Do You Want To Play?

Olivia sat beside Laila's hospital bed, watching her sleep. It had been a long night and she couldn't stop replaying the scenes in her head. There was so many people who got hurt, other were killed and she had no idea how the others were doing, her phone was dead and she was too afraid to leave Laila alone for a second.

Laila was taken into surgery the moment they got through the hospital doors. Olivia stayed close by the operating room waiting to hear any news. Eli held her hand until they heard the surgeon came out and told them she was all right. Relief washed over he and Eli kissed her before he left to fetch them a change of clothes promising he wouldn't be too long but it had been hours since then.

Olivia was trying her best to fight off sleep. She should have listened to her dream, why did she think it wasn't a premonition but now she had no choice but to see the reality of it all. Death was waiting for her if she didn't find Vaidehi and she needed to figure the mystery out soon or she will also cause more harm to the people she loved.

Olivia looked at the clock on the hospital wall. It was now 10 in the morning, she needed to charge her phone and wait a little bit longer before Laila woke up. The doctor said Laila needed her rest but she had to hear what had happened to her, Loreley and their father.

Olivia heard a knock on the door and she turned to see who it was. Eli was standing in the doorway, he wash bathed, he changed his clothes and wash wearing a pair of blue jeans and a green t-shirt and holding some white plastic bags. He looked at Olivia's pale face and took a few steps forward. He placed the bags on the ground and moved to touch her face.

He gently caressed the bags under her eyes with his thumb. "I'm so sorry I took so long my love, they've put up barricades all over the city.... They are trying to find the men who started the massacre." he said softly. He gently placed a kiss of her lips, Olivia felt electricity run from her lips and down her body. "You need some sleep." he murmured against her parted lips.

"I can't sleep." she whispered as she kissed him back. Eli sighed, he knew she was lying. Olivia dropped her gaze to the bags on the floor, she could smell a sweet scent coming up. Her stomach growled and her mouth started to salivate. Eli gave a small laugh and grabbed one of the white plastic bags off the floor.

"First change then you can eat, don't give me that face I will watch over your sister. You can use the bathroom to change if you feel too shy." Eli said teasingly. Olivia pouted and looked at the private bathroom, there was a shower in there and she knew she needed a good wash but she would have to be mindful of her injuries. She sighed as she took the other white plastic bag from the ground and dragged herself into the bathroom.

She gave one last look at Eli before she closed the door. She slipped off her dress and grabbed a small face towel off the sink. She turned on the water and moistened the towel. She added a little bit of soap and started to gently scrub her skin.

She moved the small white towel over every inch of her body except for her feet. They had dried blood all over them and she decided to try to rinse them off in the bathtub under some warm running water. The water could only do so much and Olivia sat on the brim of the tub and brought the towel to her feet.

The small white towel soon started turning pink as she scrubbed away the crusted blood. She became numb, she didn't want to remember the bodies that laid on the floor, she didn't want to remember the moment her grandfather died and she was more terrified about what happened with her father and sister. She let the water run for a few more minutes as she silently cried in the bathroom alone.

Eli was getting a little worried as Olivia was in the bathroom for quite a bit off time. He looked at Laila and frowned, he had hoped that the smell of food would entice her to stir but he had no luck. He had already plugged in Olivia's phone and made himself comfortable in one of the chairs. He crossed his ankle over his knee and waited. Soon the bathroom door handle clicked and the door slowly opened.

Olivia stepped out, she braided her hair to the side and wore a navy blue track suit. Eli got up from his chair and handed her a danish and a carton of milk. "Please eat something." he urged her as she gingerly took the meal. She looked at Laila "She probably won't wake up for another hour." she said sorrowfully. Eli wrapped his arms around her and gently kissed her forehead. "Then I want you to rest after you eat."

Eli watched Olivia sleeping on the window sill bed, he felt relief that she was at least safe but there was a problem, she didn't know where her family was or even if they were alive. With a heavy sigh he got up from his chair and walked over to Laila. He narrowed his gaze on the sleeping girl's face and knew something was wrong. Were the three of them together during the shooting and why would they only leave Laila behind.

Eli pulled out his phone and checked the time. It was already one in the afternoon, he didn't want to wake Olivia up but at the same time Laila should have already woke up from the anesthesia. He pocketed his phone and decided to try and find a doctor or nurse that could give him some answers before Olivia woke up.

