Who Says I'm Beaten?!

After Olivia was done cleaning up Lila's room she decided to move into Loreley's. She ripped off the covers off the mattress, collected the comforter and as she was removing the pillow casing she saw a letter flutter down. She grabbed the envelope, flipped it over and realized it wasn't Loreley's handwriting it was from Laila's.

She quickly looked at the door, noticed it was still closed, she quickly pocketed the envelope into the front of her apron and bundled the bedding together. She then took a quick peek into the hallway and didn't see anyone lurking around. She dragged out the bedding into the hallway and paused for a second. She looked back at her old room, she decided that she needed to take a quick look before she ventured off to Agni's room.

She cracked open the door, took a look inside and saw that the mattress was still there but as far as bedding and everything else went it was completely bare. She looked at her vanity and saw Eli's top robe hanging on top of it. She stared at it longingly as she reminiscent the old times before she closed the door.

After closing the door she slowly walked toward Agni's room. The moment she placed her hand onto the door handle, she felt herself choking with anxiety. She had avoided the room after her father passed away, she didn't want to see what that woman had done to the last room the girls and him shared their last joyful family memory in the house.

With a deep breath she jerk opened the door. She robotically marched into the room. When she finally was beside the bed she realized the room no longer smelled like her father. Agni's perfume was infused with everything, marking it all as her territory. The reality of it hit her hard, she quickly ran into the ensuite and opened the window wide.

She sucked in some fresh air to combat the food that threatened to leave her stomach. Once her stomach settled she thought she might as well poke around in Agni's medicine cabinet. She soon realized that there was something important missing, making the letter's claims about Agni's infertility true. Unfortunately in this day and age infertility was not the same as it once was before. Unless she got her hands on Agni's medical reports she couldn't confirm her suspicions.

She quickly closed the medicine cabinet, making sure that everything was not out of place before moving herself back into the bedroom. She started ripping off the bed covers as she made a mental note to herself to come back and snoop when she the chance.

When she had all three bundles of beddings in the hallway, she decided to toss them over the railings and have them land on the floor. She made sure to toss Laila's bundle last as she was afraid to break the valuable item that was inside. Once everything was on the main floor Olivia raced down the stairs and dragged the laundry towards the laundry room located at the back of the house.

As she hauled all three bundles of laundry past the dinning room she made sure to put on her most pitiful face just in case Agni was waiting and watching her. When she finally made it inside the laundry room she moved quickly to grab the item that was hidden within Lila's bedding. She didn't know how many seconds she had before Agni made her way towards her so she tossed the item behind the washer.

Then moved to turn the faucet on and soak the mattress cover in warm water. Olivia strained her ears to see if she could catch Agni before she walked it but the running water was too loud. She counted to 10, with no Agni in sight she grabbed the soap and started to gently massage the soap into the cloth.

Olivia thought it was taking Agni too long so she started to sniff back tears every few seconds as she scrubbed away the bloody patch. Almost on que Agni's heals could be heard as she stomped like a mad hippo towards the room.

Olivia let out a sob as she turned the faucet back on. "My lovely, little, Livy bear whatever is the problem?" Agni said as she rushed over to embrace Olivia from behind. "Please tell mother why you're so sad?" she said in a mocking tone as she moved to brush back Olivia's hair from her face.

Olivia scrunched up her face as she clutched the blanket and in a heartbroken voice she answered Agni. "I don't want to talk about it just yet." With an overly dramatic gasp Agni moved her hands onto Olivia's cheek and pushed her face into her bosom. "My dear little Livy bear! You know you can tell me anything!" she cried out. Olivia took it as her cue to make her body tremble as she started to sob in between her bosom.

Agni started to chuckle as she pulled the girl's body away from hers, making sure to take in the ugly sight of Olivia's face. "Did you really think that life would go the way you wanted? That there are things in this world that you are too young to understand! One being how happiness works, you don't deserve, you have no right to it... just like how your mother had no right to it and didn't deserve Avery. You are just following in her footsteps but this time I win." she said in a snarky voice.

Olivia bit her bottom lip and dropped her head and gazed to the floor. She had to hide her disgust and rage from this woman and this was the only thing she could think of. Agni tapped her cheek with her hand then moved her hand to her chin making Olivia face her. "Finish up with the laundry then meet me in the foyer I have an announcement to make." she said as the corners of her lips turned upwards.

Olivia only nodded and allowed her head to droop down once more the moment Agni let her chin go. Causing Agni to make a clicking sound with her tongue before she left the room, leaving a seemingly broken Olivia behind. As Agni's footsteps were getting further and further away, Olivia allowed herself to smile. She raised her head proudly and stood tall. "Dumb*ss do you really think you won? Ha!" she said under her breath and moved to finish what she was doing.

Now that Olivia had everything in the wash she made her way to her towards the foyer. As she approached everyone there she caught sight of Eli. He had gone and got himself dressed, he was wearing the same clothes he was wearing last night but his face looked positively haggard as he stared at Agni.

