It Has Begun

"Sir. I have the morning report for you." said Paul from the detail that watched over Olivia.

"Speak, you have 3 minutes." Avery answered coolly.

"Lady Steel has been very time conscience and has been exactly 5 minutes early to every destination she needed to be at. She has ended her shift for the day and is currently at school." Paul said with an indifferent tone.

"Good. Tell everyone else they are relieved for the day and to be positioned again for tomorrow.... Paul I need you to continue watching her diligently before and after school, do not interfere unless it is dire. We can not keep babying her forever but I will not tolerate any screw ups of any kind, we must keep Olivia safe." he commanded with a murderous undertone.

"Understood sir." Paul answered.

'Click.' Avery brought the phone close to to his chin pensively. He fully believed that his daughter would stick to her schedule and prove that she could balance her life choices with precision but it did not mean that she would suddenly loose his protection.

He had given her the rules so that he could have body guards stationed at various check points to watch over her. Avery had done his best to keep his daughter relatively hidden from the world and only let his most trusted staff and business partners see her face.

However any person could be easily tempted to cause her harm or use her for ransom just because of the uniform she was wearing. An unmistakable royal blue blazer with gold buttons and trim along the edges. A matching red plaid skirt and tie indicating her year and the emblem of a gold and silver winged lion standing beneath a crown, proudly placed on her right breast.

Yes one look and anyone could recognize that she was a second year student at Lewood Academy, a school for the prestigious and wealthy.

Mind you any moron who would willingly lay a hand of his precious child would be instantly dragged away by his men. That person would soon be begging for the king of Hades to end their life, earnestly wishing for their eternal damnation than to go on living in his 'basement', being toyed by him endlessly.

A small, evil grin crept up his face as he nodded to himself. The screams he could make anyone produce was a talent he cherished and remembered to properly nurture when he had a chance.

A cute ring tone suddenly played, as he looked down at his phone that was still in his hand. Olivia's display picture gently glowed on the screen, the bight smile instantly brought Avery back from his dark thoughts. It had awakened his human heart sending the demonic soul back to its corner within his heart.

"My lovey! How are you?! How was your first day!" he whole heartily asked, allowing himself to fully relax into his seat and smile.

"It was great dad! You are going to be so proud I made the bathrooms sparkle today! I only did the first three floors so you need to go inspect them once you get in. I just wanted to tell you that I am at school now and ... daddy I love you... have a good day at work, don't forget to eat your lunch and see you tonight! Ok bye!" Olivia said happily before she hung up the phone.

Even though he couldn't even get one word in when she got excited by something he couldn't have felt happier. He quickly motioned his driver to start the car as he sent her a quick 'I love you too' text with a kissing emoji before he pocketed his phone.

Once he arrived at the main lobby Robin was the first to great him and closely followed him along as he read the itinerary for the day. As they were walking toward the elevator Avery decided to keep walking past them and head further down the hall. "Sir? Where are we going?" Robin asked.

"The washroom" Avery answered without changing his business like face. "Why not use your own personal one in your office?" Robin asked suspiciously. "I need to use one right now. Please accompany me." he asked Robin without hesitation. Avery was a strange fellow but who was Robin to question him, he knew better then anyone that his mind was one of a genius, and as many geniuses he had his quirks, so he just quietly followed.

As they walked into the washroom neither man could believe their eyes, it was so pristine, it was to the point that they could have sworn that even the ceiling was sparkling. Avery stood in the center of the washroom with his hands on his hips, legs slightly spread apart and he let out a loud boastful laugh.

"Our staff does not disappoint! Robin I don't need to use the facilities anymore lets go to my office and start the day." Avery said with pride before he turned around and walked right out of the washroom. Leaving a dumbfounded Robin behind, after a minute it finally clicked in for Robin.

They were the only people in the whole office building that knew what Olivia was working here as a janitor and Robin was willing to bet his year's salary that Avery came into the washroom to inspect her work. He slapped his forehead with the palm of his hand and slowly moved it upwards to slick his ebony colored hair back. "So it has begun." he thought to himself and with a heavy sigh he followed suit.


