
'I'm fucked, aren't I system?' I asked the system.

[Congratulations on finding out a secret of this world] The system stated, ignoring my question.

'What?' I asked the system in confusion.

[You are completely immune to the walker virus and get a zenkai boost of x2 your current power, now you have a power level of 20 and can regenerate small wounds almost instantaneously] The system said.

'Wait, what? I'm not going to die?' I asked the system.

[No, you are not. You're completely safe from the virus] The system answered.

'But, what am I going to tell the others? That I'm immune? They can probably see the bite on me!' I thought.

[Healing the bite from Mutated Walker: Runner] The system stated.

My arm then began to heal at a rapid pace.

"Uh... Tom, what the fuck was that?" Lee who ran to my aid, asked.

"Well... I guess... I'm a mutation of normal humans?" I lied.

"What do you mean?" Doug asked.

"Well, I guess... I'm immune to the virus and actually get stronger when bitten... or something like that, it might be a mutation of some sort... I could get Orochimaru to look into this, we might all have mutations similar to this... or, they could vary wildly... or, I could be the chosen one or some shit, ha" I laughed a bit.

"If you're right, and that's a big if... we might all be able to get abilities from fantasy books or something like that... it'd make this apocalypse a lot more bearable if we could fly or shoot fire" Doug said with a grin.

"Okay, but first things first, let's get all of the food we can in this truck and get the hell out of here" Lee said, as he began to grab food and push it onto the pickup truck.

"I'm thinking that we should take this mutated walker too, see what makes it faster than the others and see if it has more weaknesses, let's just call it a runner for simplification... Orochimaru's going to love this" I said, as I grabbed the Runner and put it on the pickup truck.

We drove back to the motel with a shitload of food in the back of the pickup truck, a new member of the group and something for Orochimaru to "play with", all in all, it was a good day when it came to scavenging.