Chance Meetings - Bad Impressions

It was finally the end of the day and just like any other day the 3 girls wanted to spend some time relaxing together before they made their ways home. The girls loved stopping by a little cafe called Papillon Souci that was near the heart of the city. The reason the girls loved the cafe was how the owner made it feel like anyone was coming home to grandma's house.

The cafe always smelled like vanilla, half way up the walls were white wainscoting while the other half had been painted a soft marigold color as the base coat and decorated with pastel watercolor roses and foliage over top.

The booths were fuchsia in color and the tables had white lace coverings, if you didn't want a booth you could always to sit in the sun room where the ridiculously plush teal chairs and white end tables were. Today the girls were craving bubble teas so the sun room seemed like the best choice.

Today it was Olivia's turn to treat the girls, as Blair and Autumn made their way into the sun room Olivia placed their order. She was really craving some cake so she decided to buy three slices of the strawberry shortcake with extra whip cream. Once she had her order packed up in a doggie bag and bubble teas in a travel tray, she made her way towards the sun room.

As she walked by a booth with three rather obnoxious looking girls wearing the Tekula Academy uniform, she decided to give them a smile, as they were students from one of the sister schools she did not want to offend them in anyway.

In the next few moments she felt her whole world suddenly go into slow motion as the leg of the stoic, raven haired girl suddenly appeared right in front of her, she knew she couldn't stop what was going to be happening next.

As her tray of bubble teas fly upwards and her doggie bag of cakes where brought protectively against her chest, she braced herself for impact. "Look out!" someone yelled as Olivia started to fall downward she decided to close her eyes anticipating pain but instead "squish" "clunk" and "glug" was all she could hear.

She slowly opened her eyes and realized that she hadn't face planted into the floor but into the bosom of some unknown girl. Incredibly embarrassed Olivia scurried off the poor girl, got up and offered her hand in assistance.

As she stretched out her hand towards the girl she took a good look at her savior. She was wearing the same uniform as her but only the color schemes were different. Instead of a blue blazer she was wearing a steel gray one, the edges of the blazer were out lined in onyx, while her plaid skirt and matching tie were magenta and the emblem on her breast was a the head of a silver wolf howling towards a read heart inside a gold crown. It was a student from Tekula Academy! She disgraced a student from a sister school by dressing her in cake and washing her hair in bubble tea!

"I am so sorry! Really and truly sorry!" the girl looked up and faced Olivia head on, after what felt like a life time the girl grabbed her hand and hauled herself up. Now that Olivia got a good look at her face she really felt like she had done a terrible deed to the world.

The girl before her had beautiful waves of golden hair that went down to her waist, her skin was as flawless and closely resembled a white pearl while her eyes were a beautiful shade of amber. The girl smiled revealing to perfectly placed dimples and said "It's ok as long as your fine I'm ok with going home a little bit sticky"

An arrow shot through Olivia's heart and her legs became wobbly. This girl was an angel sent down from above! Not only did she save her but she didn't blame her for what happened. "Oh my gosh Laila are you ok?!" another copy of the angle appeared before them distressed but clean. She started to clean the copy with her handkerchief. "It's ok Loreley. I am fine."

"Like hell you're fine! Oh my gosh we need to get you home and into the bath!"

"Please Loreley stop fussing it's only a bit of sugar."

"Sugar! Sugar! Laila you have tapioca in your hair, whip cream on your blaze and a piece of strawberry in the knot of your tie! Come on now we are going home!" Loreley shot a death glare at Olivia before grabbing Laila's hand and started to drag her out of the cafe.

"I'm sorry to leave you behind I hope we can see each other again." Laila shouted back before disappearing through the door. The other two girls that were sitting with Loreley quickly got up, raised the phones and took Olivia's picture as she stood there stunned. Once they were satisfied they chased after the girls that left.


After some time Olivia walked into the sun room with a new tray of bubble teas. In the far corner of the room two girls were busy chatting away when one perked up and locked eyes with Olivia. The impish girl with the chestnut pixie bob cut allowed her jaw to drop.

"Olivia?!" Autumn's quickly searched the room and rushed towards her, her long and chocolate colored bouncy hair following behind her and honey colored eyes full of worry.

"Hun what happened to you?" Autumn quickly pulled out her handkerchief and started to wipe away the whipped cream from her face. "Long story or short?" Olivia asked once Blair reach the two of them. Both girls looked at Olivia then at each other, they both gave a small nod and in sync said "Long" Olivia flinched at the two of them. "Ok but can we leave first I don't want to stay" she handed each girl their bubble tea carefully and turned to walk out of the room.

"Ouch" in the next second Olivia was sitting on the floor of the sun room's entrance. Her bubble tea spilled onto her chest and thankfully not onto the floor but her face was hurting... wait hurting?! As far as Olivia knew it was her rump that should be in pain not her face. She slowly moved her hand to her face and felt something wet.

"Olivia your nose is bleeding!" Blair handed her handkerchief to Olivia and Autumn tried to help her friend get up from the ground. The poor girl was only 5 ft tall with a small frame but she used all her muscles to lift Olivia up. Blair turned to yell at the boys blocking the door way.

"In what world would anyone every let a person walk in front of them while he is reading a book! Better question do you not know proper etiquette! Hey moron I am talking to you!" Blair pointed one slender finger at the young man who had bent over to pick up his book.

"If you can't walk and read at the same time then pick one and stay out of everyone's way!" a tall, slightly built boy moved the boy with the novel to one side and properly faced Blair, his sharp face and almond shaped eyes looked down on her.

"Hey I know my friend is in the wrong but you shouldn't be making such a big scene in public little girl." little girl! LITTLE GIRL! Olivia could see the vein popping on the side of Blair's head. It was on! With a cold glare and leveled voice she began her attack.

"So we should excuse your friend for slamming the spine of his novel into my friends face, knocking her down and causing her nose to bleed. Before you can even think of butting me look closely at her face, the impact left an red impression on her and if we aligned the book to the impression we can determine it's a match. The best part that happened after this 'accident' was not only did your friend not utter one single word of apology but bent down pick up his book and acted like she wasn't even there. So my good fellow please tell me how am I supposed to act."

The other boy who was tagging along with the male party spoke up to try and ease the tension. "So your saying that Eli made a bad impression?"