Taking Everything

Agni took a deep breathe, she brought out her motherly aura and walked over to Officer Rennie. She gently placed a hand onto his shoulder and gave him a charming smile. "That is quite admirable of you Officer Rennie, to give up time from your... time in a successful second career just so you can grace us with your presence. Can you really afford to spare a moment from your deserving students just for someone who the world sees as a 'lost cause'?" She questioned as she slid her hand across his shoulder and lingered her touch a little too long on his body.

"Oh no Madam I believe everyone deserves a fair chance to tell their story but I do have a question about something rather important. So Madam may I ask you something?" he asked Agni as he showed her his slightly blushed face. Agni lifted her hand off his shoulder quickly, she brushed backed a lock of her hair behind her ear and hugged herself. "Anything... Officer Rennie." She said bashfully as she lightly rocked her body left to right. "What's for lunch?"

Agni froze in place, she was completely caught off guard as she was expecting an entirely different question. She looked like a fish out of water as she started moving her lips up and down but no words were coming out.

Officer Rennie tilted his head sideways as he watched Agni's efforts to speak and then showed her a child like smile. "You're a model mother correct. Loving, humble, saintly and so on and so on. You are even using the precious time you have to entertain me yet... I saw no workers as we walked here, I also don't smell anything slow cooking or see you making your way to the kitchen..."

"I will also assume your daughters are out, as you made no effort to introduce me to them or the fact they were not present when I walked in.... regardless whether they are here or not I would assume that the both of you at least lunch together especially since the child is under house arrest and you don't want her to feel like an outcast... So what's for lunch?" he asked as his smile beamed brightly.

"I do hope it is something homemade, I mean you seem like the type of mother that would prepare something completely nutritious and well balanced unless your the type that thinks PB and J sandwiches are better? Oh so sorry I shouldn't assume anything, silly me my wife always prepares my meals and I know the amount of love and attention she puts into it is time consuming but she is one of those great women that knows how to balance life." he said innocently.

Agni paled as her mask was chipping away by the second. She tried to compose her self but Olivia could see her body trembling with rage. "You're right... Since we were expecting you earlier and waited patiently by the door I completely let time slip by and missed the opportunity to make a nutritious lunch! I will need to order take out, Livy dear do you want Greek?" Agni asked in a shaky voice. Olivia nodded her head. "Thank you mother I have been actually craving lamb and rice." She answered happily.

"I will call your sisters and see what they want they should be coming home soon.... What about yourself Officer Rennie what would you like?" She asked politely as her nails dug into the palms of her hands. "Goodness me! Madam I could not impose! Besides the missus already packed me a lunch so I'm good." Agni's temper was on the rise so she quickly excused herself from the room. Officer Rennie pulled out a couple of containers and thermos and set them on the table. "Sorry sweetie I do not have a lot of time so I have to write and eat." He said apologetically.

"It's ok, please don't mind me." She answered with a smile while Officer Rennie opened his first container. A pungent smell of tuna rose into the air causing Olivia's smile to falter. She gulped and tried her best to stop the bile from rising in her throat. Officer Rennie quickly closed the lid without taking out the sandwhich and went for the thermos instead, inside was some vegetable soup. The tuna smell still lingered but it wasn't as offensive.

"So young lady I want to ask you some intrusive questions and I will need you comply with everything I ask with, no arguing, no back talking and you can not let your temper take the better of you have I made myself clear?" He asked sternly , his eyes were focused on her, unwavering and proud. She nodded and placed her hands on the table. "Good, now hand over your jewelry." He demanded and held out his hand.

Olivia started to tear up as she looked at Officer Rennie. "Procedure, I need to make sure that certain valuables in your possession are looked after, until your house arrest is over of course." He gave her a reassuring look and Olivia reluctantly nodded her head in compliance. Her hands shook as she unclasped her mother's necklace then gulped before she started to slide the engagement ring off her finger.

She looked at the jewelry one last time before she slowly handed them over to Officer Rennie. "Don't worry little lady I will personally keep these safe for you." He said cheerfully. He pulled out a tiny box from his bag and unlocked it with a key. He slid the jewelry inside, locked it and placed the box back into his bag.

"Now let's begin... Tell me about your step-mother." He asked indifferently. Olivia was caught off guard by the question and she tried to put a smile on her face but it was too forced to fool anyone. "My mother is wonderful, kind and supportive... Why do you ask?" Olivia replied in a somewhat pleasant manner.

