Let The Show Begin - Part 1

"Eli! Eli! Is it true? That your long time flame is now expecting?"

"Eli! What about tomorrow night's gala? There is a rumour that this was engagement announcement between yourself and Miss Laila Steel?"

"Olivia is it true you've murdered your father and tried to off two more men in the process?"

"Laila! Laila! Is there any truth to you being the rightful heir to the Steel estate and that is why you are trying to gain power more power as an attempt to bring your mother down?"

"Out! Out! You vultures! Do you not realize this is a hospital! My niece is 7 weeks pregnant, it's late and she needs rest! Now out!" Robin started shouting from behind a group of reporters. They all turned and instantly paled when they saw a mini army of men ready to pick them up, one by one so they could be throw them out but no one wanted to budge. They each wanted their station to be the first to make their reports on the 11 o'clock news.

"It's alright Robin, I will give them a statement." Eli said nonchalantly as he walked up to the reporters that had blocked the entryway of Olivia's room. "There will be an announcement of a union at tomorrow night's gala, so I expect the best of to best to be attending. Have your bosses contact my assistant Robin for further details."

"But Eli! Eli! We haven't heard the answers to our questions! The public has the right to know!" A Latina looking lady asked as she tried to stop Eli from turning his back to them. Eli gave her and the rest of the reporters a cold glare. The reporters instantly stepped back and knew that they were no longer welcomed. Robin took the initiative to start herding the group away from Olivia's room and towards the exit. As they were walking away they ran into Dr. Foster and quickly surrounded her.

"Dr. Foster! Is it true a Delmira will be born some time in the spring of next year?"

"Dr. Foster! Will the Delmira's be demanding a paternity test to make sure Miss Olivia Steel isn't scamming them, in order to break the relationship between Eli and Laila?"

"Dr. Foster! With your medical expertise, can you say that Miss Olivia Steel is mentally well to even be a mother, considering she murdered her father and tried to murder another two men?"

Dr. Foster instantly turned murderous. She narrowed her gaze, straightened her back and allowed the surrounding temperature drop a few degrees. "This is highly inappropriate! This hospital belongs to the Delmira family. Do you think your questions are something that should be taken lightly?"

The group of reporters started to shrink back as Dr. Foster's became more fierce. "Could you at least comment about why you are here?" The same Latina report spoke up, winning the admiration of her colleagues. Dr. Foster sighed and started to rub her temples. She let go of her killing intent and brought forth a beaming smile. "Well that's simple I came to see my beloved grandson and his future wife! I hope to see you all at tomorrow night's gala for the announcement." She said cheerfully before she started to walk away.

The reporters tried to follow her but the bodyguards were keeping them at bay. As the were about the give up and leave, someone from the crowd shouted. "Look! Miss Laila Steel is greeting Dr. Foster outside of the room!" The cameras instantly turned around and some tried to awkwardly shove their cameras in between the arms of the bodyguards in order to capture some of their interaction.

Standing a few feet from Olivia's room, they caught Dr. Foster embracing a sorrowful Laila. Her face showed that she had so much love for this girl and would do anything for her. The moment was touching and the reporters were practically jumping on top of one another. Once they broke their embrace, Dr. Foster handed her a handkerchief then her face became cold. She took a few steps towards the door, looked back at Laila, extended her hand and the both walked in, hand in hand. Overall she didn't look happy going into Olivia's room.

The reporters started buzzing, they couldn't wait to go outside to finish their news report. In one of the side hallways, a beauty with fair skin, with dark hair that was tied into a twist and bright, forest green eyes stood smirking as she watched the reporters leave. Once the coast was clear, she stepped into the main hall and started walking towards Olivia's room with a giggle nurse following behind her.

"Now that my hospital is no longer a zoo we can get things done." The lady said as she walked into the room. "What a show! I gotta say it's never a dull moment when you guys are around!" The nurse said as she stepped beside the lady, beaming with delight as she handed her Olivia's file. "Jessica are you saying that my hospital is a place that lacks enjoyment?" The lady said as she raised her eyebrow.

"It became more enjoyable when I started working her Dr. Delmira." Jessica answered with a smug look. Dr. Delmira rolled her eyes and stepped forward. "How's the patient?" She asked as looked over the file in her hands. "I'd say pretty awesome." Dr. Delmira shot Jessica a look that made her sigh. "The patient is doing well, her vitals are stable, there seems to be an iron deficiency and it looks like her body had gone into shock causing the blood to rush to her head." Dr. Delmira nodded her head.

