Intentions of Masama

The bell had finally rang and the students were finally coming out for the day. Some were leaving in groups to go blow off some steam while others were being picked up by their drivers or loved ones. After a few minutes Olivia finally saw two girls that looked identical to each other, with waves of golden hair bouncing ever so delicately as they walked.

Olivia gathered up her courage and started to waved her out stretched arm shouting at the top of her lungs "LAILA! LORELEY! HEY OVER HERE!" Blair smacked her hand against her forehead. Why the hell did she agree to this girl's plan so easily was a mystery. While Autumn just joined Olivia by waving both arms in the arm and wearing an emotionless face.

"Loreley did you hear someone call our names?"

"No I did not! We need to get to our driver fast, you know mother wants us home soon." Loreley grabbed her sister's hand and dragged her towards the pick up zone, passing the girls that were trying to get their attention.

Autumn quickly chased after the sisters. She bobbed and weaved like a pro boxer through the crowd of students and was able to reach the sisters in a matter or seconds. Autumn tapped the girls shoulders and looked up at them. She quietly assessed them and looked to the sister on the right and said "Laila, my name is Autumn and my friend Olivia is making her way to you now. She would like to speak to you about what happened Friday. Do you have a few minutes to spare?"

Loreley's jaw dropped while Laila's eyes widened with amazement. "How did you know I am Laila?" she asked. Autumn raised her index finger and started to tap it gently against her slightly pouted lips "Well isn't obvious?" she asked.

"My goodness Autumn you are a fast as ever!" Olivia said as she and Blair finally reached the other girls. "Oh! It's you! Hello!" Laila exclaimed completely delighted by the reunion while Loreley greeted Olivia with a scowl.

"I never got a chance to properly thank you for saving me or apologize for the mess I turned you into." Olivia said with a slight bow.

"I am just glad you weren't hurt. Plus you got messy with whipped cream too!" Laila gave a slight giggle as she spoke.

"Is there anyway that I can repay you for your kindness?" Olivia asked.

"Go away and leave us alone. Never appear before us again!" Loreley shouted. "Loreley!" Laila scolded, causing the sister to shrink back. Tears were starting to form in her eyes. Laila quickly raised her hand and patted her sister's head lovingly "I'm sorry I didn't mean to raise my voice. I'm so sorry please forgive me."

Before Olivia, Autumn and Blair could process the scene before them a black Audi came to a screeching halt before the girls. An older version of the sisters step out of the driver's seat and marched towards them. Her mini red dress hugged her hour glass shaped body, her skin was a flawless white while and her golden hair was pinned up into an elegant up do. The only difference between the 3 women were their eyes. Loreley and Laila had amber colored eyes that were perfectly shaped like almond on their oval faces. While their mother had upturned blue eyes make her look intelligent and stunning.

"What are you girls doing to my babies!" she shouted. Olivia, Blair and Autumn instinctively took a step back. Loreley and Laila stood in between their mother and the girls. The sisters bowed deeply towards their mother "Good afternoon mother." they both said never raising their heads.

Their mother visibly simmered down, she took a couple of deep breathes, readjusted her dress and brightly said "Hello my angels! Mommy has come to pick you darlings up today! I was hoping we could have dinner together today unless .... unless you have plans with your new friends?"

Both girls raised their heads. They both took a step to the side and Laila quickly introduced their mother to the girls. "Ladies this is our mother Agni Masama. I do apologize we will have to cut our conversation short today as our mother is very busy and we would love to have a family dinner with her." Loreley took her que and in turn introduced the their mother to the girls "Mother this is Autumn, Olivia and ... I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

The change in attitude that Loreley was showing was so shocking that all Blair could do was blankly reply "Blair".

"Ah yes Blair. You see Olivia was the one saved by Laila on Friday and she want to thank her and apologize." Loreley said sweetly .

"Oh this is the girl. My goodness let me take a look at you child! You didn't get hurt anywhere did you?" Ms. Masama said.

"No Mrs. Masama your daughter was very quick to protect me and I would really like to give her my thanks."

"Oh honey there is no thanks to be given! I have always told my girls to do the right thing and I'm glad they took my teachings to heart! Well I'm sorry I can't let you have my angels today as it is a rare thing for me to have time to have dinner with them and we really need to leave to make it to their favorite restaurant." Ms. Masama said as she let go of Olivia

"So sorry we will excuse ourselves but please take my contact info and arrange a meeting with me so we can discuss at least the dry cleaning payment." Olivia quickly took out her personalized business card from her bag and passed one to each Masama.

"Thank you sweetie I will be sure to get Laila to give you a call. Well like I said we really do need to go, so ladies please have a good night." With that Ms. Masama herded her children towards the Audi and drove away. Olivia felt proud of herself for at least accomplishing part of her mission today. "Now how the hell did a mother like that give birth to a daughter like Loreley?" Blair asked. Olivia shrugged.

"I like Loreley and Laila ... their mother kinda gives me a bad feeling" Olivia and Blair both turned to Autumn and ask "How?!"

"Loreley is nice." Autumn answered as if it was a fact. Olivia and Blair just stood there with their mouths wide open unable to say anything.