
Porter started to laugh uncontrollably. "All your faces... they look so serious... just because of some made up story!" He said in between his laughs, soon tears were starting to form in his eyes as he let go of his sides and started pounding the table.

When he finally caught his breath and calmed down, he saw that Eli's and Blair's faces had overhanging shadows. He gulped and decided to pick the steak off the ground then to steal a glance at Olivia. After a good moment of awkward silence Olivia moved to the sink and fetched a bowl of warm water and a small rag. She brought it over to Porter and started to gently clean his face.

"No this is not just a story." She began to say as she moved the rag over his skin. "The only living relative on my mother's side of the family is my uncle Robin. I don't know how my grandparents died but they have been orphaned since mom was in middle school...." Porter's eyes grew wide in horror, his mouth started to purse together and turn white.

Olivia sighed as she locked her eyes with his. "There's more..." She said with so much conviction is caused Porter to immediately pale. After Olivia told him everything, Porter couldn't stomach it. He immediately rushed towards the kitchen sink, clung onto the counter as if his life depended on it and started to throw up. "Why?!" He started to say but Blair cut him off. "I'm sorry Porter but we don't have time. I need to go and see if I can get Autumn to help."

Porter looked at Blair with surprise. "Why wouldn't she help?" He asked as he turned on the tap to get the water running, he tilted his head sideways and started to collect water in his mouth. Blair pulled out her phone and paled. "Seriously we all need to leave the visitation for the funeral starts in 10 minutes! We all stayed too long."

They heard the stack of papers crinkle as Eli clenched his hands into fists. "We can't leave her." Eli said coolly. Olivia walked over and gently pried his fists apart, allowing him to release the documents from his grasps and have them fall on to the floor. "I'll be ok... just... just let me know how things go at the funeral." She said with a gentle smile that it caused Eli to quickly came back to his senses. They needed to keep things going at least for her sake.

Olivia walked the three of them to the door and watched as the car disappeared from view. She slowly closed the door as she choked back her tears. She needed to go back into the basement and get the anklet back on before her baby brain kicked in.

She dragged herself into her room and unenthusiastically changed into her maid outfit. With a heavy sigh, she opened up the basement and descended down the stairs. When she looked at the anklet on the coffee table she felt dread bubble up from her stomach and lodge itself in her throat. Every heart beat sounded like thunder ringing in between her ears, as she took a step closer towards the anklet.

She stretched out her hand to grab the device when a thought hit her. She didn't have to suffer, she could let Agni win and have everything. She could run away with Eli and live a life of happiness. Sure it meant that she would be looking over her shoulder constantly but that was a small price to pay for her freedom. The small dream washed over her and warmed her body with delight. She wanted to give in to temptation so bad but then it would mean she would die early just like her mother.

She quickly shook the thoughts from her head and put the device back around her ankle. She couldn't do it she would most likely give birth and have the curse hang over her child's head or it would jump to her niece. With tears streaming down her face she turn locked the anklet in place.

She smiled to herself as she clutched the fabric over her abdomen. Her freedom would be bitter sweet. It would only be her and no one else, she needed to bring Agni down to get justice for what she did to her family and break this stupid curse.

After a moment it finally hit her. "FAMILY!" She practically shouted to herself. She jumped to her feet and started to pace the room. She slapped herself internally, she had forgotten to find out how her uncle Robin and his family were doing, Edmond and her grandmother. She saw Edmond's state before he saved her grandmother.

She looked at the time on Eli's old phone and tried to think of what to do. It was a little after one, the service would last a few hours but where could he be. She couldn't risk sending him a message and she didn't know who else to ask, without endangering someone's life.

The reality of the situation got to her, causing her to fall onto her knees, she needed to rely on her friends. She couldn't possibly look at everything and handle her own dilemma, she knew that she had to be selfish and ask for help. She knew that the key to bringing Agni down and breaking the curse were the people closets to her but it also meant that their lives and their loved ones would be in danger.

She turned and looked at the couch. Had she found out enough for Sakura to speak to her properly now? She bit her bottom lip, after a few minutes she finally decided that it was not time. She needed to make everything at home seem normal. She dragged herself up the stairs in order to prepare dinner.


While at the funeral home ...