"So Olivia, since your friends and family are here do you want to hear what we found together or would you like them to leave?" Olivia looked at Dr. Delmira, then at everyone else and with a big smile on her face she faced the doctor again. "I haven't hidden my pregnancy from them. They couldn't go to the family BBQ when the announcement was made to the whole Delmira family but they have been with me every step of the way."

"Aw and I couldn't go even though I am family!" Jessica started to whine. Dr. Delmira looked at the girl and smacked the side of her head. "Since when have you been a Delmira!" She shouted. "When I marry Owen I will be!" Jessica said as she crossed her arms across her chest. Dr. Delmira sighed. "He just turned 12! Are you really going to wait 6 more years? You should really stop giving that child hope."

Jessica gave her a wicked smile as she dropped her arms. "Not my fault he proposes every time I babysit! Besides who says I'm not taking him seriously, if he finds someone later on and changes his mind then I let him go or fight for him. Depends on what type of man he grows up to be. But honestly we've been together for so long how can I ever be excluded from the event!" Dr. Delmira pinched the gap between her eyebrows before she stepped to the side. She had been intentionally been blocking Samantha from Jessica's sight in order to keep the girls in check. "One you were working and two, oh look it's Samantha."

Jessica squealed as she bounced towards Samantha. "Hello little man how are you today?" She said affectionately as she rubbed Samantha's slightly swollen womb. "I swear in a few weeks you will expand like a balloon and you'll miss this little 26 week bump! You'll be waddle and everything, we'll need to go shopping for some better maternity clothes though. We want your husband to never want to ...oh...um... he wants a girl...cough... take a few tries... we'll talk later, I should let aunt Lacie... Dr. Delmira finish talking to Olivia." She said awkwardly as she hugged Samantha and not look at Dr. Delmira's death glare.

"Honestly child, if you weren't so good at your job.... well Olivia you did get a huge shock that did contribute to your fainting but that's not the only reason." She said as she looked at Olivia then Dr. Foster. "Not your fault grandma just timing. You need some better prenatals with a higher iron supplement." Dr. Foster frowned for a bit then instantly brightened up. "Oh!" She started to say but Dr. Delmira wouldn't let her steal her thunder. "Your blood work is showing elevated HcG, since you're closing in on your 8 weeks I think a new prescription of prenatals will be appropriate." Dr. Delmira finished saying and saw the look on Olivia's face.

She was momentarily stunned then looked down at her abdomen. She couldn't stop the corners of her lips from turning upwards. She looked at Eli, then at her sisters. "Laila, Loreley I'm really gonna need your help in the future, more than ever." She said with misty eyes. The twins scratched their heads. "Why do you need our help?" Laila said as Loreley looked equally confused.

Jessica couldn't take it anymore. She let go of Samantha and jumped behind the girls. She wrapped an arm around each girl's shoulder and with a wide grin she said. "Twins! She's having twins! Or triplets! You know what we'll say multiples... well it's more then one but we gotta wait to do an ultrasound to make sure how many there are! Or a Doppler system but the point is we all gotta wait."

Suddenly Jessica turned her head to the doorway and her face became very stern. She let go of the girls and started stomping over towars the door. She looked at Dr. Delmira seriously. "I gotta go to work." She said before she started shouting into the hallway. "Mrs. Jenkins! How many times have I told you if your gonna walk around, walk around with your walker! Women your old! Why the hell do you think you're here for?! Just shuffling around like a stalker! Did you think I couldn't hear you?!"

From the hallway they heard a very elderly voice call back. "Girl you know I need to look gorgeous for Mr. Jenkins and he's coming to see me soon and you haven't come down yet. So I came to get you." Jessica started to laugh as she walked into the hallway. "Honey just stay were you are, I will go grab you a wheelchair and drag your fine a** back to your room so we can glam up your walker. We can't let Mr. Jenkins' blood stop flowing because of a walker but then again if you weren't so vigorous with him you wouldn't be here now would you?"

"Girl age doesn't slow down our mojo just our joints! That's why I married someone younger!" Mrs. Jenkins yelled back.

Olivia couldn't hold it in anymore and just started laughing. Tears started rolling down her face as she held her sides. Dr. Delmira's face started to turn black as the others tried their hardest to hold in their laughter but had no luck. They too joined in with Olivia and the room felt livelier and comforting. "If that girl wasn't so good at her job, I swear." She said as she shook her head. "I need to get back to work too. You need your rest, I'm keeping you here for a couple of days to make sure your body is absorbing the prenatals properly without causing you any unwanted side effects." Dr. Delmira said before she looked at the visitors. "It's late and you should all be going home soon... So don't be much longer."

