Back in the Dragon Ball World!

"Hmm... looks like I'm in a random wasteland... but, where?" I asked myself as I looked around for any recognisable landmark, until I found one, Korin Tower, the only way to Kami's Lookout without flying to get there.

"Hey, Korin! What's up buddy!" I shouted as I walked up to Korin the sentient cat.

"Tomant? I haven't seen you in months, how are you friend?" Korin said with a small cat-like smile.

"Ah, I've been pretty good... gained a new ability to teleport to separate dimensions... and another ability that allows me to mutate my summons to the peak of their evolution... you know, the usual," I said with a grin.

"Oh, oka- wait, separate dimensions?" Korin asked, "How the- you were... did you use the ability yet?"

"Ah, yeah... I kind of spent two years in a world filled with zombies with my ability vastly suppressed... it was so annoying! I only had Riza, Zabuza and Orochimaru as backup and they died within the first fucking year! At least I got a new summon, two abilties and some pretty cool eyes out of it" I grumbled.

"Wait, new eyes?" Korin asked.

"Yeah, these," I said as I showed him my One-Tomoe Sharingan, "Not the most useful at first, it can enhance my vision, copy jutsu's with ease, dispel illusions and some other stuff... but these babies get more useful the more... bad shit happens, basically... and my new summon has the eyes as well so that could be of use"

"Fascinating... well then, I guess you didn't just come here to chat to little old me, you probably want to know of the progress, right?" Korin asked.

"Oh yeah! The Saibaman bulbs! Totally forgot about those!" I said, "Have you managed to... grow any Saibamen? And yes, I know that I wasted a wish on the Saibaman bulbs, but... hey, more defenders for earth, right? Anyways, did it work?"

"Well, four of the ten you gave me have... grown, as you would put it, but some fascinating things have happened, first off, instead of being green like the rest of their kind, they're a blood red and they're also a couple of feet taller and far more humanoid than the others, whereas the original Saibamen are 5'2, these ones are around 7-8 feet tall. Dwarfing most people on earth, they also have much stronger bones and more muscle, but they're far less intelligent. They'd make great berserkers in battle, and their power level is at exactly [3500], quite a bit stronger than the normal Saibamen at [1200], I've taken to calling them the Berserker Saibamen for obvious reasons" Korin said, "I also have a theory on why they're like this. It is my personal belief that the soil here is just that much better for their growth than the one down on earth"

"Thank you, Korin... now, I'm going to add them as my summons and probably fuse the four together," I said as I cut my hand open and splashed some blood at the four Berserker Saibamen, instantly having them added as summons.

"Well, I guess I shall be seeing you off then," Korin said.

"Yes, goodbye Korin, I'll bring Launch over at a later date for some tea if you'd like," I said with a small smile.

"Ah, I'd like that... Launch was quite the catch, you know... if I wasn't over a hundred years old... and human, I'd be quite jealous of you" Korin said.

"Well, of course, only the best for me!" I said with mock arrogance as I flew away, "Also thanks for the Senzu Beans!"

"The wha- damn it! He stole more!" Korin grumbled angrily.

I continued to fly until I saw West City in the distance and flew to the ground, not wanting people to know that I can fly.

"Okay, System... I would like you to fuse the four Berserker Saibamen into one being" I said as I began to walk to the city.

[Certainly, that shall take 14 hours for the four Berserker Saibamen to fuse into one with a power level of 14000] The System said.

"Alright then, do it, also while you're at it, mutate the skeleton that I've had for ages and had nothing to do with... it'd at least make it far less useless," I said with a small smile on my face as I finally came upon West City.

[Of course, that shall take about an hour to finish] The System said.

"Okay... now, time to see Launch" I said as I walked into the city.