Merry Christmas (Eve)

It was morning and Olivia felt a little sore, she didn't want to get out of bed and decided to bring up the covers more and snuggle against the warmth she felt next to her face. "Morning." a husky voice said, Olivia eyes shot open as she sat up.

Eli gave a small chuckle as repositioned himself. He sat up beside her and started to rub her shoulders gently as he kissed her temple, cheek and her neck. Olivia felt a shiver run down her body as Eli's lips lingered a little too long in the crook of her neck. "I can get used to this." he whispered seductively. Olivia looked into his eyes and kissed him gently on the lips "Me too." she whispered back.

Suddenly there was a knock on the bedroom door "Morning!" Samantha shouted from behind the door "I know you had a 'special' night but can you please move your butts downstairs for some breakfast before we have to go?!" Olivia felt her whole body start to glow red as Eli slapped the palm of his hand against his forehead as he groaned.

They could hear Samantha laughing as she ran down the stairs. Eli looked at Olivia with an apologetic smile "Next time it will be just the two of us, I promise." he said as he kissed her lips.


Eli and Olivia were coming down the stairs, carrying their packed bags and tightly wrapped gifts when they suddenly heard Samantha loudly squealing "Edmond play it again! Play it again!"

As they walked into the kitchen they could see Edmond sitting on the counter with Samantha on his lap. She was kissing Edmond so sweetly, that it stunned them both "There I paid you so play it again!" she said happily as she pulled away from Edmond's lips.

Edmond looked like he wanted another one but obediently listened to her as he started the video on his phone. "Olivia, you came into my life with a bang, I first saw you on the train in the spring I thought you were so beautiful, I could only watch you from behind a book. I had no courage to talk to you but I would watch you from a far."

Olivia threw a wrapped box to Edmond's head and watched as it bounced upwards. Tears were pooling in her eyes as she shouted "You said you were gong to give us some privacy!" Samantha jumped off Edmond's lap, while Edmond got off the counter to pick up his gift off the floor. "Oh princess, when my wifey told me what he was planning to do I had to record it as a keep sake!" He said as he flashed her a toothy smile.

Samantha's hair stood on end as she wrapped her arms around herself "Who is your wifey!" she shouted. Edmond tilted his head to her direction "You agreed to be with me, so you are my wifey for life!" he proclaimed happily. Samantha glared at him "I'm not that easy! You have to work hard to get me to be your wifey!" she said spat coldly as she held her head up high.

"Olivia did you hear! She didn't say no!" he shouted gleefully, the three of them just stood there dumbfounded as they looked at Edmond's happy face.

"So princess is this for me?" Edmond's eyes sparkled at he looked at the wrapped gift. Olivia puffed her cheeks and turned slightly away "Not anymore you jerk." Edmond started to rip the wrapping paper off the box "Too late! It's mine now!' he declared proudly. Edmond pulled apart the box and inside was a mug, he gave her a disappointed face.

Olivia rolled her eyes. "It's a light show mug, look you sync it to your phone and play your music... ta-da it shows you different displays to the beet of your music." Edmond still looked unimpressed "Thanks..." he muttered. Olivia laughed as she gave her gift to Samantha "Merry Christmas!" she said cheerfully as Samantha pulled out the mug "I got one too?"

Olivia took the mug from her hand and grabbed Edmond's, she gently brought them close together and proudly revealed her real gift. They all watched as two halves of a heart moved across the mug till they meet in the middle. The heart started beating as fireworks spread outwards. "Their couple's mugs!" she said with a big grin.

Edmond snatched the mugs back and started to replay the same scene over and over again. He was positively glowing with happiness when he gave his thanks again while Samantha turned crimson.

Eli turned to Olivia and gave her some rolled paper with a ribbon tied around it. Olivia gently slid off the ribbon and unrolled the paper, her eyes widened with excitement "Eli are these what I think they are?!' Eli nodded "If you don't like the initial design we can make some adjustments to make it absolutely perfect but I want to have them break the ground by late spring."

Edmond moved in closer and looked at the sheets of paper. "What is it?" he asked as he tried to pick up them up, Olivia slapped his hand away "It's our matrimonial home! Hands off!" she yelled at Edmond.

She turned to look at Eli "This is beautiful! Did you pick a location yet? Is this why you had the house listing booklet? How much time did you spend putting this together? When can we move it? Are we able to be involved in the whole process,? Do you have a material list yet?" Samantha groaned "Fangirl Olivia is back... sweetie can we need to get going before your father sends out an army to get you. So lets talk in the car."

"But we haven't eaten!" Olivia protested "Well too bad we have a to leave, so eat and open more gifts in the car." said coldly as she started to push her out of the kitchen. "Oh..." Samantha said as she stopped pushing Olivia "Congratulations on your engagement... and successfully 'gifting' yourself to Eli! " she said with a laugh and hugged her tightly.


Olivia was now on the plane heading towards the Isles. She was flying out later then she was supposed too. Robin made sure that the plane was looked over prior to take off and they were shocked to find that the engine was not maintained and the regular pilot was replaced for the day.

Robin called Avery to tell him the news but he already knew the pilot was replaced. Apparently their regular had asked for his own vacation and Agni had hired a temp but said nothing about the engine.

Olivia looked out her window as the personal attendant offered her food and asked if she needed anything to drink. She politely refused both, she didn't have much of an appetite and it was probably better to safe then sorry. Who knew if Agni tampered with the food or drinks too and all she need right now was to be incapacitated.

When the plane landed it was already noon and she started to feel hungry. As she made her way through the terminal she spotted a B**ster Juice and thought it best to make a pit stop there. Two F*nky M*nkeys later she dragged herself towards the doors.

She looked around and saw no one. She didn't see anyone calling or waving at the arrivals area and figured she might as well look outside. It was hot and humid, the palm tree were standing tall and the grass was green but as she there was still no one in sight.

A taxi pulled up to her and a grimy looking man rolled down his window "You Olivia Steel?" he asked her. Olivia shook her head no, the grimy man stepped out of the car and started to make his way to her, she started to nonchalantly walk away "You look like Olivia Steel, your mom asked me to pick you up." he said with a weird look in his eyes.

She saw a tour bus and started to pick up her pace "I'm sorry sir but I don't know an Olivia Keel, Shield, or whoever and I don't have a mother. I just saw my bus, I wish you best of luck finding whoever you're looking for." she shouted back and successfully reached the crowd.

She asked the bus driver where the bus was going "Marina Maria Hotel and Resort." he replied "Perfect!" pulled out some cash and gave him a 'donation' so she wouldn't get kicked out. The bus driver nodded and closed the doors.

As she sat down she smiled to herself. She was determined to not let Agni have her way with her, whether she had good or bad intentions, she was determined to defy her and show her true colors to her father. This would be her gift to him.