Summoning Orochimaru

I ran all the way from our apartment to Capsule Corp.

"I'm here!" I shouted as I entered the building, late.

Dr Breifs and Ed were standing there, waiting for me.

"Ah, there you are Tomant! You're ten minutes late..." Dr Briefs said with a grin.

"I have a great excuse, I was telling Launch about my ability, and... well, we both stayed up a bit late last night... doing stuff..." I said with a blush appearing on my face.

"Oh! Good job young man!" Dr Briefs said, as he pats me on the back, "Now, what do you mean by ability?"

"Crap..." I muttered, as I had forgotten that Dr Briefs didn't know about my ability.

"Well... fuck it, cat's out of the bag... I can summon people from other worlds, like Edward. And I know one version of this worlds future..." I said.

"Well... that's surely surprising... wait, Ed's an alien? Why does he look so human then? You know, other than his arm and leg..." Dr Briefs asked.

"I don't know the exact reason either, but I think it's like an alternate version of the planet earth..." I lied.

"That... sort of makes sense, well... let's get back to work on Android #1, or Alfonse, as Edward likes to call it" Dr Briefs said with a grin, as he walked to a small room with a man on a table, strapped in. With a cable coming out of his head, plugged into a computer. This was Android #1, or Alfonse.

"So, how long do you two think it'll take now?" I asked.

"A few months to a year, it'd really help if we had some extra help... do you have anyone else that could help with this?" Dr Briefs asked.

"Sadly no, but I might be able to summon one..." I answered.

"Okay... can you do it now?" Dr Briefs asked.

"Fine... Cross-Universe Summoning!" I shouted.

[What world do you want the summon to be from?] The system asked.

"Naruto" I answered.

[Commencing Summoning of Kage-Level Orochimaru, power level 210000]

All of a sudden, a man with long black hair, pale skin and snake-like dark green eyes, wearing a light green shirt with black pants, appeared from nothing, kneeling in pain, this was Orochimaru.

"Huh? Where am I?" Orochimaru asked. confused.

"Well, you're on another planet... and it looks like you're injured... here," I said, tossing a senzu bean to Orochimaru, who caught it.

"Hmm? What is this?" Orochimaru asked, as he examined the bean.

"It's a bean that can heal all wounds and helps you regain stamina, it's called a senzu bean," I said with a smile.

"Hmm..." Orochimaru looked at me, then back at the senzu bean, "I'll die if I don't take this chance..." he muttered, as he ate the senzu bean, and his wounds started to vanish at an incredibly quick rate.

"What the?" Orochimaru exclaimed, as he looked at all of his wounds just heal up instantly, not even a scar in sight, "What in the world was that!?" Orochimaru was simply stunned.

"Once again, a senzu bean. A native plant to this world, only accessible by going to a certain tower and asking politely" I said, still smiling.

"...These things could help in researching immortality..." Orochimaru muttered.

"Ah, researching immortality, are you?" I asked.

"...Yes" Orochimaru answered, "Why do you ask?"

"Well, here on this planet. There are these things called dragon balls, and they can grant you one wish every year... that wish can be immortality" I said with a smile, as I properly baited Orochimaru.

"Wait, really? Immortality?" Orochimaru asked, an excited glint in his eyes, "You're not pulling my leg, are you?"

"Well, yeah. I can even help you find them... for a price" I said.

"What... what is the price?" Orochimaru asked.

"Join me, as a friend, that's all I want" I answered with a huge grin.

"A friend? Boy, don't push your luck. I could kill you almost instantly, take your blood and just use Impure World Reincarnation to get you to show me where they are!" Orochimaru said venomously.

"Are you sure about that? From what I can see, you have a power level of 210000, while I have one of 500000, meaning I'm at least two times stronger than you. Attack me, I dare you" I said with a cocky smirk.

"Okay then, don't blame me for this young man, blame your own stupidity and arrogance!" Orochimaru shouted, as he rushed toward me, trying to destroy me with a single punch.

"Nope," I said as I flicked him across the room, "I don't like repeating myself, so listen closely Orochimaru, I'm stronger than you, rushing directly at me won't do you any good," I said with a grin plastered on my face.

"Kuh... fine, I'll become your... friend, if you get me those... dragon balls you spoke of" Orochimaru said angrily.

"Deal!" I said, the grin still plastered on my face.

Meanwhile, Dr Briefs was just standing there in shock, and Ed had a giddy smile on his face.

'Once we get this guy, things will go much more smoothly' Edward thought.