Time To Go Home Part 3

Robin became flustered he didn't care if this girl proclaimed herself as Olivia or not but going down to the basement was a very dangerous idea. "Avery I know you're upset but you can't take a child down there." he said slowly. Avery gave him a piercing stare that shook his very soul.

"Push the emergency alarm and have everyone in the building evacuated so I can drag this little b*tch down there without being seen." he hissed at Robin. Eli tried his best to speak out but only rough sounds could be heard as he used all his might to just get himself half of the ground.

Robin looked at Avery than the girl, her face was starting to turn pink and he tried to think fast. "Avery I don't think that would work people have see her come in and will think it suspicious that suddenly some alarm was pulled and everyone had to be evacuated... it's probably best to wait for the results. Word has probably got out that 'Olivia' has come back from the dead and if it turns out to be she is an imposter than you will hold a press conference stating the whole thing as a cruel joke, and once the news dies down, then do what you want to her but for now please let her go." he said calmly.

Avery thought about what Robin said and watched as the girls face started to turn red and saliva started to drip from her mouth. He sighed as he let her neck go, he realized that Robin was right and tossed the girl at Eli causing them both to fall to the ground.

Eli grabbed Olivia and clutch her towards his chest as he looked at Avery with blood lust. Avery scoffed at him and started walking back to his desk. "Fix that gaze Eli or else I will squeeze that girl's life away with me bare hands." Avery said candidly as he kicked his chair aside with disgust.

Eli focused on breathing and tried to get his body working properly while Olivia coughed frantically.


Finally the hour was up, Eli and Olivia were back in functioning order while Avery and Robin stared at them from across the room. Eli had her sitting in between his legs and wrapped his arms around her determined to not let Avery have her again. While Olivia just trembled like a leaf, she knew her father was brutal but this was worse then when he hit her as a child. She had overcome her trauma mentally but her body refused to let her forget.

There was a knock on the door and Jack scurried into the room with a frantic look on his face. Avery read his facial expression and looked at the two huddled in a corner of the room "Well young lady you may be trembling now but after I see the results prepare yourself for hell." he said darkly as he grabbed the report from Jack's hands.

"I don't know what to say sir but.... but I'm happy for you." Jack said sincerely. Both Robin and Avery looked at each other than Jack dumbfound. "Jack what do you mean happy?" Robin asked skeptically. Jack beamed at the two with a sweat bitter smile. "Easy sir. I don't know how they did it but the funeral you had was for an imposter... that's your little girl right over there." Jack pointed at the corner proudly.

Robin dropped to his knees and the blood drained from his face as he looked to where Jack pointed. While Avery quickly looked over the report and tried to make sense of the situation before him "Are you sure!" he shouted at Jack.

Jack vigorously nodded his head. "I even had two more colleges perform tests at the same time! We all got the same answer... she is Olivia Steel." Avery started to tear up and he lifted his face towards the ceiling as he asked Jack to leave.

The moment Avery heard the door close he dropped his head and started to shove documents on the floor as he started screaming at the top of his lungs. Tears were sent flying and Robin tried to regain his senses from the initial shock "Da-dad-daddy..." Olivia whispered as Eli finally let her go from his protective embrace.

"No! No! No! No!" he yelled as he threw himself onto the desk and started pound his fist. Robin started to get off the ground in a hurry and grabbed Olivia. He wrapped his arms around her and started kissing the top of her head "My sweat heart! You're alive! You're alive oh my god you're alive." he cried into her her hair. Olivia hugged her uncle back and started to cry herself.

Avery started taking deep breathes and peeled himself up from desk. He walked unevenly towards the two and stretched out his hands but was suddenly stopped by Eli. "What right do you have to even think of touching her." he said coldly.

Avery winced at his words and dropped his arms. He looked down at his shoes and allowed more tears to fall to the ground. "I couldn't believe her... I didn't want to believe her... I just... we just cremated her body what was I supposed to believe." he said sorrowfully.

"You could have hoped but instead you tried to kill her with your own two hands." Eli said bluntly. Robin stopped crying and Olivia broke their embrace, she walked up to Eli and slapped his face. "Don't! Don't you dare act like you know anything about hope!" she yelled.

