The Big Reveal

Shimmering pearl like fabric delicately wrapped around her neck, went down her torso and flared at her waist. 6 giant white and gold petals came up from her left hip and pointed upwards towards her chest, layering top half of the bodice while the bottom half was covered with fine golden vines, leaves and crystal blossoms.

Around her waist were shimmering white roses that looked like they were dipped in thousands of tiny diamonds and silver leaves. Just under the roses were layers of almost translucent pearl like fabric that ruffled downwards, in opposing direction from each other while small acrylic diamonds littered the top layer. The ruffles just under her waist resembled ragging waves that flowed into a gentle waterfall, parting a little way down till it reached the floor, revealing the beauty that laid beneath.

Underneath the ruffles was a larger ivory ruffle that stopped just above her knee, was was decorated with golden cherry blossom appliques and just right under the ragging wave ruffles were more shimmering roses that went downwards towards the appliques. The vanilla white dress that peaked underneath all the ruffles, flared downwards and touched the floor. It had silver and gold rolling hill appliques made of swirls, hearts and diamond patterns.

The room was still silent and the announcer gave a small cough to signal Olivia to started descending the stairs. After she was half way down the announcer called the next person to take their place and again the room stayed silent. The crowd did not register the next person they were too busy staring at Olivia as she walked down the white marble steps.

When she finally stepped off the stairs she made her way to the center of the floor and did one small, slow turn. Avery quickly stood up and rushed to the front tables to try and get a better view. His eyes widened as he saw her opened back, one giant ivory lace, double waved ruffle going straight down acting like a small train. It was finished off with a river of the same shimmering roses and silver leaves going a quarter of the way down the dress.

Avery couldn't believe his eyes, after she finished her spin she turned and lined up to the left side of the room with the girls while the boys where on the right. Blair was still relatively close and started to mouth the words "Unbelievable." with a broad grin. Three more people were announced and still the room was ridiculously silent.

The announcer dressed in a burgundy suit with black lapels kept staring at Olivia and walked towards the center off the room. While he walked he tripped over himself and stumbled forward. Luckily he didn't fall and make a fool of himself but then again no one would have noticed as everyone kept staring at Olivia.

He cleared his throat, readjusted his jacket and spoke into the microphone. "Ladies and gentleman I present to you the 125th ladies and gentleman of the debutante!" in an overly joyful voice, the debutantes started to clap and the trance the crowd was under finally lifted and a ridiculously loud cheer erupted from all over the room.

The announcer started to wave his hands to signal the crowds silence. Once the room was quite again he brought the microphone up to his mouth. "As you lovely lot know we will have two boys that have been previously selected by the schools to start off the debutante with the waltz." he said as he winked into the crowd.

"From Azeri Academy it will be Skyler Goodman and Elgan McLoid. From Tekula Academy it will be Wilson Jagger and Cole Carter. From Ka Torto Academy it will be Bellamy Callum and Gregory Tekter. Finally from Lewood Academy it will be Rodan Yanjing and Eli Delmira. Now gents fetch your ladies and get this debutante started." he shouted enthusiastically.

The boys wanted to move fast to and grab the ladies they fancied but froze as they set their sights on Olivia. She felt their gazes as they locked eyes with her. She fought the urge to move backwards and felt the sweat start to collect around their temples. However Eli and Rodan were one step ahead of the group and each were the first to grab hold of their girlfriends.

Eli took Olivia a good 3 feet away from the group, he turned to her, bowed deeply and positioned himself, ready to start the dance at the given que. Olivia couldn't help but blush as she caught Eli openly staring at her. "You can be honest you know... I know I don't look that great." she said with a slight pout. Eli gave a small chuckle before he stole a kiss from her lips. "You're mistaken Olivia you are too beautiful that you stunned everyone." he said in a low voice.

Olivia looked away, embarrassed by his words. Eli brought up his hand and cradled her face. "You are too beautiful tonight, I don't think I can hold out too long before I steal you away and strip you down." he whispered, sending a delightful chill down her back. Soon the music started and they began their waltz.

Once they finished everyone cheered and the young ladies and gents moved to find their families. Laila, Loreley and Olivia quickly found Avery standing close to the dance floor. Tears were dramatically flowing from his eyes as he hugged Laila and Loreley. After a moment he let them go and walked up to Olivia. He sucked in some air and started to raise his hand.