With that Dr. Delmira gave Dr. Foster, Eli, Olivia and Samantha a quick hug and kiss goodbye. Olivia looked at everyone else in anticipation but no one spoke up. "Are you guys going to tell me what the plan is for tomorrow?" Olivia sighed. Eli started to brush back her hair. "No, we won't. You're not involved, so please stay here and rest." He quietly said then placed a kiss on the back of her hand. Olivia frowned, everyone read her thoughts and Autumn stepped forward.

"We got this don't worry." She said proudly. Rodan walked up beside her and grabbed her hand. He nodded his head and smiled at Olivia. "And if we don't we will let you know but for now focus on yourself." Olivia gave a small sigh of defeat. "Alright."

It was getting close to midnight and everyone decided to go home except Eli. Olivia couldn't help but feel worried as she let her guard down. "Do you think Agni suspects anything from your end?" She asked as she snuggled against Eli's chest as they laid in the bed together.

"Probably." Eli responded with sigh. "She tried to fired Robin but couldn't so she demoted him instead because of what happened at the celebration of life for your dad. I promoted him as my second assistant since she didn't want him and a grunt job is demeaning. So I had him keep tabs on my first assistant since she was one of Agni's lackeys. I found out about this whole gala thing almost instantly and started working on a plan. After I.... cough.... used her lackey's name to tweek up everyone else's invitations, all the invited people know is that it's a masked gala and its in regards to Miss Laila Steel's engagement."

Olivia giggled. "So what happened to her lackey?" Eli started to leave a trail of kiss from Olivia's forehead, down her face and down her neck. Only stopping at the base of her neck, making Olivia shiver with delight. "She was fired for the mistake but when she found about it, it was already too late. So unfortunately she knows someone from our side has moved but about what we will do at the gala I don't know... Hey I want you to know your sisters had no idea about what was going on." He said before bringing his face back up to look into her eyes.

"I know." She said gently as she placed a small kiss onto his lips. Eli plopped onto his back, brought his hand up to his face and started to moan. "What's wrong?" She asked as she stroked his head. "You can't seduces me today... well for the next couple of weeks. Doctor's orders." Olivia's hand froze and she pulled back his hand to see his face. It was dark and only a small amount of light from the street lamps came through the window.

"How did I seduce you?" She asked sarcastically. Eli let out a low, husky laugh and grabbed her hand. He kissed the inside of her palm and then moved it downwards to a bulge that was hidden underneath the blankets. "You kissed me." He said bluntly. "You know there are other ways to take care of that." She answered slowly as she shook off his hand and slipped it underneath his pants. She felt a twitch as she laid her hand directly on top of his manhood.

Eli quickly jumped out of bed and rushed into the bathroom. Leaving Olivia stunned. "Nope! Doctor's orders! I have to place you and babies first!" He shouted from the bathroom. Olivia shoved her face into the pillow to muffle her laughter. Once she calmed down she laid her head back onto the pillow and looked out the window once more. Slowly her eyes started to close and she could feel herself drifting off to sleep.


It was almost the lunch hour when Olivia woke up. Eli had spent the night on the window ledge again, when he came out of the bathroom she was already fast asleep. He felt guilty waking her up so he just made himself comfortable on the window ledge again.

"The nurse came by earlier and left your lunch on the cart." He said as he watched her rub the sleep from her eyes. "It wasn't Jessica?" She asked as she sat up. Eli got up and brought the tray over. He unfolded the legs of the tray and placed it over her lap so she could see what she had.

"No, she finished her shift earlier. She did stop by to check up on you but said it was best that you slept. You have probably been exhausting yourself, mentally and physically." He said as he watched her take a bite of some steamed vegetables. Olivia dropped her gaze and ate quietly. The atmosphere felt awkward and somewhat stuffy. Eli sighed and laid his head on top of hers and gently spoke into her hair. "I know you had to keep her deranged anger in check but... I wish I could save you from her faster then this...."

Olivia gulped, she felt her mouth go dry and her eyes started to sting. She tightened her grip on her fork and was about to same something when suddenly Eli's phone rang. Eli removed his head and straightened his back before he answered the call. "I understand." Was all he said before he hung up the phone. His face became stoic and she couldn't figure out who called.

He brought up his hand and started to pinch the bridge of his nose. "I need to leave now." He started to say without looking at Olivia. She felt her heart drop, she didn't want him to go. "Promise me you will be safe?" She said to her tray of food. Eli walked over and placed a hand on top of her fist. The warmth rush up her body and she let go of the fork. She looked up at Eli and his gentle eyes made her relax. "Promise."