He walked up to Olivia and tucked her under the blanket, he gave her a small kiss on the top of her head before he quietly left the room.

"Come find me. Come find me. You know you want to find me. Come find me. Come find me. You know you want to find me."

Olivia started to stir as she heard an electronic voice singing in the hospital room. Olivia's eyes fluttered open as she tried to focus her vision. "Come find me. Come find me. You know you want to find me. Come find me. Come find me. You know you want to find me." Olivia got of the window sill bed and started to walk over to where the singing was coming from.

She found her phone plugged into the wall and the screen was glowing red as the words 'Private Caller' displayed in white text. It sang "Come find me." one more time before she finally swiped the screen and answered the call.

"Hello?" she was able to croak out. "Do you want to play a little game?" an electronic voice said to her. Olivia's eyes shot wide open as her mind became fully alter. "If you don't answer in 10 seconds we will kill your fam-ily." the electronic voice sang happily. Olivia had no time to think and just quickly answered "YES!" The electronic voice started to laugh.

"That's a good girl now leave the room, then leave through the main doors and head out towards the street. No funny busi-ness we a-r-e watch-ing y-o-u..." the voice said. Olivia gulped she knew who ever was on the other side knew she was virtually alone and she needed to leave quick before Eli came back. She gave Laila's hand a quick squeeze before she left and ran.

"Good girl! She knows how to follow instructions!" the electronic voice squealed. "What do I do now?!" Olivia asked in a panicked voice. "Little girl please be patient! Did your parents ever teach you manners?! Oh wait one is dead and the other... well let's just say in rough shape shall we?" Olivia's blood ran cold, her lips were partially parted and her eyes were wide.

"YES! I love that face you are making right now! So thrilling but I will have to cut our time together for a bit... you see that taxi over by the hot dog stand? There inside is the driver reading the paper, give him your phone and he wi-l-l give you a new o-n-e but hurry I don't want to wait too long." sang the voice before the call ended. Olivia rushed over to the man that was described, she tapped on the window rapidly and waited for the driver to roll it down.

Olivia shoved the phone into the taxi and dropped it on the front passenger's seat. "I'm Olivia! You have a phone for me?!" she said hurriedly not knowing what to expect if she made the caller wait too long. The driver stared at Olivia and gently combed his giant, bushy mustache with his fingers. "ID?" he said in a harsh voice.

Olivia panicked she was only wearing a track suit and left her wallet behind. "I don't have anything on me! Please I need the phone you have for me or something bad might happen."she tried to plead in a quiet voice so she didn't attract to much attention to herself. The old taxi driver raised one bushy eyebrow contemplating on her words when his phone rang.

He flipped open his phone and read the text message. He sighed and leaned sideways as he tried to dig out something from his back pocket. "Yours." he grunted as he stretched out his arm to hand her the phone. Once she had it the driver went back to his newspaper and continued to read. The phone started to vibrate in her hand and she quickly answered the phone.

"Good job! You got the n-e-w phone but you might have company soon if you don't move now. So hop into the taxi waiting a few cars down from where you are. Though if I was you I would hurry, he's spotted you through t-h-e window." the voice said. Olivia had to fight the urge to turn around and face the grey hospital building.

Her heart was racing, she bit her bottom lip and ran from the spot. She was determined to play this person's game and keep her family alive. She found the taxi relatively quickly and she jumped into the backseat of the taxi. "Drive!" she yelled as she clutched the smart phone against her ear. "That's a good girl! I am s-o proud of you little Livy but you will have to tell him where to go! So think where would I want to see you." the voice said before it hung up.

Olivia's eyes widened as she heard the call cut. "Hello? Hello?! HELLO!" she started to yell into the phone. The driver moved the clear paneling aside with his right hand as he kept his eyes on the road and shouted back. "Eh I righ' 'ere no need ta yell!" Olivia went silent as the driver drove past the hospital and was making his way to the main street. "W-air you goin'?" he asked her.

Olivia leaned back into the seat and felt all her energy slip out. She sat silently as the taxi driver slowed the car down. She peeked over and tried to find out what was happening. "Why did you stop?" she asked. The driver looked back, his curly black hair peeked out from under his cabby hat. "Sorry 'un, barricades." he said apologetically and it dawned on Olivia, she knew where she has to go.

"I'm sorry I will pay you back later." she shouted as she jumped out of the taxi and ran for her life.