Avery looked up and saw Olivia's enraged face. "You tired to kill yourself thinking I was gone!" she said as she slapped him again, her hand was now on fire but she could care less. She turned to her father and looked him in the eyes, then slapped him too. Angry tears started running down her face as she raised her hand again.

Eli grabbed her wrist from behind and kissed her temple "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." he murmured into her ear. Olivia lost her will to fight and looked at her father with a pain stricken face "I told you Agni... I told you... will you believe me now.... will you listen to my story?" she asked cautiously, afraid that her father would turn against her again just for bringing up his wife's name.

Avery looked at Olivia like his world just came apart, his face aged years in a split second and he absentmindedly nodded his head. Robin made a quick phone call as they stood there in silence "Avery, Olivia and Eli, I have a car waiting for us downstairs. We can't stay here... we've been here to long and if people have been talking about seeing Olivia I'm pretty sure Agni will act and come after her again."

Avery looked at Robin in a daze. Olivia sighed and grabbed her father's hand "Come on daddy we got to go." she said softly. Avery felt her hand and squeezed it reassuringly, new tears started to roll down his face as her pulled her into his embrace. "I'm so sorry!" he yelled.

Olivia patted his back "Daddy we don't have time for this we need to go I promise I won't leave you again but Agni will try to kill me if she knows I'm here." she said sternly. Avery bit back the words he wanted to say and let go of Olivia. They four of the raced towards the elevator and waited for it to arrive.

Employees started to gawk as they all raised their heads from the cubicles and started to make a ruckus. Robin turned around as the elevator arrived. "Everyone pass a message along to everyone else. Ms. Steel is in fact alive but her life is still in danger so please keep her arrival to the office a secret." he declared before stepping into the elevator. The last thing they saw was everyone pulling out their phone, texting or calling other colleges.

They went straight to the under ground parking and ran to the car waiting for them. Once seated inside Robin emailed the receptionist to tell everyone the Avery had been called away to an out of office meeting and his return for the day was uncertain.

The moment they were on the road Avery's phone went off. Everyone in the car looked at Avery wondering what he was going to do. He gulped and looked at the screen, his faced turned ghostly white as Agni's name appeared on the display screen. He allowed it to ring till it went to voicemail, but soon enough text messages started to flood his phone.

Olivia covered the screen with her hand and looked at her father "Laila and Loreley, they need to be protected. " she said worriedly. Avery nodded "Robin call the daycare and have Maria take Laila to the Atleet estate. Tell them to keep her away from her mother at all costs! I will call Brenda and have her do the same with Loreley." he said quickly as he pulled his phone away from Olivia's hand.

Avery looked at Olivia as the phone rang. "I will listen and believe whatever you say from now on." he told her decisively. Olivia sighed and sat back into her seat while Eli held her hand. "It will be over soon." Eli told her but Olivia had a feeling it was still only the beginning.


Aunt Amy refused to let Olivia go from her embrace. The moment she walked through the door Amy screamed and clung to her for dear life. Robin felt awkward as the triplets started to cry from their mother's hollering. "Honey the babies?" he pleaded but Amy shot him a look.

"You three can each take one Olivia is mine right now and I'm not letting go!" she yelled angrily at the men. Robin sighed and passed a baby to Avery and Eli. "Okay, okay Gracie daddy's got you. Up you go! See all better mom just went a little crazy but everything is ok now." Robin cooed to his daughter.

Amy rolled her eyes and snuggled against Olivia's head. "Amy, honey we want to talk so can we go into the living room for now? I want to set up the security system outside too." Amy nodded at Robin's requests and started side step with Olivia. She meant it when she wasn't going to let Olivia go from her embrace and she awkwardly guided Olivia to a spot on the couch and sat her down while still holding her in her arms.

Olivia giggled and squeezed Amy back. "I'm happy to see you too." Amy finally let her go to look at her and then quickly decided it was the wrong choice and pulled her back into her embrace. "Who hurt you!" she demanded. Olivia gave a sigh "Which time are you asking for? now or before?" Amy squeezed her a little tighter "No better yet tell me everything!" she shouted.