
"So when did you wake up?" Olivia asked Edmond while he happily drove a black minivan. While their 'friend' was tied up and thrown into the trunk. "Sorry princess, I didn't try to contact you. It's been about 3 weeks." Olivia sighed and relaxed her body into the passenger seat.

"I'm glad your awake." She said happily as she gave him a bright smile. "Me too!" He replied with a wide grin. "Found out some fun facts about myself while I was asleep." He said as he turned another corner. Olivia raised her eyebrow in mocking concern. "Was it life altering? A true epiphanic moment and now you will change your ways for the better?" She said with a light laugh.

"Olivia..." He started to say but then swallowed back his words. Olivia saw a flicker of seriousness flash across his face, she reached out and hugged his free arm. "Was it scary?" She whispered into his arm. Edmond sighed. "I don't know how I'm supposed to explain things.... I might sound crazy hell I think I am crazy but what I want, no need to tell you is.... well you know what I.... I'm having a son and I really wanted a little girl I could pamper. You know another princess but I guess you're my one and only for now... Oh wait I lied I did get another two! So I should count my blessings!" He said with a smile but Olivia noticed it didn't reach his eyes.

She let go of Edmond's arm and gave him a good smack instead. "You know you have Samantha." She said with a pout, making Edmond laugh. "Princess you are mistaken. Samantha is my one and only King." Olivia rolled her eyes. "You mean Queen." Edmond gripped the steering wheel and released with an awkward laugh. "Right, she is my Queen that I would do anything for." He looked at Olivia, she subconsciously touched where she was shot and regretted her actions when she saw the sorrow on his face.

It was awkwardly silent the rest of the ride to their location. Edmond turned on the blinker to turn into an underground parking lot of a modest looking 5 story building. It was wide, each level had a front and side balcony, the building was divided into two by a long window and metal sheets on either side of it. The exterior was done in red bricks, it had a flat roof and giant windows everywhere.

"Edmond, where are we." Olivia asked as she stepped out of the minivan. Edmond became excited by the question, he slammed his door, jumped onto the minivan's hood and slid over to Olivia. "My dear princess, I have brought you to a palace of wonders! A place where all your dreams your heart makes, can come true." He said dramatically as he extended his arm into the air and bowed.

"Oh, and pray tell what are the dreams my heart has wished for?" Olivia asked as she giggled. Edmond stood up and grabbed her hand. "Well my dear... we will need to speak to the magical fairy princess to find out that answer." They walked hand in hand towards an elevator. Olivia watched Edmond dig around his pocket until he pulled out a fob. He placed the fob against the detector and the doors opened.

Edmond wiggled his eyebrows and grinned as he pulled Olivia into the metal elevator. He could barely hold in his excitement as he bounced on the balls of his feet. They reached the top floor, the side doors of the elevator opened and they walked into a very spacious loft. It was decorated in a way that anyone would feel cozy.

There was a giant, brown, plush sectional, with a wood and glass coffee table on top of a plush silver carpet, infront of that was an electric fireplace. A flat screen TV and gaming console just above the fireplace mantel. A giant kitchen with beautiful cherry-wood pantries, an island and dinning table. To the side there was a set of stairs that lead to a closed off area, set up with curtains. Edmond let go of Olivia's hand and watched her as she stepped up to the stairs. She looked up and saw a giant skylight. She sighed as she admired the layout of the area with each step she took up the stairs.

When she placed her foot on the top of the stairs she heard a familiar voice singing. "Salagad**la mech*cka b*ola, b*bb*di-b*bbidi-b*o! Put them together and what have you got? B*bb*di-b*bbidi-b*o!" Loreley made her gand entrance from behind the curtain and jumped up to Olivia. She grabbed her hand and gave her a small twirl.

"Salagad**la mech*cka b*ola, b*bb*di-b*bbidi-b*o! I will do magic, believe it or not so all I need you to do is cover your eyes!" Olivia laughed as she raised her hands. "Cover my eyes?" Loreley grabbed her hands and placed them over Olivia's face. "Yes cover your eyes, please do not lie, all my magics comes from love and a sigh, so b*bb*di-b*bbidi, b*bb*di-b*bbidi, b*bb*di-b*bbidi-b*o!"

Olivia started laughing and covered her eyes with her hands, properly. Loreley waved her hands in front of her face. When she was satisfied she tipped toed back to the curtain and started pulling it back. Then she she faced Olivia with a bright smile. "Yes, salagad**la means mech*cka b**ler** but the thing-a-ma-bob you are wearing will not do its job, so here's what I got! B*bb*di-b*bbidi-b*o!"

Olivia removed her hands from her face and froze in place. Before her was a mannequin wearing a ball gown like no other she had ever seen before. Loreley loved the shocked look on her face and ran over to the railing. She gave an okay signal to Edmond and turned back to face Olivia. She saw that she still hadn't moved, she rolled her eyes and ran behind her. She started to push her forward as she continued singing. "Salagad**la mench*cka b*ola, b*bb*di-b*bbidi-b*o! Put them together and what have you got?" She let go of Olivia and unzipped the gown. She pulled the mannequin off the stand and hauled up the dress.

She pressed the dress to Olivia's chest and let go. Olivia snapped back to reality and caught the dress before it completely fell to the floor. "A princess ready for her ball! So b*bb*di-b*bbidi, b*bb*di-b*bbidi, b*bb*di-b*bbidi-b*o!" Loreley continued to sing as she danced around Olivia.