Loreley was disgusted that Agni's plan was working perfectly. People were starting to question Olivia's mom integrity as the celebration of life commenced at the funeral home. She could hear the whispers in every corner of the room as people were eyeing her and her sister. She wondered if they could make their thoughts anymore transparent, they were eligible to marry and they eyed her father's company and money.

She kept her gloomy appearance for both her sisters sake and walked around the room absentmindedly. She didn't want to think about how she lost another father and every so often she looked at the door, waiting for Eli to make his appearance. She figured that he would have gone back to the house to speak with Olivia in private.

She pulled out her phone and looked at the time, she internally groaned. It was 2:30 p.m. and Eli hadn't made his appearance yet. Agni was going to take this out on Olivia the moment they got home. She could feel sweat start to collect on the back of her neck.

She tucked her phone away into her clutch and started to walk towards Laila, who was standing near the entrance. She politely greeted the few guest who stopped by and pointed towards Agni's direction. "Did anyone we know finally pop in?" She asked as she stepped beside her. "Yes." Laila responded without hesitation. "Where are they?" Loreley asked as she slightly bowed to a guest while Laila greeted another.

"My mother is towards the back right corner of the room. Oh I'm sorry it seems she has moved towards the center of the room. She's right in front of the slideshow presentation." She said politely to a guest. Loreley thought it was strange for Laila not to know where the she beast was s she had been directing traffic her way for the last little bit. She lifted up her head and looked at the guest, her eyes went wide as she faced Robin. She took a quick glance at Agni, seeing as the were in the clear she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the closest corner.

She looked towards Agni's direction and held her breath. As far as she could tell Agni hadn't noticed him come in or made an effort to look for her. She was too busy soaking up everyone's condolences. She exhaled as she kept her guard up. "How is everyone?" she asked while keeping her gaze fixed in Agni's direction. "We are fine you don't need to worry about us. Amy and the kids are in a safe location, how are you and your sisters holding up?" he said as he affectionately rubbed her head.

Loreley couldn't hold back any more, she turned and shoved her face into his chest and hugged him tightly. "That monster is playing everyone, she wants everyone to think the Grace was a home wrecker and wouldn't let Olivia come here!" Robin hugged her back before he gently pushed her away so he could see her face. "Why do you think I'm late? Eli filled me in, so I'm here to crash the party." He said with a wide grin.

"You can't! You don't know what she might do!" Loreley whispered as loudly as she could. Robin gave her a quick wink. "Please! She doesn't know who she is messing with." He wiped one stray tear that lingered on her cheek before he let her go and went for Agni.

Loreley was unconsciously clutching at her dress when someone pulled her closer towards the shadows. "How are things going on your end?" Samantha whispered into her ear. Loreley froze for a second then looked at her face. "I think well... how is Edmond?" Samantha gave her a bitter smile. "That idiot is still in a coma. He shouldn't have pushed himself so hard..." She said with a heavy sigh. "But doctors say he should be waking up pretty soon though."

Loreley felt her heart tighten and wished she could have gone to see he but knew it was dangerous. If she had gone Agni would have found out and taunted Olivia with the information before she started her assualt on him. Samantha collected herself and looked Loreley straight in the eyes. "Eli already snuck in with Marek and Coblepot. When he called me for backup I didn't think it was for this."

Loreley's eyes grew wide from a mixture of horror and hope. She didn't think that Olivia would have worked this fast and actually got the others involved without alerting Agni. She stole a quick glance in Agni's direction and she could see that her mood was starting to get worse as Robin spoke with her.

"So that's what's going on... is Olivia going to do something today?" Loreley asked as she turned to face Samantha again. Samantha started to shake her head no. "Recon right now, we are testing her and seeing what she will do once she's spooked. Plus, Coblepot came only to prove that his family was dead but when he saw her... well he started to doubt the truth he once believed. We need to give him time too before we actually act."

Loreley nodded her head in agreement. She started to feel envious of Olivia being able to surround herself with so many friends that were willing to stand by her even in the darkest of times. Suddenly she felt a gentle kiss on her cheek that shocked her back from her thoughts. "Don't be so down sweetie, we are trying to make sure this monster burns down in flames. We want to save you girls properly ya know."

