Battle Plan - Library

Eli and Olivia were finally done at Dr. Foster's urgent clinic and were heading towards the library. During the bike ride to the library Olivia thought back on how Eli's grandmother reacted to her suddenly appearing. She felt so much warmth from the older lady that it almost made up for the last few days of hell.

Eli wanted his grandmother give her and the baby a check up for peace of mind. While she was being looked over she filled them in on everything that happened. That it was Agni who had orchestrated her father's murder and everything that had happened from the police station to that day. Dr. Foster was completely disgusted and swore to look into the reason why Agni was admitted into the asylum.

With a clean bill of health and a new bottle of prenatals, she hugged Dr. Foster one last time before she left. "I will remember to stir up some trouble for Agni when I attend your father's funeral!" she said before she let Olivia go.

As they approached a beautiful, cathedral style library building. The bricks had a alternating pattern of brown, taupe and white bricks, tall window pannels and giant mahogany double doors. The library stood close to downtown as one of the oldest buildings.

As they walked through the doors Olivia gawked at the interior. It had high ceilings with brightly lit circlet chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. Winding stair cases that started at the center of the floor and expanded towards the opposite walls and countless rows of shelves of stocked books.

As they made their way up to the front desk Eli stopped Olivia from scanning her library card. He thought it was best that they use his library card for the admittance, just in case Agni had her goons were tracking anything that was in her name. There was also a chance that they were also watching him but no one would ever question why he was at a library since he was somewhat of a regular

After scanning Eli's card, they made their way towards the back of the building and found a quiet spot to sit. Olivia tugged on Eli's sleeve to call his attention, as soon as he turned she dropped her gaze to the floor. "Eli there is more I haven't told you.... I didn't think it was a good idea for your grandmother to know everything just in case it put her in any danger." she mumbled.

Eli grabbed her hand, brought it up towards his lips, he gently placed a single kiss on her knuckles making Olivia look up from the floor and meet his eyes. "Then you better spill all the beans to us!" said a familiar voice from behind her. "No phone call, no text message just a mysterious email and now your here! I better hear the whole story Olivia." Olivia turned around and felt a wave of relief when she saw an impish looking girl standing there with her hands on her hips. Her satin, grey eyes were brimming with tears while her face wore a scowl.

Olivia stared at the girl and couldn't help but cry. She threw her arms outwards and ran into Blair's embrace. "Oh my God Blair! I didn't know if you got my email but I swear I didn't do anything they're saying!" she cried while Blair tightened her hug. She let out a small chuckle. "Of course you didn't do anything they're saying! They don't know you like I do, in what world would you be able to even think of killing your dad?!"

Olivia snuggled up against the crook of her friend's neck as she mumbled a thank you. The small thanks caused the flood gates to open and they both cried while they were in each other 's embrace. After a few moment a cough was heard and Olivia looked up. Marek was silently standing to the side, trying to look not so awkward. Olivia felt completely embarrassed that she didn't see him standing there. "Marek, I'm sorry I didn't mean to be so rude!" she exclaimed as she pulled away from Blair.

"Why are you guys here?" she asks as she wiped away her tears with the cuffs of her sleeves. Marek just gave a small nod towards Eli's direction. "He called me, said we had to buckle down and study at the library so I figured that I'd bring Blair along just in case my hunch was right." Olivia turn to Eli and give him a loving smile. "Thank you." she whispered and looked around.

"Autumn's not here..." she said in disappointment. "I wasn't able to get through to her and I couldn't leave a message." Blair answered remorsefully. Olivia nodded her head in understanding. "She's probably really hurt, my dad was one of the few people who really understood her." Olivia said as she hugged herself before she started to zone out. Blair couldn't help but sniff again, she looked at her friend. "I guess we should sit down, you have a lot to tell us don't you." Olivia snapped back from her thoughts. Eli wrapped his arm around her waist and escorted her as to a table to sit down.

"Agni murdered my dad in front of me, she had him burnt to a crisp and tried to kill Loreley. The police are under her control, they are warping evidence to their advantage. I realized it when I was being interrogated, I couldn't save my dad... I knew I couldn't, so I placed a kiss on his forehead as I said my final goodbye... yet they are...they..." Olivia couldn't finish the sentence, she felt like she was choking on her own anxiety and trauma.

She took a couple of deep breaths to try and compose herself. "Loreley and I watched him in his final moments. I did some things that I shouldn't be proud of but I won't regret it. I won't regret shooting that guy who started the machine, I won't regret beating people up, I won't regret leaving the hospital, leaving you behind Eli to go save them... if I hadn't they would have both been gone." she said as she looked eyes with Eli, not allowing her conviction to waver.

Eli sighed, he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and brought her in for a cuddle. He placed a kiss on the side of her head. "I forgive you." he whispered as he slightly pulled away. She tried to sit up straight and tried too shake Eli's arm off but he refused to let her go. She gave up and looked at her friends faces. "There's something else I have to tell you, it might sound crazy but I need your help...."

Everyone looked at Olivia like she was crazy, the shock on their faces screamed volumes causing Olivia to fiddle with her fingers. She was too afraid to meet their gazes again, Blair was the first to break the silence. "Are you sure you need to know this?"

Olivia stopped fiddling with your fingers and looked up with a fierce gaze. "I swear to you it's the truth, if it ends up that this fairytale is more twisted then what is actually told then I'll know that I'm not crazy." Marek scratch the back of his head. "Are you sure you can trust us with this information about Agni?" Olivia nodded her head. "Of course! You guys have stuck with me from the very beginning and you haven't stopped believing in me. I couldn't ask for better friends." she said happily.