Many weeks had passed by in a blink of eye and Olivia was one week away from spring break. She was enjoying the way things were going both at school and work. She was able to enjoy her school days with her two best friends Blair and Autumn, full of laughter, merriment and carefree.

She was making progress at work with all the connections she was building with other employees in various departments and the only complaint she had was not spending as much time with her dad as she had previously. She missed her morning conversations at the breakfast table but made sure to call him every morning once she arrived at school.

On this particular day she was able to to leave work half an hour early with pay! This was a fantastic reward for all her efforts and decided that she would indulge herself in the full bloom view at Cherry Coeden Park before school started.

Cherry Coeden Park stood proudly 15 minutes from the the heart of downtown Rune City. It was said that the lush forest made up of cherry trees had been untouched by the 4 founders of the city, from the day they discovered it. The wife of one of the 4 founders was rumored to be the forest goddess that dwelled in a secret spring located deep within the forest. Many had tried to search for the legendary spring but all had failed so far.


When Norell, Earie, Desmound and Zephyrus found each other on their perilous journey to find a place that they would call home, they happen to came across this enchanting forest. While camping underneath a harvest moon, Norell could hear a an endearing lullaby traveling along with the wind. It had tempted his curiosity as the notes caressed his ears, he looked around him and seen that he was the only one who heard it as his brethren slept soundlessly.

He was mesmerized by the voice and followed the sound along a winding path that lead to a beautiful spring that illuminated under the night sky. As he looked upon the lake he happened to spot 3 beauties seamlessly dancing upon the water while another sat along the shoreline singing among the fireflies. He fell in love with the singer and begged for her hand in marriage.

As she was the oldest of the four sisters she had a responsibility to ensure that her sisters were properly wedded to men that were brave, strong and loving before she could even think of finding a mate for herself.

Upon hearing her words Norell quickly offered up his companions as possible suitors for each one of the younger sisters. Of course the eldest had her doubts and was ready to chase Norell away but he quickly told them tales of each ones valor to entice the young maidens....

Olivia loved the fairy tales that they would be read to the children in the park. However today she only had enough time to listen to part of founders fairy tale before she had to make her way to the train station. She loved walking slowly down the winding path through the park. Her senses were alive as she engulfed herself with the surreal scenery before her.

The wind carrying the sweet scent of cherry blossoms through the air, the laughter of young ones playing among the trees, the rays of sunshine peeking through the foliage made this walk so satisfying.

Suddenly the wind picked up blowing blossom petals before her eyes, one hand quickly grabbed the front of her red plaid skirt fearing it would blow up and another holding back the wisps of her long auburn hair away from her face . As the wind settled and she straighten out her school uniform skirt and patted her hair back into place, she look up and her sight caught something more radiate then the park.

There sitting on a bench near the cascading fountain was a young man silently reading a book, the sun's rays mischievously danced upon his hair making the black locks sparkle like crystals, he glowed as if the sun gently kissed his skin, making him not to light or dark but a perfect shade of gold, his one slender hand held the book up as he focused his eyes on nothing but the words written within it while his lips were partially parted looking like he was ready to whisper sweet nothings to his lover...

'Beep beep beep...' Olivia jumped out of her skin as an alarm started to go off on her phone. "I swear I was only looking!" she shouted as she brought her hands up into the air, some pedestrians looked at her as she shouted. They were slightly confused and started to feel concerned for the strange girl.

The completely embarrassed Olivia quickly flushed red as a tomato, gave a quick bow to the crowd apologizing for her rudeness before she excused herself and ran away from the spot. What could she have been thinking! Any reasonable person that had seen her sorry state would have easily thought her a pervert and reported her to the police.

As she started to slow down her running she internally looked back. She knew that this day would be a precious memory to her, even after so many years she could always think about her reaction and laugh. Unfortunately for her the near future was not so kind and it would come to be known as a bitter-sweet memory. A true testament of how the wheel of fate started her day dream and nightmare.