Follow The Route

Olivia checked the phone again to make sure she had seen the route correctly. Her heart was racing as she looked from the screen and then to the view in front of her. She had to try and get past the barricade of cop cars that were blocking the main gate entrance of the Maki Hudu Memorial Building.

She wondered what wound happen is she tried to deviate from the route but quickly shook the idea out of her head. If the captures gave her the route chances were they were tracking her and one wrong move could mean instant death for Loreley. Olivia didn't want to think about her father, she was hopeful that they hadn't done anything to him but with crazy people one could never know.

Olivia stayed hidden in some bushes and noticed that the police officers were more lax around the main entrance. The majority of them were trying to hold back reports and tried answering their questions while others were stretching their muscles and drinking coffee while they chatted with one another.

Olivia crawled along the side of trees and shrubbery trying to keep herself hidden. She stopped a couple of feet away from the main gate when she heard voices. "Louis you shouldn't leave your bullet proof vest just hanging there on the door!" a well sculpted, black male yelled at an oily, slightly over weight, ginger male. "Relax Davin! You're such a mother hen just clucking at me any chance you get!" Louis yelled back at Davin.

"Mother hen my *ss! You can not just have bullet proof vest hanging on an open car door like that! It's unprofessional! Oh and speaking of unprofessional, did you even remember to take the keys from the ignition this time or did you leave them in there again?" Davin yelled at Louis as he talked wildly with his hands.

"Sorry Davin I couldn't hear you with your hands flying all over the place again." Louis said in a snarky tone. Davin started stomping his feet toward Louis with a furious expression while Louis straighten up his back and puffed out his chest. "Hey, hey, H-E-Y! You two cut it out!" a dirty blond woman that looked like she was in her late forties called out and stepped in between the two men.

"I know we are all on the edge right now... we are looking pretty bad in the eyes of the citizens for responding so late but we DO NOT want to add more oil to this fire when their are reporters watching us like hawks. Do I make myself clear gentleman?" the women sternly said to the two men.

Each one was ready to tear the other apart with just a glance but backed away. "Yes ma'am." Davin said in a low voice. "Yes Superintendent Goodwill." Louis said between clenched teeth. "All right then both of you go grab a coffee from Felix then I want you Louis to get that vest back on or put away in the trunk, I honestly could give a flying rats *ss what you do but do it! Davin go switch out with Ray and patrol the perimeter with Simon, I don't want to see either of you near each other for the rest of your shift, now go!" she ordered and watched the men make their way towards the a mousy looking male pouring travel jugs of coffee.

Superintendent Goodwill stood there watching the men for a minute, let them grumble their grievances under their breathes before she started to walk behind them. After hearing the cops argue Olivia came up with a plan. She moved fast from the bushes, she ran a good four feet towards the opened police car door. She hide herself behind the door and pulled off the bullet proof vest as she squatted out of sight. She took off her jersey and quickly put the vest over top her white shirt.

She let out a muffled "Urk?!" after she strapped it on. The smell was horrible and figured out that Louis was probably grossed out from his own smell and sisn't want to wear it anymore. She peeked her head up and seen that the two men where still in line for their coffee. She put her navy blue jersey back on and zipped it all the way up. She then shuffled her weight around the door, staying in her squatting position, close to the ground.

Once she made it to the other side of the door and she popped into the car. Sweat was dripping down her face as she soon realized that the vest was a good extra ten pounds added to her body and now she had to lug around. She looked at the ignition and rejoiced over the fact the Louis did leave the key behind. She then went into the glove compartment and tried to find anything that would act like a weight.

She found a two hand manuals that were relatively thick and hoped that that would be enough. She pulled the emergency brake and turned on the car. Some heads turned and she gulped. She quickly shifted the car into reverse and pushed the emergency brake back, the car started to move slowly back and she could hear people starting to yell. She grabbed the manuals, and hopped out of the car, turned and threw the manuals onto the accelerator.