Eli let go of Olivia and grabbed his phone. He got up from his chair and excused himself so he could make a phone call.

Marek started to blush from Olivia's words. Blair's mouth started to twitch and elbowed Marek in the gut. "Of course we're going to help you! I will help you with the fairytale while Marek and Eli look for Mr. Coblepot. The best way to do this is to split up." she said as she started to get up from her chair.

Eli finished his call and was heading his way towards them. "I'm not leaving her behind. I will also help with the fairytale research, Marek I leave Mr. Coblepot to you. You are pretty persuasive after all." he said.

Olivia grabbed Eli's hand and held on tightly as she looked deeply into his eyes. "I'll be okay she. I will be with Blair so you might as well help Marek with Mr. Coblepot." Eli looked at her quietly, he pursed his lips until they turned white. Refusing to budge from Olivia, this caused her to sigh out her fustrations. "Sorry Marek." she said apologetically. "I guess I should have seen it coming since it's Eli. Do you really think he'd be leaving you?" Marek said in defeat.

Olivia gave him a small laugh. "I don't know about that, he kind of broke off our engagement so if could be with Laila." Blair's eyes burned with fire and anger as she slammed her fist on the table. She moved her gaze towards Eli as her nostrils flared. "What the f*ck did she just say?" she said in a slow and deadly tone.

Eli kept his composer as he looked at Blair and enunciated his words. "I am engaged to Laila." Blair was ready to lunge at him with her claws bearing but Marek caught her quickly in within his embrace. "Relax, Blair please relax. He's probably just doing it for Olivia." he said as he tried to avoid being mutilated.

Olivia looked at her friend and gave her a pitiful smile. "Blair it's true we both have to do things and comply with Agni or else. My life is endanger and more importantly our baby's life is in danger, she's already threatening to rip it out of my womb the instant it's big enough." Blair strength completely evaporated. Her arms dropped to her sides, she stopped kicking Marek and angry tears started sliding down her cheeks. "Have you told us everything now?" she asked as she looked at Eli and Olivia.

Olivia bit her bottom lip. "She's telling people I'm crazy that I am pretending to be pregnant to keep Eli by my side.... but I think it's her who has been lying about being pregnant with dad's baby." Olivia said with a heavy sigh.

Marek let go off Blair while they both allowed their jaws to drop. "No.... no this isn't right... I mean ya people he are declared infertile can still have a miracle baby but... if she isn't and already announced to everyone.... but it makes sense if she steals yours to keep everything if her plans goes well during the funeral service." she mumbled as she rubbed the back of her neck.

Olivia watched Blair intently as she tried to work everything she knew out. "Fine I accept this war you are starting with that b*tch! No matter what she's going down!" Blair said as she removed her hand from the back of her neck and made a fist pump. "Eli and I will bring back some books, we can't let you expose yourself anymore than you already have. You kinda stick out like a sore thumb with that outfit." Suddenly Eli's phone rang and he excused himself again.

Olivia slouched onto the table and groaned. She knew that Blair was right but she didn't want to just sit around either. "Hey don't be like that we all need to work together plus it's not like I'm taking all the glory! You need to do your fair share of reading!" Blair said with a bright smile. Soon enough Eli was back with a scrap piece of paper im hand. "Coblepot's location." He said as he handed the paper over to Marek.

Marek didn't hesitate and grabbed the paper from Eli. "I will see you later, good luck." he said before he walked away from them. Blair looked at Eli and they both nodded. "Stay." Eli said as he looked at Olivia sternly. "Fine." Olivia groaned as she peeled herself off the table. Eli softened his face and gave Olivia a loving gaze before he and Blair left to go start their search.

Olivia didn't know what to do. As she sat there she noticed the library had a musty smell from the books and the warm sunshine coming through the window just made it feel so cozy. She couldn't help but put her arms on the table and lay her head on top. She slowly closed her eyes and let sleep take over.

When she woke up she saw Blair sitting in front of her with a pile of books on either side of her. "How long was I out for?" Olivia grumbled as she rubbed her right eye. Blair looked up from the book she was reading. "About two hours." she said before she went back to reading. Olivia shot straight up, horrified that she was out for so long.

Blair absent mindedly reached out and tapped her hand. "Eli said to let you sleep, so he went out to grab us some food after he stops by the college. There is an old reference book about the history of the city there."

Olivia rubbed her neck and slowly sat back down. "Did you guys find anything?" she asked awkwardly. Blair closed her book and looked at Olivia seriously. "Yes.... It looks like you're not crazy but it's only snippets here and there. Once Eli brings back the photocopies of the reference book back we will have the whole story. It looks like this city has a dark past and they would only make reference to it in some instances but would never indulge too much into it."

Olivia nodded as Blair spoke. She started to feel cold and goosebumps were starting to form on her arms. "You ok?" Blair asked gently causing Olivia to flinch. "Sorry... I just... I don't feel good." she said apologetically. Blair pulled out her phone and Olivia shot up and blocked the screen with her hand. "Don't call him... I don't want him to rush over and get into an accident. I'm fine i just feel like someone is watching us and it's making me feel uneasy."

Blair quickly turned her gaze towards the area around them. She didn't see anyone there but she wasn't going to brush off her friends feelings.