Orochimaru's Wish

We flew to where the next dragon ball was, it was in the nest of a pterodactyl-like dinosaur, we easily grabbed it, with no hassle at all... other than some annoying baby pterodactyl's, but other than that. It was smooth sailing to get the seven-star dragon ball.

The next one was also quite easy, since it was just laying around in the desert under some sand, we got the five-star dragon ball quite easily.

The one-star dragon ball was just on the peak of a mountain, so Orochimaru and I just flew up to it, grabbed it and flew back down to look for the next.

After a couple of hours of searching using the dragon ball radar, we got the seven dragon balls.

"Come out dragon! And grant my wish!" I shouted.

The sky darkened and a large green serpent-like dragon appeared before Orochimaru and I.

"I am the almighty Shenron! Tell me your one wish and I shall grant your wish!" Shenron stated.

"Oh, I quite like this one..." Orochimaru said with a smile as he looked at Shenron, "Oh Shenron, I wish for the knowledge to attain immortality!" Orochimaru shouted with a grin.

"Your wish is granted, farewell," Shenron said, as he vanished and the dragon balls scattered.

"So, did it work?" I asked.

"Oh... this is truly... interesting, now. We made a deal, and I intend to uphold my part of it, friend" Orochimaru said with a grin, as he extended his hand for me to shake it.

"Oh, thank you, friend" I too said with a grin, as I shook his hand, "You know, I was actually expecting you to betray me"

"I have what I wanted, why would I betray the one who helped me attain it? Also, there's the fact that you're stronger than me, and the stuff that your friends are working on is quite interesting... artificial life... sounds fun" Orochimaru said with a smirk.

"Well then, let's get to work Orochi-kun," I said with a smirk.

"I can tell that this will be interesting... now, if only Jiraiya and Tsunade were here... it'd be so lively," Orochimaru muttered, a small smile creeping up on his face.

"Well then, let's get to the... lab? Android room? Whatever it's called, let's get back there... so you can help them work on the artificial life, it's actually based on Ed's younger brother... so, Ed's kind of... attached to it" I said with a grin, as I flew to Capsule Corp with Orochimaru beside me, but not before quickly dropping off the dragon ball radar to Bulma.

'He's quite the interesting one... fun to be around too, I want to see how this all pans out, in peace or in blood... this is going to be fun' Orochimaru thought.