Fight, Laila vs. Loreley

Olivia could hear faint voices from within the darkness. She tried to focus on the blurry image in front of her as she fluttered her eyelashes. "Olivia?" Loreley whispered desperately while Laila applied a cool, damp cloth onto her forehead. Olivia slightly shuddered from the coldness if the cloth.

"How are you feeling?" Laila gently asked. "What happened?" Olivia asked as she removed the damp cloth from her forehead and tried to sit up. Loreley and Laila both reached out and tried to give her a hand. As she slowly sat up, Olivia felt a soft fabric rub against her skin. She looked down and saw that she was wearing a white silk robe.

"You were taking too long in the bath so I had Laila check up on you. Loreley started while she glanced at Laila. "You feel asleep in the bath tub and I tried to wake you up but... I couldn't so I freaked out."

"Laila had a mini panic attack and since we are not as medically capable as you."

"So Loreley at least was smart enough to use Go*gle to try and figure out what to do."

"So Laila and I lifted you out of the bath tub and brought you over to Laila's bed. I dressed you in a spare bathrobe while Laila grabbed a bowl of cold water and cloth. It seems you may have over heated."

"Since you are awake, it would be a good idea to rehydrate you." Laila said as she reached behind her and grabbed a bottle of drinkable yogurt. Olivia nodded her head and took the drink from Laila's hand and unscrewed the cap. She brought the drink to her lips, took a big sip and felt a wonderful sensation wash over her. "Thank you I really needed that." She said once she finished off the drink.

Both girls watched Olivia curiously. Olivia let her shoulders sag as she let out a long sigh. "Sakura called me into her realm." The girls looked at one another in anticipation and waited patiently for her to continue. Olivia shook her head. "She told me her story, she regretting her curse on our bloodline but won't tell me anything useful... I don't know what to do anymore. I thought I would be a step closer to beating this but I'm more confused then I was before."

Laila brushed a lock of hair away from Olivia's face. "Baby steps, we need to take everything slowly." Loreley nodded her head in agreement. "We have other pressing matters." Olivia started to scowl, she didn't want to think about Agni tonight. "You better go back to your room for now. You were out for an hour and honestly I think you need the rest." Laila said as she looked at Olivia then to Loreley.

"Don't do anything rash. The thing with that monster, Laila and I will create an opening for you, so just be ready when the chance comes. Okay?" Loreley said as she rubbed subconsciously rubbed her wrist. Olivia nodded her head in agreement. She started to get off the bed but felt someone grab on to her wrist before she started to walk away.

"Sakura... did she... did she hint anything to you?" Laila asked as her eyes trembled with fear. Olivia was taken aback, she didn't know what to think. She sighed and gently patted the back of Laila's hand. "No, I think she wanted to but couldn't. Might have been a restriction with the curse. Why?" Laila quickly released Olivia's wrist. "No reason I just.... I was just curious." She answered as she averted her gaze. "Alright, we'll have a good night." She said as she hugged her sisters before she collected her stuff and left the room.

On her walk back to her room, she couldn't help but feel unsettled with Laila's reaction. She was tempted to go back to the room and ask Laila some more questions but she really did some sleep. She needed to be on her toes tomorrow. Chances were that Agni did see her brother and if not she may have questions about her drunken state.


Olivia woke up early and got down to work right away. She was surprised that Sakura didn't call her again into her realm but at the same time thanked that she didn't. She felt well rested and started working on breakfast. Today she felt like they all needed something to get the blood flowing. She decided to opt out the coffee and tea and instead have freshly squeezed orange juice.

She also prepared a fruit salad with cantaloupe, honeydew melon, strawberries and pineapple. Omelettes with spinach, mushrooms, green peppers, onions, tomatoes and ham. Home fries and an extra helping of bacon. She heard the women shuffle by the kitchen without greetings her and knew that it was going to be one of those days.

She loaded up the food cart, took a deep breath in and patted her apron pocket before she started to move towards the dinning hall. The moment she walked in a plate went flying past her head and hit the wall beside her. "I have a massive headache and you decided to take your time with breakfast!" Agni shrieked as she started to rub the temples of her head.