Loreley's eyes started to sting, she quickly dropped her gaze to her hands. She forgot that theses people were not only Olivia's friends but also hers and Laila's, no scratch that they were more like their family. Loreley started to smile to herself as she straighten up her back. Who ever said that blood was thicker than water?

She narrowed her gaze towards Agni's direction and let out a little laugh as she watched the people who were close enough to hear Robin's conversation with Agni. They looked like they were starting to turn on her like an infection. One was starting to look more disgusted then the other as they started whispering to their partner. Soon Robin's cancerous words were spreading at a ridiculous rate.

But she needed to keep a close watch on her, this women was psychotic, she had no idea what she would do to Olivia once they got home. Suddenly an idea hit her, why not make this a show that would squash people's doubts in Grace Steel. She quickly looked around the room and found the two people who could do that. She gave Samantha a gentle hug and minded her womb. As she was about to leave she let temptation get the better of her and rubbed Samantha's slightly protruding womb.

Samantha gave her a small giggle as she watched the girl turn red and run away from her. She slowed down her pace once she was in Agni's sight and gracefully walked past her with a gloomy expression. When she finally reached the two woman who were talking to each other pleasantly while giving off an aura that screamed. "Try us b*tch!"

"Mrs. Dokami and Mrs. Sentis I am so grateful that you were able to make it today." She said courtly as she gave them a small curtsy.

The woman quietly eyed Loreley trying to figure out what she wanted. Loreley gave them a sly smirk as she met their gazes. "I have a proposition for you, if you are willing to help our group who are trying to bring down a certain monster."


Olivia looked back at the clock, it was already 6 o'clock in the evening and no one had come home yet. She didn't know what to do, she made a light stew that was hearty in vegetables. To pass the time she decided to re-clean the house again but this time she did it properly.

She looked out the window again and wondered when they would be coming back. She wanted to go to bed right away so she could talk to Sakura. Waiting was the worst and she couldn't pass the time by watching any TV, she needed to stay alert.

6:45 p.m. and she was already making groves into the kitchen floor with all her pacing. When she started her 400 and something lap around the kitchen she heard the soft sound of the tires slowing down on the road. She rushed to the window and saw that the car came to a stop. She rushed to turn the kettle on before she ran towards the door.

She made it before the door handle started to turn, so she assumed her position and semi curtsied. "Welcome back master!" She shouted with forced delight. She didn't hear anything and lifted her head after a few moments. Her eyes grew wide as Mrs. Sentis and Robin had half dragged Agni into the house. She had an arm around each person and her head was hanging low.

"My God what has she done to you?!" Mrs. Sentis shouted while Robin stood dumbfounded and dropped his side of Agni. Mrs. Sentis was strong enough to handle Agni's weight but refused to allow her body to slide downwards.

Olivia very awkwardly started wringing her hands, she didn't want to meet their gazes but was forced to when she heard Loreley's voice from behind them. "We need to move quickly before that things starts to regain her consciousness." Robin snapped back to reality and picked Agni up like a sack of potatoes and swung her body over his shoulder.

He took one look up the stairs and nodded his head towards the direction of Avery's bedroom. Olivia got his message and quickly rushed upstairs first to open the door and turn over the blankets. She left to room dark and the door wide open to allow the soft light from the hallway to spill into the room.

Robin laid her down with a 'thunk' making the bed springs creak in defiance. Then he pulled out a small tube and baggie from his pocket. He unscrewed the the tube and pulled out a cotton swab. He carefully started to collect Agni's saliva onto the swab. The moment he was done Agni started to stir.

Both Olivia and Robin held their breaths as Agni moved herself into a more comfortable position. When her nose start to whistle they exhaled. Robin started to open the baggie and inside was what looked like a white handkerchief. He hesitated for a moment before pocketed both handkerchief and baggie. He turned to face Olivia, without saying a word he grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the room.

Robin took one last look at Agni's sleeping figure before he closed the door and rushed Olivia back to the others. "Did you get it?" Mrs. Sentis said in a loud whisper. Robin shook his head no as he handed her the tube. "She almost woke up from the swab, I can't risk cutting her too."

Olivia stretched out her hand as she looked at Robin. "You need her blood right? I can get it no problem."