Will It Really Be Over Soon?

Avery's screams died down and Loreley's sobs continued to fill the room. Olivia's legs gave way and she collapsed onto the ground unable to look at her father's chard body. There was shuffling and grunting noises coming from behind them and Olivia turned to see what it was. Her eyes became wide as she seen an enraged Lee get up from the ground, the left side of the light blue jeans he was wearing was now soaked in sweat and blood. He had ripped his black shirt off his body and tied it around his left knee to stop the blood flow.

His chest was bare and pulsing with every step and leg drag he took towards Loreley. Olivia tried to scramble up but her legs had gone numb from shock, she tried to drag herself forward out of desperation, she needed to get to Loreley before Lee did. Loreley was hunched over as she hugged herself and cried over the loss of her father. "Loreley run!" Olivia shouted, Loreley lifted her tear stained face towards Olivia and then turned to see the bulky brunette dragging his leg as he stalked up behind her.

She turned to face Olivia, a smile spread across her face, her eyes became gentle "I deserve this, it's all my fault so don't try to stop him." Olivia's blood ran cold as she saw Lee easily close the gap between himself and Loreley, she was finally able to summon the strength back into her legs and struggled to get off the ground quickly before she began to run towards her sister.

Lee gave a foul, soul wrenching laugh as he reached for Loreley. He placed his hands around her neck and lifted her off the ground. "One more step and I will squeeze her eyes out!" Lee spat at Olivia. She halted her running, afraid he would follow through with his threat. She glared at the half naked man "Put her down!" she commanded.

Lee looked stunned for a moment, he wasn't expecting her to order him around. He released part of Loreley's neck and brought his hand to his raised face and covered his eyes as he laughed with his whole body. "You think you can order me around child! I take orders from my master only!" he shouted merrily. Loreley took the chance to yank off her bracelet and threw it to Olivia.

"It's all there you just have to ah?!?!" she couldn't finish her sentence as Lee brought his hand back around her neck and started to squeeze. "Ek... cough... urk..." were the only sounds Loreley could produce as she gasped for air, she refused to fight against him and clutched at the fabric of the dress to stop her survival instincts.

"Stop it! I will do whatever you want just let her go!" Olivia pleaded. Lee was tempted and he eased up the tension around Loreley's neck. Loreley gasped for air and started to cough "Don't ...cough... don't listen to her.... she is trying to-ah!" Loreley's body was slammed against the floor and her head started to spin. Lee kept on hand placed against her throat as he half kneeled over her.

"Take the phone in your pocket out." he ordered as he licked his lips. Olivia shook her head as she patted herself down. "I don't have it anymore." she said softly. "You f*cking twit where is it?!" he shouted back at her. Olivia clutched the bottom of her hoodie "I don't know, maybe outside, or on the floor, I ran a lot it might have fallen out." she said pitifully while she secretly watched Lee's movements, waiting for an opening.

"F*ck! F*ck! F*ck! I want to make a video of my union with Loreley." he said dangerously as he stroked the side of her face. "You have no idea how much I wanted you and now I can have you but no one will know YOU ARE MINE UNLESS I GET IT RECORDED!" Lee shouted with so much anger. He raised his hand from Loreley's face, he clenched it into a fist and started to beat on her face instead. "Why can't I get my way with you when you are in my hands." he said in between his heavy breathes.

Olivia saw an opening and was able to side kick him in the face. There was a loud crunching sound as Lee backed off Loreley and covered his nose. Olivia did not stop her attacks, she quickly extended her leg back and did a hook kick to his head, causing Lee to fall sideways. There wasn't enough force in her kick to knock Lee out, she raised her leg again and she did multiple round kicks to his exposed neck. Lee's hands flew off his face revealing his bloody nose as he gasped for air again.

Olivia was furious she had just lost her father and this bastard was planning to r*pe her sister but instead started beating her because he couldn't have a record of it! She was down right disgusted. She extended her leg upwards towards the ceiling as Lee started to bend forward, at full speed she brought the heel of her foot onto the back of his head, completing her axe kick and made his face collide into the concrete floor. Olivia started to breathe heavily as she heard sirens in the distance. She was now exhausted as she stared down Lee as he laid unconsciously on the floor face down.