Olivia quickly bowed. "I'm sorry Master! Last night you came in rather intoxicated so I have prepared a nutritious breakfast to help with your .... cough... headache." Agni dropped down into her chair and waved her hand, signalling her to move forward. Olivia placed herself next to the table and started to unload the food cart. "What the hell is this?!" Loreley said as she pointed at her plate of food.

"I don't know dear sister but it looks rather delicious." Laila said rather blandly. "You know what Laila you have been more vocal ever since you lost your virginity." Loreley said coolly while Olivia flinched at her words. Agni seemed to be uncaring as she sipped her orange juice. "Your right Loreley, deal with it." She said after she put her glass down. The girls turned to look at Agni for further explanation. "I am not in the mood or the energy to teach a doll to not speak." Agni said with a sigh.

Loreley stood up and gave a mini bow to Agni. "It will be my pleasure." Loreley said with a strained voice. Laila started to shake while she sat in her chair, her eyes were glued to the plate of food in front of her. As Loreley started to walk around the table and make her way towards her, Laila grabbed the glass of orange juice and chugged it back. She slammed the cup down, raised her head and glared at both Loreley and Agni. "Bring it on!" She shouted causing Loreley to freeze momentarily.

"What did you just say?" Agni asked with a venomous voice. She picked up her fork and knife and started to cut into her omelette. Laila stood up quickly causing her chair to topple backwards. "I said bring it on b*tch!" She shouted as she lunged towards Loreley. The force caused Loreley to fall backwards, Loreley had caught Laila's wrists mid air and was using all her might to stop her murderous looking sisters from clawing her face.

"Enough is enough! I have Eli now and he can back me up once I get rid of my obstacles!" She spat as she sat on Loreley's stomach, Loreley started to kick her legs violently, trying to get some leverage. Her last kick gave her enough of a lift causing Laila to be caught off guard. In that moment of surprise Loreley was able to flip Laila off her, both girls were staring at each other before they started fighting.

The girls started rolling all over the floor as the punched each other. Screams and curses were filling the room and all Olivia could do was watch on the side lines. As Agni was finishing up her meal, Loreley was pushed hard towards Agni causing Loreley to topple her and her chair down. "Oh no!" Olivia shouted and took a half step forward. Loreley rolled over and stared at Olivia with disdain. "Stupid maid! Help me and your Master up!" She shouted as she flailed around.

"That's it! You stupid pieces of garbage need to be taught a lesson!" Agni shouted as she grabbed Loreley's throat. Loreley's eyes grew wide and instantly brought her hands up and started to claw at Agni's hands. Agni started to scream in pain and released Loreley as tracks of blood started to flow down from her hands. "You b*tch! How dare you make me bleed!" Agni screamed as her eyes started to turn red.

While Agni's back was facing Olivia she quickly opened the bag in her apron's pocket. As Loreley got off Agni and started to make distance between her and Agni, Olivia pulled out the cloth. She kneeled beside Agni and draped the cloth over her bleeding hand. "Master please let's move you to another room so I can start mending your wounds!" Agni looked at Olivia's worried filled eyes and seemed to slightly defuse her anger. "Bring the first aid kit here, I want to see Loreley properly discipline Laila."

Olivia nodded her head and helped Agni up. She then grabbed a new chair for her Master to sit in and wiped up the blood in the other hand. "I will only be a moment Master." She said before she turned and ran out of the dining room with bloodied cloth in hand.

When she made it to the kitchen she pulled the plastic bag from her apron pocket and stuffed the cloth into it. She made sure the bag was properly sealed before she grabbed the first aid kit. As she stepped out if the kitchen, she looked at the closet.

Loreley started panting as she sat on top of her sister. Her face was ridiculously swollen as Laila became listless. "Good, I think her lesson has been taught." Agni said as Olivia walked into the room. Olivia tried her best to not show her concern for Laila but couldn't stop her hands from trembling as she held onto the first aid kit.

