.

"So Lelouch, how are this batch of droids going?" I asked Lelouch.

"They're going pretty well sir, L has been teaching them what he likes to call "Swarm Tactics" where the droids all group up to take out the enemy instead of taking them on one at a time like they used to" Lelouch said with a grin.

"Ah, good... now, may I take two?" I asked.

"Of course you can sir" Lelouch said with a grin, as he handed two of the droids to me.

"Good... I want to train these two in actual combat" I said, gesturing toward Lucy and Launch.

""Wait, what?"" Launch and Lucy asked, shocked.