
"Son of a bitch, one of them is bitten!" Larry shouted, catching everyone's attention.

"He wasn't bitten," Lee said in Duck's defence.

"Hell he wasn't!" Larry replied, "We have to end this now," he said, as he walked toward Katjaa who was tending to any wound that Duck may have gotten.

"Over my dead body," Kenny said, as he got in the way of Larry.

"We'll dig one hole," Larry said threateningly.

"No! I'm cleaning him up! There's no bite! He's fine!" Katjaa shouted.

"Don't you fucking people get it? We've already seen this happen. We let someone with a bite stay and-and we all end up bitten!" Larry snapped.

"Shut! Up!" Kenny said angrily.

"We gotta throw him out! Or smash his head in!" Larry shouted.

"Kenny! Stop him!" Katjaa shouted, terrified.

"Lee, what do we do about this guy!?" Kenny asked Lee.

"Dad, it's just a boy," Lily said.

"Lily I'll handle this," Larry replied.

"But your heart dad, you need to calm down," Lily said.

"It's either him or your son. I say it's him!" Lee shouted angrily.

"Goddamn right; out on his ass with those things!" Kenny shouted.

"Everyone chill the fuck out!" Carley shouted, trying to stop things before it got worse.

"Nobody is doing anything!" Lily said.

"Shut up, Lily!" Larry shouted angrily, "And you! Shut the fuck up. They will find us and they will get in here, and none of this will fucking matter!"

"But right now! We're about to be trapped! In here with one of those things!" Larry shouted at Kenny.

"What the hell are you talkin' about?" Kenny asked angrily.

"He's bitten! That's how you turn!" Larry shouted.

"He's not bitten!" Katjaa interrupted, "Lee, stop this! It's upsetting him"

"Ooh! I-I'm upsetting him!? Upsetting is getting eaten alive!" Larry shouted.

"Dad, we get it, it's a big deal!" Lily said.

"Sit down, or that's it!" Lee shouted at Larry threateningly.

"You gonna whoop me? You and what homo parade?" Larry asked.

"This one!" Kenny shouted.

"Ha, that's good!" Larry said with a mocking smile, "Little boy! Before you eat your mommy, you can watch your dad get his nose broken!"

"I'm gonna kill him, Kat! Just worry about Duck!" Kenny said.

"Hey, I'm not the bad guy here! I'm just looking out for my daughter!" Larry said defensively.

"No, you're just the guy arguing for killing a kid!" Kenny said angrily.

"He's covered in muck! She'll find the bite. Watch!" Larry shouted.

"She. Won't!" Kenny said.

"And if she does? The first thing he'll do is sink his teeth into his mom's face, then! When she's dead, he'll probably pounce on your little girl. She'll turn fast, and then they'll be three" Larry said to Lee.

"He's a little boy; I think we can handle him," Lee said.

"A little boy!? He'll be an uncontrollable man-eater!" Larry said.

"It's not gonna happen!" Kenny shouted.

"It is! And we're tossing him out now!" Larry shouted angrily.

"Knock this guy out," Lee said angrily.

"Happily," Kenny said, as he punched Larry in the face, only to get punched back and knocked to the ground.

"Aaaaah!" Clementine shouted out, as a walker came out of the bathroom and attacked her.

"Jesus!" Larry shouted.

"Clementine!" Lee shouted, as he ran over to her, but fell to the ground.

"I got it!" I shouted, as I shot the walker in the head, killing it.

"Uh... guys," Glenn said.

"?" I looked at him confused, and then we heard it. The walkers were banging on the walls, trying to get in.

"Everybody down and stay quiet" Carley whispered.

Everyone got behind the counters and stayed as silent as they could.

"They're gonna get in" Larry whispered.

"Shut up" Kenny whispered back.

Then, all of a sudden. Distant gunfire rang out, causing the walkers to eventually leave the pharmacy and seek out what the sound they heard was.

"Is that the military?" Lee asked in a whisper.

"I don't know" Lily replied.

"Well, thank god for whatever it was..." Glenn said.

"We almost died because of this dumbass and his itchy trigger finger!" Larry said angrily, as he pointed at me, "That was stupid! That was- urgh! Urgh!" Larry then fell down in pain clutching his chest.

"Dad!" Lily shouted, as she ran toward her father.

"W-what's wrong with him!?" Lee asked.

"It's his heart" Lily answered.

"M-my pills..." Larry asked.

"Nitroglycerin pills?" Katjaa asked.

"Yes, we're out, we've been trying to get into the pharmacy since we got here, please try to get in there! Behind the counter where the pills are" She asked, as she looked at Lee.

"What are we looking for?" Lee asked.

"We need nitroglycerin pills, please get in there, I'll keep an eye on my dad," Lily said.

"Everyone else should get comfy and look for anything useful, we could be in here a while," Kenny said.

"I'm starting to think this drugstore isn't a permanent solution," Glenn said.

"You're right, this ain't exactly Fort Knox," Kenny said.

"What do you suggest?" Lee asked Glenn.

"We need as much gas as possible so we can all get out of downtown Macon, fast!" Glenn said.

"Agreed..." Lee said.

"Then, I'll head out and get gas, there's a motel not too far from here out towards the end of Peachtree, I'll work my way towards it, then move back syphoning what I can," Glenn said.

"You know your way around? Local?" Lee asked.

"Born and raised," Glenn said with a nod.

"If you're gonna do that, here's a walkie-talkie if you get into a tight spot, hopefully, you won't need it," Lee said, as he handed a walkie-talkie to Glenn.

"Cool," Glenn said.

"Clementine's got the other one, check in with her and get back here as soon as you can," Lee said.

Kenny then began to order everyone to do something, Lily to watch over Larry, Carley and Doug to take shifts watching the gate and told me, Zabuza, Orochimaru and Riza to fortify the defences with anything big that's not nailed down, like a shelf or something.

"You got it, boss," I said sarcastically, as I began to push a magazine rack in front of a window to barricade it.

About an hour later, we were done with the basic barricades on the windows and since we weren't used to being this weak, we overexerted ourselves and had to regain stamina.