Once she was satisfied that he would not get back up again any time soon, she turned to face her sister. Loreley laid on the floor motionless as blood was flowing from every direction from her face, her neck had already started to bruise and her chest was not moving. "Loreley?" Olivia called as she dropped to her knees beside her. "Loreley?!" she called out a little louder as she shook her shoulders. The sounds of the sirens had gotten louder as if they were just outside the doors.

Olivia didn't know what to do, so she called out for help as she started to do chest massages. "We are in here! 5, 6, 7, please HELP!" she shouted in between counting. The doors slammed opened and swat team members came rushing in. "My sister is not breathing please help!" she cried as they quickly approached her. There were paramedics running closely behind them.

A pair of hands pulled Olivia away from Loreley as the paramedics surrounded her. "Save her I beg you! Please save her!" she kept shouting as the officers dragged her out of the building. "Thank God you're safe!" a familiar husky voice called out to her. Suddenly the scent of earth, sandalwood and jasmine surrounded her.

Olivia took a deep breathe in and felt a wave of relief and security wash over her, she rubbed her face into Eli's chest. She quietly sobbed as he rubbed her back and kissed her head.


Olivia was getting changed into a new pair of clothes, a long white t-shirt and black jeggings, before she made her way out towards the door of the hospital room. Eli had refused to let the police officers take her away for questioning, he wanted to make sure she was physically ok and that nothing happened to their baby. He personally swore that he would take her into the police station after the doctor gave her a clean bill of health.

In car ride ride back to the hospital Eli had filled her in on what happened. Apparently he felt uneasy about Laila sleeping so long that he demanded the doctors to run some blood test on her to find out what was wrong. They found small traces of pentobarbital in her blood and on the bullet, they had no idea that it was already mixed into her blood stream so when they gave her the anesthesia it had caused her to become more limp. Her heart rate was already dropping as she slipped further into a coma, if they had waited any longer Laila would have died from the overdose.

Olivia's greatest surprise was that Eli was persistent in trying to track her down. She didn't really do a good job trying to hide herself from the news and security cameras. So finding her was not that hard, it was trying to convince the police to act that caused a bigger challenge. He was just glad that he found both girls in time but knew that the lose of her father, especially in that gruesome way was going to weigh down on her heart.

Olivia sighed as she stepped into the hallway, she looked to her left and saw Eli leaning against the wall with his arms crossed over his chest. She brought her gaze up to Eli's and gave him a forced smile. "We can delay you going down there you know." Eli said as he gently brushed back her hair. Olivia shook her head slowly "No I want to get this done and over with." she said softly.

Eli brought his lips onto hers and coaxed her to open her lips apart, she silently obeyed and allowed his tongue to slip into her mouth. After a moment he pulled away, his eyes were glazed as he looked at her. "I'm glad your safe." he said in a deep, low voice. Olivia's face was void of all emotion she had too many things running through her head to enjoy Eli's kiss.

"Can we see my sisters before we go?" she asked as she laid her head against his chest. Eli gave a heavy sigh and hugged her. "Anything you want my love." he said as he snuggled against her head. A loud cough was heard beside them. A posh nurse and police officer had made their way behind the couple. "I'm sorry for the interruption..." the young nurse said as she stepped a little closer.

Olivia tried to move away from Eli but he refused to let her leave his embrace. The young nurse narrowed her eyes at Olivia, the nurse was clearly becoming hostile with her but she couldn't figure out why. Soon the nurse raised her long pointed nose in the air. "Officer Davin is here to bring Olivia down to the station." the nurse said as she grabbed Olivia's hand. Eli grabbed the nurse's wrist to stop her from dragging Olivia away.

The nurse locked eyes with Eli, she instantly started to blush "There is no need for you to man handle her." he said coldly. "I didn't mean too... I just wanted her to be... taken... of use." she stuttered as she let go of Olivia. Eli let go of her wrist and gave her a friendly smile. "Thank you for your hard work but I think the nice officer can escort us from here." The nurse stood rooted to her spot, she watched the three people walk away from her as she caressed her wrist while she blushed.

It didn't take long for them to reach the police station. Olivia could feel her body start to tremble as they reached the building, something was wrong and she couldn't place what the problem was. Eli sensed her discomfort and held her hand. He leaned in towards her ear and softly whispered "It will be over soon so don't worry."

Olivia gave him an awkward smile but she could only hold on to the smile for a short amount of time before the corners of her mouth dropped. She turned to see the building one last time before they entered the underground parking lot.