Olivia's eyes became wide, she was expecting a completely different reaction and as he moved forward, Olivia flinched but nothing came. She opened her eyes and saw that he had hunched over and covered his eyes with one hand "You stupid child! Stupid! Stupid! Stupid child!" he cried before he dropped to his knees. "I thought you would be surprised?!" Olivia shouted in confusion.

Avery wiped his tears away and pulled out a handkerchief to clean up his running nose. He got off the floor and looked at Olivia with so much affection. He embraced her tightly and she barely heard the words he said under his breath "You look so beautiful... your mother would be so happy."

As they walked back to their table, the golden, crystal chandeliers hanging from the ceiling were turned off and the tube, black lights were turned on. The tables were decorated with light grey linen, a 20" Clear Eiffel Tower vase stood in the center for the table, it had been filled with clear crystals. At the bottom of the vase there was a soft white glow that crept up the vase, while a bouquet of white ostrich feathers decorated the top.

There were 8 seats around the table and each chair was covered with the same light grey linen as the table and had a white and silver sash tied around the center of the chair. There were 7 white plates, 7 wine glasses on the table and one card holder with a stark white card in it, in bold gold foil writing the word Steel was embossed.

The Steel family sat down and Olivia stared at the three empty place settings. "Dad? Are we expecting anyone else?" Olivia asked her father. He was still sniffing away as he nodded his head. Olivia sighed as she knew she wasn't going to be answering her questions anytime soon. Laila and Loreley looked at Olivia with inquiring faces.

Olivia placed an elbow on the table and propped her head up. She was ready to start her explanation when she heard a familiar voice. "Princesses are you ready to party!" an overly flamboyant voice shouted over to the crowd. The girls looked over and saw Edmond walking towards their table in a sparkling white tuxedo. There was someone walking closely behind him, Olivia's face lit up as she stood up from her chair. She grabbed her sisters' hands and hauled them up.

Edmond stopped in is tracks and his jaw dropped. Olivia's face started to beam "Now that was the reaction I was looking for!" she said happily as Edmond rushed up to her and started circling them. "Princess I can't believe... how did you get your hands... I mean wow... you look so beautiful. You all look beautiful but wow... your mom must be smiling from up above." he said with mixed emotions.

Olivia laughed while the three girls hugged Edmond. "Now, now ladies I am not the one that should be in the spot light at the moment." he said with a mischievous smile and glowing copper eyes, he slipped from their embrace and reappeared beside the two elders that were following behind him. He cleared his throat, "I present to you the original Steel heads, ah-hhh Mr. Bernard Steel and his iron fist - I mean... cough... lovely wife Mrs. Clementina Steel. Your biological and step-grandparents." he said in a court like manner before he bowed deeply.

Edmond got up from his bow and looked at the two elders. "My masters my I introduce the lovely Laila, that almost enchanting Loreley and of course the glamorous Olivia." in a lively tone. Olivia walked up to the elders wide eyed. "Papa Bernie? Nana Tina? What is the Edmond talking about." Olivia said in a shaky voice.

The elders looked at one another and back at Olivia. Nana Tina brought her in for a bear hug. "Silly girl it means we are your real grandparents." she said in stern voice, Olivia looked up to Papa Bernie hoping to get an explanation but he just shrugged "We found out after Eli showed up that you were our grandchild, who knew."

Olivia started to laugh as she hugged her Nana Tina back "What a small world." she said as she showed them the happiest face in the world. Nana Tina had enough hugging and pushed Olivia back a little "Ok little one that's enough now. Your Nana Tina wants to take a good look at you fine ladies!" Olivia gave a small chuckle as she bounced over to her sisters.

"Nana Tina and Papa Bernie this is Laila, her dress may be simple looking on it's own but her elegance makes it really shine, making her look like a classic beautiful princess from fairy tales. Loreley here went with a mermaid style, the best part is she actually designed and crafted this by herself, showing the world that she's not just beautiful but also very talented. While I..." she said in a variety show announcer's voice before she paused and gave a small spin.

"While I did some research, raised my own funds, dug out my mother's wedding dress and had it restored so that I could have a piece of her with me." she said slowly as she gently smiled at everyone listening. Avery started to cry again, while Nana Tina started tapping her heart "Your such a sweet child." she said as she showed them a rare gentle smile.

The debutante was now in full swing people had their fill of food and drinks and were happily dancing the night away. Some people took the opportunity to build their connections, Edmond introduced his future wife and mother of his child to the Steel elders. Avery finally got over his shock and started to have fun.

The night was going wonderfully, while the people inside the building were unaware of the group of shadows starting to move into their position waiting for the clock to strike midnight.