Olivia knelt beside Agni and placed the kit on the floor. She started to clean her wounds before she applied the plasters. "Loreley go get cleaned up before we leave and my sweet kitty please work done magic to bring that other thing to life." She said as she inspected her hands. "Yes Master." Olivia mumbled as she packed up the first aid kit and moved towards Laila.

"I'm sorry Master but Laila's injuries are really sever. I will need to move her to her room and start the inflammation treatment right away." Olivia said remorsefully. "Fine, whatever. She has a dinner date tonight with Eli and some investors." Agni said as she stood up. "I need to leave and head into the office. I need to 'clean' up and do some damage control." As she started to leave the room she stopped right before she stepped into the hallway, she looked back and narrowed her gaze at Olivia. "There will also be some people coming in today to set up some extra security here.... apparently I need it considering what happened last night."

Olivia and Laila felt chills run down their spines. Agni gave them a content smile and walked out of the room. She quickly helped Laila up off the ground and wrapped and arm around her waist.

As they slowly climbed the stairs to get the the second floor they heard a cold laugh. "Look at how pathetic the two if you are. Should you really be putting so much concern into someone who has stolen your lover with the simple movement of her hips?" Olivia looked up and locked gazes with Loreley. She had expertly applied makeup to cover up her wounds and started to descend the stairs.

"There is nothing wrong with showing compassion to those in need." Olivia answered bitterly. "Oh really?!" Loreley said when she was two steps above Olivia and Laila. She brought up a delicate hand and placed it right before her lips and muffled a small giggle. "I would love to hear that again when we find out if Laila I'd pregnant... but then again with all those beating who knows if your body is even capable of holding onto any other life other then your own?"

"Why my dear Loreley are you trying to hint at something that I do not know about yet?" Agni's murderous voice echoed from above. Loreley quickly turned around and saw Agni approaching the stairs. "I thought the two of you fighting this morning was something strange... perhaps you planned something with your sister and tried to force her to have a miscarriage? That is if you were actually knocked up by Eli."

Loreley kept her calm as she looked at Agni. "No mother, I was only venting my disdain. These two have no reason to live other then to be your chess pieces." Agni nodded her satisfaction to Loreley and turned her gaze on to Laila, who seemed to be trembling and sweating. Agni raised an eyebrow and started to take a step forward. "My lovely Loreley it looks like you may have unknowingly found some truth."

She continued down the stairs and as she walked passed the women she continued her speech. "Olivia change of plans. Signal the driver to move forward, I will take Laila to the hospital for a check up." Olivia's colour strated to drain from her face. "Y-yes Master." She stuttered causing Agni to let out a cold laugh as she finished descending the stairs. She turned around and looked at the side of Olivia's face. "What's wrong my dear kitty? This may very well be a joyous occasion!"

"Congratulations Master." She replied as she choked back some tears. Soon enough they were back down on the main floor and Olivia signaled for the driver. She went back inside and went into the closet and pulled out a sweater. "Master it's starting to get chilly outside. It's best if Laila takes a light coat to protect her health." Agni started to pet Olivia's hair. "You have been acting like a good pet today. Did missing your father's funeral put you in your place?"

Suddenly Agni grabbed locks of her hair and pulled her head back. "Or are you planning something too?" She hissed as she gently placed a long finger nail on to Olivia's exposed neck. "Mother what are you talking about? This twit can't even realize that she pulled out my sweater and not Laila's! This moron doesn't have a clue how to plan anything!" Loreley said as she snatched the sweater out of Olivia's hand. Agni seemed to be okay with what Loreley said and released Olivia with a "Hmph".

Olivia dropped to her knees and started to beg for forgiveness. "I'm sorry Master! I really tried to be of help but I haven't done anything right!" Agni snickered and petted Olivia's messy hair. "It's alright we have plenty of time to train you to perfection.... oh wait it's only what almost 6 months left?" Olivia felt sweat collect on her forehead and didn't dare to correct her.

There was honking heard from outside. "Time to go." Agni mumbled as she walked towards the door. Olivia stood up and got a new sweater for Laila and helped her in it before she helped her out the door. Once the women were inside the car, she closed the door of the passenger door. As she watched the car disappear in the distance she couldn't help but smile.