
Olivia couldn't believe her eyes, there in front of her was Eli handing River a water bottle. They were talking to each other closely, Olivia's eyes started to sting but she refused to let the hurt bring her down. She took a couple of breathes and turned back to her friends.

"She must have asked him before me... but I came with some pretty spectacular dates myself! So let's go have fun and trust in Eli, alright!" she shouted as she jumped onto her sisters.

They all took her advise, with a nod and started to have fun. Olivia and Blair paired up with Laila and Loreley and spent a good amount of time teaching them how to dance. They laughed as they took pictures together and cried as they congratulated Rodan after he proposed to Autumn at the dance.

Porter took the opportunity to take Olivia's hand when she wasn't looking. "Can I have this dance." he asked, as he dragged her in the middle of the dance floor before she could answer. They played a slow song meant for lovers. As couples started to gather onto the dance floor, Olivia spotted Eli escorting River to a spot close by to them.

Olivia bit her lip as she tried to focus her attention on Porter. "You are so obedient today. Lately you have put up a huge wall between us that I didn't have the courage to even try to reach out to you." Porter said with a sad smile.

Olivia blushed. She was having so much fun that she forgot momentarily what had happened between them. She tried to pull away but Porter kept her firmly in place. "I'm not sorry for kissing you..." he whispered into her ear. Olivia's eyes became wide as she felt his hot breath on her nape.

"Why did you do it?" she whispered back. Porter gave her a little chuckle "It's simple Olivia." he raised his head so he could look her the eyes, they shone gently "I'm in love with you." Olivia let her tears fall down silently as she tried to give him a smile.

"I'm sorry Porter... but I can only see you as a friend nothing more." she gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek and ran away, leaving Porter standing alone in the middle of the dance floor as he held the cheek she kissed.

She ran into the bathroom and shut herself into one of the stalls. She placed a hand over her mouth to stifle her cries and allowed her tears to flow over her hand. "Olivia, are you ok?" someone called out. Olivia unlocked the stall door and saw Loreley's worried face.

"What happened?" she asked with a shaky voice. Olivia shook her head "Nothing.... I'm just... I am a bad person that's all and I just realized that now." Loreley grabbed her shoulders and gave her a good shake. "In what world are you a bad person!" she shouted.

Olivia gave a small dark laugh as she peeled her sister's hand off her. "The kind that talks big. I don't trust my fiance with another girl, I have been keeping secrets from my fiance, I hate my step mother, I hate myself for hurting a friend and all I feel is jealousy. Why? Why did he come to the dance with River? Why did I have to hear affectionate words from someone else? Why am I feeling so insecure?" she said bitterly.

Loreley wrapped her arms around Olivia "You have every right to feel insecure and be jealous. It's the ugly parts of love but it doesn't mean you are a bad person." she murmured next to Olivia's ear. "As for the rest..." she pulled back Olivia and gave her a big smile "That 'thing' is awful and deserves to be hated, hurt friends will always bounce back as long as you help them and who doesn't have secrets right?!"

Olivia laughed "Thank you." as she wiped the tears away. Loreley blushed and scratched her cheek "Ya... well we are sisters so I should watch out for you too... it's only natural." she said shyly. "Ok! You look awful, clean up your face and I will stand guard outside until your ready to come out. We need the world to see you step out as the fabulous person you are!" she said cheerfully and handed over Olivia's purse.

Olivia laughed at Loreley's goofiness, it was a side that she had never seen before and was happy to see her opening up more. Loreley left and Olivia did as she was told, she washed her face with cold water and waited till her eyes were no longer red.

She took a deep breathe and was ready to go back outside when suddenly a notification for a message went off. She dug her phone out of purse and swiped the screen. She felt her blood run cold, there was a picture of some random guy's arm wrapped around Loreley's waist while she wore frightened face.

Another message popped up 'Guess where your sister is right now.' she quickly dialed the number, with every ring that sounded her heart raced faster until he finally picked up the call.

"You called me pretty fast. I guess I made the right move to get you to notice me." the pompous voice said. "Give her back Quinn." Olivia hissed. "Why don't you come get her instead. We are in room 305 but I would hurry if I were you, my friends here are pretty 'hungry' and this little lamb looks quite 'delicious'." Quinn said coolly.

Olivia clutched her phone "Let me talk to her." she said as she started to leave the bathroom "Why should I? I think your better off talking to me don't you agree?" he said teasingly. Olivia's blood started to boil as she pressed the button for the elevator. "I'm on my way, just let me talk to her!" she shouted.

"Tut, tut, tut, Olivia! Temper, temper I don't need any wallflowers noticing you. Not that it mattered I have a 'friend' watching you so if you make a move I don't like forget getting your sister back in one piece." he said candidly, a cold chill ran down her back as the elevator doors closed in front of her.

Olivia gave a sigh of relief that the call didn't cut out in the elevator, as she stepped out she looked towards the sign to point her in the general direction. "Quinn why are you doing this?" she asked as she walked up to room 305. "Easy I want everything that belongs to Eli and nothing else." he said without a care.

Olivia knocked on the door and a slightly built, dirty blond boy opened the door. She heard a click on the phone "Olivia you made it come on in!" shouted Quinn from inside. Olivia pushed her way in and saw a dark, shaggy haired boy holding a paled face Loreley down in a chair.

She turned to Quinn and saw him sitting on the bed, while a tripod camera stood in front of the bed. She could guess what Quinn had planned and she was determined to not let 'doll' Olivia take over this time. She looked at Quinn with complete disdain "I'm here now so let my sister go."

Quinn laughed "If I did that how am I supposed to get you to do what I want?" he said as he got off the bed. He started to circle around Olivia like a hungry wolf ready to pounce on his prey. Olivia gave him a small smile "Well why don't you tell me what you want me to do then." she said softly.

Quinn stopped pacing and looked her in the eyes trying to find a shred of disgust, anger or defiance, with in them but he saw nothing so he smiled at her. "Take your clothes off." he commanded. Olivia raised her arm up and tried to pull the zipper down herself but was unsuccessful. She sighed and looked at Quinn "Can you help me." she said pitifully.

Quinn chuckled as he moved towards her back "Not shy are we?" he questioned. Olivia moved her hair aside so he could see the zipper better "Of course I'm not, I'm not a virgin so what do I care." she said with a shrug while Quinn's hand hovered over the top of the zipper.

Quinn's hesitation opened up an opportunity for Olivia to attack. She sent an elbow flying into the side of his head, it caught him off guard and caused him to fly into the nightstand. She Quickly turned and ran towards the dark, shaggy hair boy and smacked the palms of her hands against his ears as hard as she could, he suddenly became disorientated.

He took a couple of steps away from Loreley trying to get his balance. Olivia dropped to one knee and threw a punch into his family jewels, once he was down she grabbed Loreley's hand and started to run towards the front door.

She let go of Loreley's hand and locked eyes with the dirty blond boy "When there is an opening I want you to run as fast as you can." she said before she ran towards the boy. He tried to reach out for her shoulder but Olivia caught his wrist, shifted her body and threw him over her shoulder with easy.

Loreley was stunned and just stared at Olivia "Run!" she shouted as she kicked the boy in the gut. Loreley made it to the door, unlocked it and turned in time to watch Olivia fall to the ground. The dirty blond grabbed her ankle and started to drag her body towards him "RUN!" she shouted again.

Loreley bit her trembling lip and with a teary face she ran out the door.