Happy Times

It was morning and Olivia couldn't help but feel happy about yesterday. Every once in a while she would sneak a peek at Eli's sleeping face, the bliss she was feeling would spread through out her whole body and she would snuggle her face into his chest with a big smile.

She would laugh silently every time she moved slightly away, Eli would embrace her even when he was half asleep and kiss the top of her head before he slipped back into his dreams. She thought it was adorable and couldn't help herself for trying to get him to do it more than two times until he trapped her in his arms and snuggled against her hair, murmuring how much he loved her and falling back to sleep.

The sun was starting to shine brighter outside and they really needed to get going if they were going to make it back in time for school. "Eli... Eli... it's time to wake up." she sang gently to him. Eli started to stir, he really didn't want to get out of bed "No-o-o-o-o." he muttered as he pulled Olivia closer towards his body.

Olivia giggled as she felt something familiar poking her. "Did you not have enough yesterday?" she ask jokingly. Eli's eyes shot right open and he flashed her a devilish smile "I did... it's just this is a natural thing that happens to every man in the morning." Olivia started to pout "I thought I had caused it..." she said ruefully as she tried to turn away.

Eli laughed as he tried to turn her back to him. "As my wife I would expect you to take care of it every morning though." he whispered as he kissed her lips. Olivia smiled teasingly at him "Well I'm not your wife just yet so I guess you'll have to wait."

Eli's eyes flashed mischievously "Legally your not my wife but in my heart you are." Olivia giggled as he started to kiss her lips again.


It was already noon by the time Eli and Olivia started to head their way out. Olivia sighed as she looked back at the cottage one more time. Eli reached out and grabbed her hand "This place will always have our best memories." he whispered into her ear. Olivia blushed as she nodded her head.

"Too bad you didn't keep your promise to my dad, it's noon and we'll probably have to take me straight home by the time we make it back into the city." she said as she poked Eli in the cheek. Eli smiled "Who says! I called Avery after you fell asleep last night to let him know I had no plans of returning you til later today."

Olivia's jaw dropped and she started to hit his shoulder with her fists. "You didn't!" she shouted. Eli grabbed her by the waist and pulled her in for a kiss "I did." he murmured against her lips.

As they got into the car Olivia laid her head against Eli's shoulder and interlocked their hands. "Eli?" she whispered "Mmmm." he said as he laid his head against hers. "Thank you for not letting me have my way."

Eli laughed softly "If you had your way we would have broken up a couple of times already... Olivia if your not in my life I don't think I could smile anymore." Olivia giggled at Eli's words while Eli lifted his head of hers and cupped her chin. He forced her to look at him and he should how serious he was "Talk to me, don't hold anything in anymore. I mean it, I don't want to lose you so I will use any method to keep you with me... you have been warned." he said before he started kissing her fiercely.


Weeks passed by and winter turned into spring. The Steel girls were happily enjoying each others company at their favorite cafe by the school. School days were starting to get shorter for the third years as they started taking their practice exams in preparation for their enrollment exams taking place in June.

Blair and Autumn were going to meet them at the cafe after they finished their counseling session at the school. While Agni seemed to back off from the girls and allowed them some more free time outside of their regular schedules.

Since the dance Laila really started to come out of her shell. She started genuinely smile from the bottom of her heart and it radiated any room she walked into. She also started to take the initiative to talk to others and offer a helping hand. Parents from the daycare she was volunteering at recognized her on the street and stopped her to say hello.

While Loreley still kept her sharp tongue became more meek and understanding towards others. She would ask them to go fabric shopping when every they went out and had them model pieces she designed and sewed herself. Even though they were identical twins, people were now able to tell them apart just by their aura, Olivia could not feel more proud of her sisters.

Every day was a good day and she couldn't help but smile. It was almost the twins birthday and they would be turning 18. Olivia was too excited, she had already had gifts prepared for their birthday and was itching to hand them over early just to see their expressions. She sipped her bubble tea and look at them as they sat in the booth.

"So are you excited about your party tomorrow?" Olivia asked with a twinkle in her eyes. Laila and Loreley looked a little ashamed when she asked. "What are we supposed to do at the party?" Loreley asked Olivia.

Olivia was a little shocked by the question and gave the twins a wink "Have fun of course!" she answered gleefully. Laila shook her head no "Seriously what are we supposed to do? We haven't had a birthday party since dad was around so it's been what almost 13 years since we had one so we don't know how to act." Laila expressed with great sorrow.

Olivia's jaw dropped and the only thing stopping her from making a scene right then and there was Autumn and Blair walking in and interrupting their conversation. She looked at them, then the twins, she banged the table with the palm of her hand and stood up. "Good we are all together I have already booked a spa day for us at the Little Garden so we can look our best tomorrow!" she shouted excitedly and pushed everyone out of the cafe.

"I thought it was closed down because of the renovation." Blair said as they made it out the door. "Nope! Just half of the building is closed off for the next couple of months only VIPs can still use their services." Olivia said happily.

Loreley rolled her eyes "Of course you are probably the only one who can get us in at a drop of a dime right?" she said sarcastically. "Well who else can you count on to make sure you look polished up for important occasions?" Olivia said as she batted her eyelashes.

The girls just laughed as they barely caught the bus in time and headed for their destination.


As they got comfortable in their favorite hot spring Olivia dropped her smile and looked at everyone seriously. "Laila, Loreley what do you mean you haven't had a birthday party since your dad passed? I think I have been patient enough and I can't take anymore bits and pieces of your story anymore. I want to know what happened to the both of you and this training that 'monster' has put you through."

Loreley looked at Laila for guidance and Laila nodded to her sister. "Swear that no matter what 'that' woman does to me, no matter what she says, you swear not to utter a word about what we've talked about to her, even if I die." Laila demanded of Loreley.

Loreley nodded and looked at everyone else. The rest of the girls were dumbfounded, they had never seen Laila so menacingly. "You see we lost our father before our 6th birthday, he was the one who acted like a real parent while 'that' woman only acted like one in front of others."