Bandit Camp Part: 3

"Don't you fucking move!" A woman shouted.

"Shit!" Danny shouted as he and Kenny aimed their guns at the woman in question.

Lee and I turned around to get a look at the woman.

She was covered in dirt, her hair was a mess, it looks like she hasn't had a proper nights sleep in weeks and she had a crossbow, pointed directly at Lee and I.

"Put your guns down!" She shouted.

Lee and I quickly got out of the tent and aimed our guns at the woman.

"I ain't goin' back. You tell 'em Jolene ain't goin' back!" The woman, Jolene said.

"Hey! We had a deal, no shooting as long as we gave you food!" Danny said, "What the fuck happened?"

"You had a deal with THEM. I ain't THEM! Oh! And I know you, I know what you are and I know what you do!" She said to Danny.

"You don't know me," Danny said.

"Steal my shit... steal everything from me," Jolene said.

"We had a deal! You people broke it first" Danny said.

"Who the fuck are you!?" Lee asked.

"Yeah!" I shouted, as I trained the sights of my gun at her forehead, ready to fire if I saw something I didn't like.

Jolene simply laughed.

"Look. It's not safe up here in the woods, you gotta come back to the dairy" Lee said, trying to reason with her.

"Ha ha! Oh... it's a hell of a lot safer up here than down THERE, you best believe... now, maybe you didn't hear me last time when I asked you sweet, put your damn guns down!" Jolene shouted, "You think I won't kill you? I'm gonna take this here crossbow and put a nice sharp arrow right between your eyeball. And into your goddamn brain... you're not men, you're monsters, all men are monsters. Take what they want and destroy it all... take a can of beans, take a little girl, it's all the fucking same to you!"

"Where did you get this hat!?" Lee asked, his rifle trained on her.

"The little girl" Jolene answered.

"You STOLE it from her!" Lee shouted.

"So what if I did? You stole her from ME!" Jolene shouted.

'This crazy bitch... yeah, maybe I won't let her live... she doesn't seem stable... would probably kill some of our group before dying... not worth the risk' I thought.

"What the hell are you talking about!?" Lee asked.

"You know what? I'm changing my mind, I'm putting this arrow right through your BALLS. Yeah! Right through. String 'em on that tree" Jolene said, "Then I'm gonna head to that farm and shoot every goddamn person I see!"

"Put down the crossbow," Lee said.

"No sir, I need it. I need it to kill you fuckers... ha ha ha" She said.

"Go on, tell 'im, boy, tell 'im what you got in mind for--" She said, before getting cut off by a bullet to the head, courtesy of one Danny St. John.

"Goddammit!" Danny shouted.

"You straight up murdered that woman!" Lee said angrily.

"What the fuck man!?" Kenny shouted as he pointed his rifle at Danny, "You fucking murdered her!"

"Hardly... she had a crossbow pointed at my forehead," Danny said.

Lee just sighed.

"It's a good shot though, right through the forehead. That's good shootin' right there. Still, what a waste" Danny said.

"So, that's it? We going back?" Lee asked.

"If they ain't here, then I don't know where they are, and it ain't a good idea to go tromping through those woods looking for them. So yeah, we head back" Danny said, "Once they see this... they'll get the message"

Danny walked over to the dead body of Jolene, picked up her crossbow and just stared at it, a creepy smile on his face.

"C'mon," Danny said as he headed back to the St. John Dairy with the three of us in tow.

'It's a shame really, not being able to get her into the group, at first glance she seemed... interesting, I mean... she lasted in the woods for this long, so she definitely knew how to actually hunt, unlike us, as we're inept idiots when it comes to hunting... but, you win some, you lose some... and I wasn't going to risk her slitting my throat in my sleep' I thought.