Game of Cat and Mouse

Olivia groaned as she got up. She felt something wet coming from the side of her head. She looked around and seen that the sun had finally set and it was dark now. She cautiously got off the ground and winced in pain.

There was a twig sticking out of her thigh. She sucked in some air and slowly started to pull the twig out. She watched carefully as it slowly inched it's way out of her thigh, making sure that her blood didn't start squirting out, hinting that it hit a major artery.

Once she saw that only a small stream of blood was starting to spill out, she bit her lip to stop herself from screaming and yanked the rest of the twig out. She silently took off her blazer and then her blouse. She held her breath as she tried to carefully rip her blouse into strips, each tear made her cringe as it would echo through the woods.

She gave a sigh of relief when she finished her task and started to wrap her thigh. She quickly grabbed her blazer and put it back on her body to protect her from the cold air. She realized she could see her breath with every exhale and figured she was getting close to the lake. "Princess... what do you think you were doing just now?" Edmond's voice sounded close and Olivia started to panic and sweat started to roll off her face.

She knew she couldn't run very fast, not with her leg hurt the way it was. So she tried her luck and squatted down and hid in some bushes behind a tree. She covered her mouth and nose to hide her breathing as she heard Edmond's feet coming closer.

"Princess it's useless to hide I will find you... and when I do I will tenderly cut you over and over again into tiny pieces and deliver you to my m-a-s-t-e-r." he sang psychotically. Olivia could hear his blade being dragged across the bark of the trees.

Olivia counted the seconds that passed by since he walked past her tree and dared not moved till she reached 400. She slowly put her hands on the ground and started to inch her way out of the bushes, holding her breath as she tried not to make a sound.

"Princess did you think you could fool me so easily!" Edmond hollered as he kicked her in the stomach and sent her flying sideways into some more trees down below. Olivia let out a gasp as her back hit the base of a tree. She was able to look up and see Edmond's copper eyes glow as they silently mocked her for her own stupidity.

Edmond spun his dagger around in his hand, catching bits of moon light making every spin more ominous as he walked closer to her. She tried to scramble of the ground and was able to narrowly miss his dagger as it was sent flying to her head, instead it cut her hair tie. As she held her stomach, her hair came tumbling down over her face as she ran for dear life while he coldly laughed after her.

"My princess has some life left in her! You must really want to live!" he shouted into the cold, dark sky. Olivia had no other option left, she had to run down to the lake and see if there was a small row boat tied to the wooden dock.

Her body felt like it was on fire as she started to breath harder with every step she took. She felt something wet running down the side of her leg and didn't dare to look down as she finally reached the dock.

In the distance she could see a small boat tied at the very end. Her heart sang in relief as there was a glimmer of hope right before her. "Princess I'm coming for you!" Edmond sang at the top of his lungs.

Olivia looked back and could see his glowing copper eyes start to grow bigger with every passing second. The relief she felt stopped her adrenaline rush and now her leg felt heavy and unusable. She have dragged herself down the dock and knelt down to untie the rope when she suddenly noticed that the boat was sinking into the lake.

She heard his feet making contact on the wooden dock. He was getting closer to her, there was no hope left and decided that it was time to face Edmond head on. She planted her feet firmly in place and brought her fists up as she watched Edmond slowly approach her. "Oh my goodness princess aren't you the cutest little thing! Do you really think you can fight off a trained assassin?" he said wildly as his eyes shone with pure mockery.

Olivia gulped and stared Edmond down "One never knows unless they try!" she shouted back to him. Edmond stopped in his tracks and his eyes went wide as he placed one hand on his abdomen and started to laugh loudly. Tears were sent flying into the air while the moonlight reflected its light in each drop.

"You are so precious trying to act brave!" he laughed. Olivia refused to falter, her vision was starting to get blurry and she couldn't stop sweating from her rising temperature. Suddenly she let out a blood curdling scream and looked downwards. Edmond's blade was currently lodged into the thigh that was already wounded.

She quickly went to pull it out and in doing so she cut the blood soaked wrap and heard it fall onto the dock with a splat. She threw the blade into the lake ad looked back at Edmond, her eyes were blazing with pure fury.

Edmond was shocked again as he did not expect this type of reaction from Olivia. "Princess you have grown so much that even this much doesn't phase you? Well what about this..." he said brutally as he pulled a gun from his steam punk belt. He quickly unloaded the chamber and inspected the contents. Once he was satisfied, her reloaded the cartridge and pointed the gun at Olivia.

The moon shone on the cold steel of the gun making the situation more real. "See you threw my favorite blade now I can't cut you up with any love so I guess it will just be heartless death for you and if it's heartless why not use a gun..." he said flatly while all emotion left his face and all she could see were his cold, lifeless eyes.

"Edmond please don't do this!" Olivia pleaded while tears started to pour from her eyes. Edmond lowered his gun and brought his hands together "Please don't do this!" he imitated as he shifted his hips side to side. "You're pathetic! I thought you were better than this! You seriously believe that begging for your life will do anything! Forget it! I have my orders and I am bound to it!" he spat at her with pure hatred and anger.

Olivia dropped her fists and stepped out of her defensive stance. "You're right... I'm so stupid..." she began to say softly. She looked at Edmond and gave him a gentle smile. "Alright I'm ready... Hey Edmond I still love you..." was all she could say before a loud bang was heard through out the area.

Olivia took a step back as she felt something hit her hard. She felt a tight pressure in her chest, she looked down and watched a red blossom start to appear on her blazer. Olivia looked up and gave Edmond one last smile as tears ran down her face, before she fell backwards into the lake. The last thing she felt was the icy water of the lake surrounding her body.

Edmond walked up to the edge of the lake and watched as the air bubbles stopped coming up. With a heavy sigh he turned around and picked up the blood soaked wrap and pulled out his phone. The phone rang a few times before he could hear a very faint "Hello?".

Edmond gripped the wrap in his hand and felt the warm blood start to run down her his fist and drip down to the ground. "It's done..." he said flatly and wait a few moments. Sweat was starting to form on his temple and threatened to roll down his face. "Proof?" the voice whispered. Edmond let out a sigh and looked towards the left. "The body fell into the lake but you will most likely get a full detailed report from your loyal minion Carl." he said coolly.

"You know he is rather terrible at hiding himself but I'm pretty sure he caught the whole audio and video for your viewing and listening pleasures... but if you want a souvenir I do have her school blouse torn to shreds and soaking in her blood." he said candidly while the person on the other line tried to muffle her laughter.

"Bring it to me and your woman and unborn child are free to go." she said ominously. Edmond licked his lips, tasting the salty bitterness that coated them. "Yes my mistress." he said before he hung up the call.