Edmond Has Some Business

Olivia obeyed her father and for 4 solid weeks she devoted all her free time to making sure the Masamas were moved in and welcomed into the Steel estate. She avoided her friends questions about her opinion about her father's decision and tried hard to push Eli away.

To her surprise Eli wouldn't let her do what she wanted and often stopped by for dinner, along with her two best friends in tow.

Avery wouldn't dare say anything to the three and voice out his obvious displeasure but Olivia knew that his current state of mind was not anyone's fault but her own. She never thought their bond was so fragile and one argument would have destroyed whatever trust he had in her when he questioned his judgement.

Olivia sighed she had asked for a one day leave from work so that Agni could drop the girls off to school on their first day. Olivia looked over her face in the mirror, she was glad that the last of the bruises were finally gone from her face. She picked up her bag, dusted off her skirt and was about to open the door but decided not too and walked back to her bed.

Olivia didn't want to leave with the Masamas, even though they have been nothing but decent people in the last 4 weeks she couldn't help herself from trembling every time Agni looked at her. She half expected to have an awkward conversation with Agni about the dangers of men and how her experience should speak volumes about the truth.

An idea hit her, she jumped off her bed and walked out the door. With a bright smile she ran down the stairs and waited patiently in the foyer. Her father had already left for the day and didn't even bother to say goodbye to her while the Masama women were finishing up their meals in the dinning room. This was the perfect opportunity "Edmond, can I ask for a favor?" she called out delightfully.

Edmond appeared from around the stair case and flashed his mischievous smile. "Yes my princess." he purred. Olivia looked up into his copper eyes as he anxiously awaited for her to speak. "Can you ride in the car with us this morning?" Edmond hissed at her request and dropped his voice "You want me to be in the same car as HER!" he said as he jabbed a finger towards the dinning hall.

"Yes!" she whispered back to him "I don't want to be alone with them either, I still believe in what Autumn thinks." Edmond looked like he wanted to reject her on the spot but the look that Olivia was giving him made him cringe with guilt. "Payment is a facial and back rub, got it! You got to personally pamper me, I don't want anyone else touching my beautiful body!" he said as he dragged his hands over his toned pecs done to his abs.

Olivia giggled and gave him a big hug "Deal!"


Finally they made it to Lewood Academy. Olivia thought if she had Edmond in the car it would stop Agni from talking to her about stupid things but she was wrong. Agni completely ignored Edmond's cold glares and comments and just went along her merry way in lecturing her about the dangers of men.

Olivia jumped out of the car and slammed the passenger door. Edmond took the opportunity to run out as well "I have some business here" he muttered while he made his escape. Agni rolled down the window and shouted at Olivia "Don't be late coming out today. I will be waiting here to pick you up." rolled up the window and drove off with the twins.

Edmond rubbed his toned arms "There's something wrong with that woman." Olivia looked at Edmond with surprise "Try telling dad that!" she cried. Edmond shook his head "You know your dad, if you don't have any proof nothing else matters plus he has already ordered me to not look into her past." he said absent mindedly "I should really up my prices whenever I have to spend time with that thing you all call a woman."

Olivia let out a small laugh as she hugged Edmond "Please don't! There's only so much I can give!' Edmond patted the top of head as he smiled gently at her. "So tell me what business do you have here at Lewood." she candidly asked. Edmond jumped out of his skin "Nothing that you wouldn't mind." he said as he started to sweat.

Olivia narrowed her eyes at Edmond as she questioned him further "Really? Huh, well they way you're acting screams guilty." Edmond tried to play it cool as he rocked on the heals of his feet "Nope I am simply guarding my princess till her prince arrives, nothing more." Olivia was shocked she had never seen Edmond act like this before. As she brought up a finger to accuse him of his actions she heard a familiar voice call out.

"Good morning!" Samantha shouted as she waved her arm in the air at Olivia. Olivia quickly turned to see Samantha escorting Eli, who was deeply engrossed into his book, walk happily towards them with a bounce in her step. "Olivia! It's been too long since I last seen you!" she shouted as she pounced onto her for a hug and kiss.

Olivia was delighted to see Samantha again and hugged her back "What are you doing here?" she asked, Samantha pointed towards her brother "HE didn't want to stop reading! Something about almost being done and I told him to use that fancy bookmark that he like to have on display but no! Since he was yelled at before about his mannerism I need to walk him to school to make sure he doesn't bump into anyone again." she said as she rolled her eyes.

Olivia looked at Eli, who seemed to be reading the last page and then at Edmond who suddenly became tight lipped. Olivia gave Edmond a smirk and turned to Samantha "How rude of me!" she shouted as she brought her hand towards her chest "I haven't introduced you yet! Samantha this is my uncle Edmond, he's 35 years old, still lives at home with us, has a stable job and is very much a man in shinning armor type of guy!" she declared.

Samantha looked at Edmond and gave him a cold glare "Have I met you somewhere before?" she asked bluntly. Edmond started to flush as his lips became white from the pressure he was giving them. Olivia giggled "Edmond, this is Samantha! She's 25 years old and manages the Little Garden Bath and Spa down on Blurs Avenue. She may seem cold, distant, blunt and queenly but she actually the most loving person I know!"

Samantha stared even harder trying to drill holes into Edmond's head "No I think I have seen you somewhere before rather recently..." Eli slammed his book shut and passed it Samantha "Can you take that back to the library for me please it's due today." Samantha raised a finger to protest but Eli cut her off "Also we are running low on supplies for the Little Garden can you please go over the inventory and order what is necessary?" he asked her passively, Samantha bite back what she wanted to say and instead stared angrily at Eli.

"You want me to do that today? The staff has the day off it will take me hours to go through everything alone!" she said with pure venom. Olivia thought she would help out and stepped on Edmond's foot "My what a coincidence my uncle has the day off today and would love to offer his assistance." she said coolly as Edmond shook his head enthusiastically.

Samantha looked him over and sighed "Fine! I can at least use you to move boxes around. Let's go, I need to keep to a schedule here and I have no time to have someone idle around." she said coldly before turning to cross the street. Edmond beamed happily after her and looked at Eli "Thanks, I owe you." then chased after Samantha.

Olivia giggled as she watched Edmond chase after someone, "So you're helping Edmond now?" she asked sweetly. Eli laughed "Well that night he 'invited' himself into our house to check up on you he ran into Samantha and apparently fell in love at first sight or rather after she kicked him in the stomach and tried to kill him." Olivia's jaw dropped "You were awake?" she asked.

"Of course I was! How could I sleep! You were so sweet sleeping in between my arms and couldn't help but hold myself back! The worst night of my life and probably the greatest one too, well we should probably get to class, shall we?" Eli said as he extended his hand out to Olivia.

She was dumbfounded! He completely fooled her and thought back to what Agni was saying that men were dangerous. "Eli what would you have done if I wasn't hurt?" she dared to ask. Eli stopped in his tracks and looked back at her revealing a devilish grin "Something I know you're not ready for and I can only dream of." before dragging her onto the school compound.