Once Agni saw Olivia she cleared her voice and practically cheered as she jumped with joy. "As you may or may not know..." she started to saw as she looks at everyone in the room, unable to hide the happiness she was feeling from the bottom of her heart. "Today is Avery's funeral service! Eli I want you to go home get cleaned up and I expect you at the funeral home by 1 p.m. and not any later!" she said as she clapped her hands together.

Eli nodded as she continued to stare, as if you everything was just a bother. "Good Laila, Loreley and I need to go get changed into something dull and unimpressive. Ladies make sure you look really sad, we're leaving in about half an hour so Olivia help the girls get dressed." she command as she started to open the front door for Eli. Laila and Loreley nodded their heads in agreement causing Agni to squeal in delight. "Good, good, everyone knows the plan we are a sad family, we feel horrible that Avery is gone. Eli has left Olivia finding out that she is not Avery's biological child and has taking interest in Laila instead. Alright Eli leave now." Agni said with a glowing smile as she pointed her thumb out the door.

When Olivia heard Agni's words she couldn't hold back anymore. She looked at Agni with complete shock and took a step forward. "I-I'm... are you trying to say that my mother was knocked up by another person?! And what about me?! Why am I not included in your plans, am I not attending the funeral?"

Agni's smile disappeared from her face, she was instantly find a. Sh slammed the door before she started to walk up towards Olivia but Eli broke the silence. "That's right! Your mother slept around and he has proof that she was the one that married Avery first! She told.me everything and has opened up.my eyes to the truth! Your mother was a seductress that she was stole him away from a pregnant Agni claim her child was his! She was disgusting and should be ashamed that she tricked Avery for so long!" Eli spat I Olivia's direction.

Agni's fury was instantly diffused, she turned around and with open arms she ran up to Eli. When she was close.enough she wrapped her arms around him. "I knew you were a smart boy!" she yelled in excitement. As she squeezed Eli, she turned to face Olivia. "That's how it is. How else are you going to explain everything? I will have the slideshow of our wedding playing on a screen, proving to everyone that your mother was nothing more that sl*t." every word she said dripping with venom.

Olivia's eyes started to water, her breathing started to become more erratic as she clutched at her uniform, trying hard to not to cry in front of Agni. Suddenly the silence was abrupted as they heard a faint ringtone. Agni's quickly let go of Eli and rushed towards the dinning room. They all watched as she disappeared to fetch her phone. They heard a faint "Hello?" and wondered what they call was about.

Agni came back rushing past them as she went for the stairs. Her face was deathly pale and her eyes reflected horror. She placed the phone on her chest and turned to them. "You know what to do so go!" she hissed before she rushed up the stairs and towards her room. The moment the door to her room slammed Eli ran and grabbed Olivia. He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her hard. "Cleansing" he said in a low voice as he separated his mouth from his.

Olivia slapped him across the face but didn't push him back. Eli's eyes blazed with passion and he brought his mouth against hers again and kissed her deeply. "More cleansing." he whispered. Olivia wanted to slap him again but Eli grab her wrist mid air. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her palm.

"Stop hurting yourself." he said calmly. "What did you let her do?!" she hissed at Eli. He looked amused and raised his eyebrow. He leaned in until his lips were next to her ear. "All I care about is you. Nothing else matters.' he said as he let her go. Olivia took a step back as Eli's face twisted with disgust. 'Get over yourself!" he yelled as he turned to walk away.

Once he reached the door he turned to face the ladies. He signaled with his eyes to took look upwards. "I'll see you later." he grumbled before he opened the door to take him leave.

Loreley and Laila took Eli's hint and walked past Olivia as if she was nothing.

Olivia knew she messed up and allowed her temper to do all the talking. She follow the girls quietly upstairs. As the reached the top the caught sight of Agni, leaning against her bedroom door.

After Olivia helped the girls get dressed she proceeded to scrub the kitchen floor by hand. As Agni and the girls came down stairs they caught site of Olivia. Agni looked pleased as she stood watch over her. "Well I see you're fitting into role Miss Kitty. I don't even have to tell you to do anything." she said with a smirk

Olivia dropped everything and prostated. "Yes master I cleaning just in case guest arrive!" she shouted into the floor. "What makes you think anyone's going to be coming to our house?" Agni said darkly making the hairs on Olivia's neck stand on end.

Olivia froze, she miscalculated Agni's mood swings. "I just assumed." she started to say but Agni quickly cut her off. "Don't assume anything!" she yelled as she stomped her heal it the back of Olivia's head. "You do not think! You only need to obey!"

Olivia let out a small whimper as she agreed. Agni was instantly pleased, she removed her heal and started to move away from Olivia. "Good... now we'll be going now. Clean everything by the time I get home. I don't know when we'll come back as you know it is a funeral service. There will be lots of people who want to speak to us about everything that we're going to be revealing tonight. Regardless I want dinner hot and ready."

Olivia didn't dare to raise her head. "Yes master, anything you say master.' Agni smiled as she herded her girls out of the kitchen. "Olivia I want it spotless." Agni sang before she left.

Olivia counted to 30 before she peeled herself off the floor and walked towards the the kitchen window. She watched the three of them pile into the car. Olivia closed the curtains and moved away from the window as she smiled to herself.