Officer Rennie spun the pen in his hand and quietly observed her. "Alright..."


"Two hours of pointless questioning." Agni yelled as she slapped Olivia's face. "Two hours!!! How can someone speak to you about literally nothing! You barely answered the questions properly! Is your head for just for decoration?!" She sat as she yanked Olivia's hair by the roots and made her drop to her knees. "I'm sorry master I will do better next time!" Olivia cried as she saw Agni lift up her leg slightly into the air. Olivia instantly wrapped her abdomen with her arms and braced herself for the impact.

Laila placed her hand over her mother's hand that was entangled with Olivia's hair and locked eyes with her. "Mother what about the marriage interview you wanted to arrange?" She asked with wondrous eyes, Agni brought her leg back down and let Olivia's hair go. She looked at her daughter curiously and gave her a side smile. Seconds later Laila was sent flying to the floor while Agni stood over her, nails baring and now coated with fresh blood. "How dare a mere doll speak to me!" She looked with arrogance. She squatted down over her and pinned Laila down onto the floor.

She looked at Loreley then Olivia and teats started to flow down her face. "Why can't you be a good daughter to me Olivia?!" She cried as she pulled Laila's hair back and kept her head in place as she started to beat her face with the other hand. "I can't help you if you aren't willing to help?" she cried in between the violent face slapping she was giving Laila and Laila's screams. "I am doing my best to make sure that I come out on top! That I am the one in life that will get the best of everything but no your mother stole my life and now you want to destroy what I have!" she yelled hysterically.

Agni's eye were mad when she stopped the assault on Laila and turned to look at Olivia "You know when I don't get what I want I make the things I have INTO what I want... and right now I don't think I want this doll anymore...." she said flatly as she turned her head slowly and looked down at Laila's swollen and blood smeared face. She wrapped her hands around the poor girl's neck and started to squeeze.

Laila face was turning bright red and her gagging noises where starting to get louder. "No please stop I will do anything you want! Just please stop!" Olivia pleaded with everything she had, she still kept a protective hold around her abdomen as she lifted herself off the floor. Agni looked at Olivia with a murderous glare "Don't move! Get back onto your knees you piece of sh*t! I already have everything I want! There is nothing more you can give me! Besides what I want I can take with my own bare hands and WHAT I want right now is this girl's corpse." she said coldly as she tighten her grip on Laila's neck.

Loreley calmly walked up to her mother and placed a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Mother? Doesn't Laila have a marriage meeting this afternoon with someone you need to control?" she asked nonchalantly. Agni instantly let Laila's neck go and stood up, her face was glowing with happiness as if she had been given the best news in the world. "Oh so he's agreed?" she asked happily. Loreley slightly bowed as she answered "Yes mother."

Agni brought both of her hands to her tiny, plump lips and started to tear up. "Oh I didn't think he would agree! Oh we need to get her ready to see him... oh wait this piece of trash isn't breathing anymore... huh... YOU!" she said as she pointed at Olivia "Do your CP whatever the f*ck it is and make sure this thing is breathing I apparently still need her." she demanded as she kicked Laila's body towards her before she made her way to the landing of the stairs.

"You have 3 hours to make her look presentable or else... well I can't think of anything right now my mind is on a dozen different things right now so we'll say unpleasant things will happen if she can't make it to this meeting." she shouted indifferently as she climbed up the stairs and headed to her room. Olivia scrambled to Laila's body and gave her shoulders a small shake, Laila fluttered her eye lashes and gave her and Loreley a small smile. "Playing dead has it's advantages." she cheerfully joked with half opened eyes.

The breathe that Loreley was holding was suddenly released and she allowed her body to dropped to the floor. While Olivia just hugged Laila's entire body. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" she kept chanting to Laila and Loreley while Laila just hugged her back. "Welcome to our world where everything is bleak and you never know if you will live the next day." she whispered softly into Olivia's ear.

"And that's on good days the worst is yet to come." Loreley said under her breathe causing Olivia to tremble even more. "Now I have to show you how to fix Laila's face so she can go out." Loreley said sadly as she tried to get her body off the floor. Olivia stopped her chanting and shot a horrified look at Loreley.

Loreley gave her a pitiful smile and chuckled to herself. "Yes this is a regular occurrence to us... in our lives nothing she does is shocking... or new."