The Barn

"Oh, hey Lee," I said as I walked up to him.

"Oh, hi Tom," Lee said.

"You going into the barn too?" I asked.

"Yeah" Lee answered.

"Alright..." I said awkwardly as I opened the barn door, "Ladies first"

"Ha, that was so funny I forgot to laugh," Lee said as he walked into the barn.

I then followed him in, to see Clementine and Duck with Andy and Katjaa, looking at the cow.

"It's okay Clementine, you can pet her," Katjaa said.

Clementine simply looked at Lee, as if she was asking permission.

"It's okay. Go ahead" Lee said with a smile.

Clementine cautious walked over to the cow and began to pet it.

"Woah..." Clementine said, "Katjaa says Maybelle could have her baby tonight!"

"We'll see Clementine," Katjaa said.

Lee walked up to a salt lick.

"What's this thing?" Lee asked.

"Daddy said it's called a salt lick" Duck, who was next to him answered.

"Yeah. But don't lick it, it's gross" Clementine said.

"Did you lick it?" Lee asked Clementine.

"...I don't know..." Clementine said.

It took all of my willpower to not laugh at Clementine's adorableness.

"Hey there, Andy," Lee said to Andy who was watching the kids.

"Yeah?" Andy said.

"How's the cow?" Lee asked.

"Well, better now we got Doc on the case," Andy said with a smile on his face.

"Um... when do you think... uh, we might get to eat?" Lee asked.

"Hungry, huh? Don't worry. Mama's cookin' up some good grub" Andy said, causing the children's faces to light up.

"...We met this woman up in the woods. She seemed to know your brother" Lee said.

"Uh... yeah, he, uh, he probably talks a lot more than he oughta," Andy said.

"Thanks," Lee said.

"Yup," Andy replied as he went back to watching the kids.

"So, have I missed anything?" Lee asked Duck.

"No, not really. Hm... it smells funny in here" Duck said.

"Like manure!" Clementine said.

"What's "manure"?" Duck asked Clementine.

"Doo-dee," Clementine said.

Duck and Clementine simply laughed.

"Kids," Katjaa said, stopping their immaturity.

"So, how do you like that cow, Clem?" Lee asked with a smile on his face.

"She's pretty" Clementine said.

"Here Clementine" Lee said as he handed her hat back to her.

"My hat! You found it!" Clementine said happily as she put it back on, "I knew you'd find it! You said you would!"

"Listen, did you... give your hat to anyone?" Lee asked.

"No," Clementine said.

"Did you see any strangers around the motor inn who might have taken it?" Lee asked.

"No. Why?" Clementine asked back.

"It's probably nothing. Just let me know if you ever see anything like that" Lee said.

"Okay, I will," Clementine said, "Hey Lee. Do you think you'll ever have kids?"

"I'd like to someday. Maybe a little girl like you" Lee said.

"That's nice. You'd be a good daddy" Clementine said, "Well, thanks for finding my hat"

"You're welcome Clem," Lee said.

"Do you wanna pet the cow with me?" Clementine asked.

"Nah, but you go on ahead," Lee said as he began walking around until he stopped by a door at the end of the barn.

"You found it too, eh?" Kenny who just walked in asked.

I walked up to the two men, wanting to help.

"Lee, they're hiding something. Behind this door" Kenny said, "I got a quick look. They got boxes of stuff. And something metal and sharp"

"Don't get paranoid" Lee warned.

"It's my JOB to be paranoid Lee, I've got my whole family on this farm right now. How about you? What about Clem?" Kenny asked.

"I'll protect her, no matter what," Lee said.

"I know you will," Kenny said, "Look, that guy with Katjaa... what's-his-name. He locked it up real TIGHT the second we came in. I definitely heard a noise back there, Lee"

"What?" Lee asked.

"My point is, we gotta know for sure" Kenny said, "So go find a hammer or something and I'll have this lock off in a second. You back me up in case the farmers come running"

"Hang on, man. Think this through, you smash the lock. Then what if it turns out you're wrong? You just fucked up your chance to get a good meal in those kids you're trying to protect. Use your head, Kenny" Lee warned.

"All right, professor. What do you have in mind?" Kenny asked.

"Let me have a look at what we're dealing with first," Lee said as he looked at the lock.

"Hey. Lee, you know how to pick a lock, right?" Kenny asked.

"No. No! Why would say that?" Lee asked.

"Well. You're... you know, urban?" Kenny said.

"Oh, you are NOT saying what I think you're saying," Lee said.

"Jesus, man! I'm from Florida! Crazy shit just comes out of my mouth sometimes. I'm sorry" Kenny apologized.

Lee simply continued to examine the lock.

"Hmm..." Lee hummed.

"What?" Kenny asked.

"See those screws? Instead of breaking the padlock, we can just take off the assembly, have a peek inside, and then replace it all again like nothing ever happened" Lee said.

"All right. Sounds like you've got a plan, I'll hang around and keep an eye on the guy with the cow" Kenny said.

"Andy," Lee said.

"Shit. I-I thought that was Danny. Whatever" Kenny said.

"Can I help you boys find something?" Andy asked as he walked up to the men.

"Kenny thought he heard a noise" Lee said.

"He's a little jumpy, eh? Well, we're all sure glad his wife is here. She's a lifesaver. You've got no idea" Andy said happily, "And hey uh... do me a favour. Don't fuck around with the door. Just, you know. Mama gets nervous"

"Andrew. I need your help again!" Katjaa called out.

"No problem! Right away doc!" Andy said as he walked back to Katjaa and the kids.

Kenny and Lee nodded at each other and Kenny leaned against a stall, waiting for the plan to commence.

"Hey, Lee" I said as I walked over to Lee.

"Hey Tom, what is it?" Lee asked.

"Well, I overheard your little conversation, and I think you might have more of a use for this than I do" I whispered as I handed the Multi-Tool over to him, "I trust you know what to do?"

"Yeah" Lee said.

"Good, when you make a distraction, I'm gonna help distract Andy by starting a conversation with him, giving you guys some more time, and Kenny will keep a lookout for you, okay?" I said.

"Alright" Lee said.

Lee walked up to Kenny.

"Hey, Tom gave me a something that we're pretty sure could help with the lock" Lee said.

"Alright, good to hear," Kenny said.

"Any thoughts on how to distract Andy?" Lee asked.

"I don't know. Man, just look for something outside of the barn, we need him out of here" Kenny said.

"Maybe the generator?" I suggested.

"What do you mean?" Kenny asked.

"I could fuck with the generator, probably the inside... and then, distract him by asking questions about it" I elaborated.

"Alright, you go do that, just keep him distracted as long as you can," Lee said.

"Roger!" I said with a mock salute and walked away to tamper with the generator.