They hit their target and off shot the car backwards. She started to bolt after the car, her breathing was heavy, sweat was still dripping from her face and she pushed herself to make her daring escape. The crowd started yelling and they moved out of the way while the cops that were at the gate jumped out of the way.

The cop car rear ended the gate and made an opening. Olivia kept up her pace and ran past the police officers rolling on the ground, she jumped onto the trunk and through the gap that was made in the gate. People were yelling, reporters were filming, on lookers were taking photos with their phones but no one tried to stop her till it was too late, she had disappeared into the streets.

Olivia knew it was a matter of time before the police started looking for her. She had endangered the lives of many and she didn't have the time to explain anything at the moment. She was on a mission, she needed to save Loreley and hopefully her dad. She found herself in the open market, she looked at the map again and felt relieved that she had still been following the correct route.

People around her started to excitedly talk among themselves as they were recapping the live footage of an auburn girl in a navy track suit causing mayhem at the Maki Hudu Memorial Building gate. Olivia quickly scanned her surrounds and saw hoodies on display on the side of the street. She ran as fast as she could and grabbed whatever she could before someone saw her.

She started to run away when she heard an elderly voice yell "Thief! Thief! Someone call the police!" her heart broke, she promised to herself that she would go back and pay for the hoodie once all was said and done. She stepped into a side alley, she pulled out the phone, unzipped her jersey and threw it aside. She put the grey, baggy hoodie on instead and drew the hood over her head. It was two sizes too big but at this point she could care less. She placed the phone into the front pocket and kept her hand firmly in place inside with the phone.

She stepped back into the street and calmly walked the rest of the way. By the time that Olivia made it to the factory section of the city it was already getting close to sun set. She never in her life felt so bad about the things she had done today and cringed as she made mental notes on all the places she had to pay back. Shop keeper at the open market, a convenience store a couple of blocks back, food stall and another convenience store a block away.

She got off the 'borrowed' bike that someone had conveniently forgot to lock up when they went into the first convenience store she was in and prayed that she could track down the person later on. She walked slowly to building 990B, once she got there she stopped and looked up at the building.

It had seen better days, but now the giant windows were covered in dirty and grim. There were pieces of red brick missing in various spots, there were two giant metal doors in the front. Olivia gulped as the building looked more like a haunted mansion then an old shoe making factory. Olivia leaned the bike against the red bricked wall before she pushed open the doors. She grabbed the phone from her hoodie pocket and turned on the phone's flashlight.

She took a couple of steps in and started shouting "Hello?!" She moved the phone's light left and right trying to figure out where she needed to go. "I'm here already! Take me to my sister or tell me what the f*ck you want!" she yelled hysterically. The lights were turned on and Olivia felt her eyes were being assaulted by the intensity of the brightness. She brought her arms up to shield her face and took a step back.

There was clapping heard from everywhere and Olivia dropped her arms and looked around. She didn't see anyone but quickly figured out that the noise was being broadcasted. "Well done little Livy, well done!" the electronic voice said happily. "You came at a great time! You see I was starting to get a little bored and decided to bring in Avery for the reunion! See between you, me and the post I'm a sucker for happy endings, so why not have all of you see each other again!" the voice said enthusiastically.

Olivia's face brightened at the mention of her father. "My dad.... my dad is still alive?" she dared to ask. The voice started to laugh "My dear of course he's still alive. I mean I love him so I can't just kill him... I just needed to punish him for all the wrongs he has done me over the years." the voice said pitifully. Olivia's eyes widened.

"Agni?!" Olivia called. "Ding, ding, ding!" the electronic voice said over the announcing system. "You b*tch where are they!" Olivia shouted into the air. "Seriously child you are just like your mother! Such a temper but then again I should probably have those people brought out." Agni said lazily refusing to switch off the voice over.

At the same time, at opposite ends of the building the doors opened. An asian looking body builder dragged Avery in while a pasty white, brunette male lead a chained Loreley into the room. "Now can you figure out what will come next?" Agni asked.