Once she finished her song, Loreley was completely breathless. Olivia looked at the dress then at Loreley, then the dress again. "You're the magical fairy princess?" She said with awe. Loreley instantly flushed. "Edmond! What lies are you telling!" She yelled. They both could hear his laughter from downstairs and Loreley shook her head then looked at Olivia with sparkling eyes. "Try it on!"

"Loreley where did you find time to even do this?" Olivia asked as Loreley took the dress back. "It's my submission for the fashion college I wanted to go to." She answered nonchalantly. "Loreley! I can't wear this! What if it gets ruined?!" She said as she tried to back away. "Who cares! I made this with you in mind! In all honesty I wanted to gift it to you afterwards and hoped that you would wear it for your engagement party. I even added special panels on the sides to accommodate your pregnancy... You are one of my inspirations and I can't thank you or... dad enough for everything, so wear the damn thing proudly!" She finished say and Olivia saw that her lips had started to tremble.

She moved forward and wrapped her arms around Loreley. "Thank you Loreley. You and Laila have been the best additions to our family, please always remember that dad and I will always love you with all our hearts." Loreley choked back her tears as she raised her head. After a moment she pulled away from Olivia and gave her a tear full smile. "We have little time, so get changed so I can make sure it fits." Olivia smiled back. "Alright!"

Finally dressed, makeup applied and hair done up. Olivia and Loreley made their way down the steps. Edmond heard them coming down and immediately got up from the couch. "Oh my goodness! You ladies look so-o beautiful!" Olivia looked over Edmond and raised an eyebrow herself. "Not looking too bad yourself."

Edmond leaned onto his hip, extended one of his legs sideways and raised his hand to his chin as he slightly turned his head to the side. "Princess I always look good! But I gotta say such a muted colour is something I would never personally chose but I do make the outfit." Olivia looked him over again. He was wearing a light grey suit. He wore a navy blue tie and white dress shirt but something was off with the back. Olivia circled round and started to laugh. "Loreley what is this?!"

Loreley gave her a sly smile and pulled out a fob from her clutch. "It's to match his mask of course." Olivia looked at Edmond and he pulled up a mask from the couch. Her eyes grew wide and she grabbed her sides as she started to laugh. Edmond shrugged. "The magical fairy princess has a good sense of humour."


Agni was happily mingling with her guests. She wore a velvet, blood red gown that reached the floor. It dipped down into a sweetheart cut along her collar bone. She wore an open, black coat with white, rabbit fur lining over her dress and two golden chains acting as a belt for the coat. On her neck was a gaudy, 3 panel piece gold necklace. The middle panel had a giant jade stone in the middle and extended down to her cleavage while the two outer panels were only a couple of inches smaller.

She had left her golden hair down, she wore bright red lipstick, giant jade earrings and had an elaborate face mask painted on half her face. Many men stared at her salivating for a bite, many women envied her for her figure and youthful appearance. Agni glowed with pride and confidence.

She looked at the time, it was half past 7 and she smirked to herself. She made her way to the stage and signalled for the DJ to stop the mood music. She grabbed a microphone and looked at her audience. "Ladies, gentlemen and honoured guests." She began to say watching as every head turned to her and gave their undivided attention. "We have gathered her tonight to celebrate the union of two love birds." She paused to compose herself from her joy and sorrow.

"Excuse me... I apologize... with my husband gone and not being here to see this.... sob... I'm sorry, I'm good now... sniff... We are gather to recognize the promise of marriage for two long time lovers who have prevailed over hardship and slander." She said and the lights went out. The crowd started to panic. A spotlight turned on and in the middle of the dance floor, stood a delicate looking flower.

She wore white, long gloves that sparkled under the light. A dark pink gown the hugged her body just perfectly, sheer pink ruffles sat on her hips. Her back was bare but her chest was covered and the front reached up to her slender neck. A slit ran up the dress and stopped provocatively on her thigh and revealed her fair leg. Her golden hair was semi curled and pulled to the side, two white and pink ostrich feathers were clipped on the left side of her head while a white and gold opera mask covered only a quarter of her face.

"Thank you for the introduction mother I will take it from here." She said sweetly as she spoke out. Agni started to crush the microphone in her hand as she looked at her daughter. "Ladies and gentlemen, I am honoured to welcome you to my engagement gala!" Laila announced happily. Agni dropped her microphone and started to internally laugh. 'They must have gotten the message.' she thought as she relaxed her body.

Another spotlight was turned on and at another entrance. A young man wearing a white tuxedo, matching pink dress shirt and navy blue tie appeared through the doorway. The guests murmured in excitement. Agni had gone around and hinted that the young man behind the white mask was none other then Eli Delmira. They all held their breaths as they watched the young man walk towards Laila.

He placed his hand around her waist and pulled her close. He placed a sensual kiss on her lips that made her go limp in his arms. The crowd broke out into applause making Agni's pride swell. The lights were turned on and Agni picked up the broken microphone. She looked a little disappointed but didn't dwell on it too much. She needed to savor the moment. After the applause died down Laila straighten herself up and removed her mask. "I, Laila Steel would like to present my beloved fiancé."

She turned to look at the young man, who seemed to be her height, even though she wore low heels. He brought his hand up to his mask and slowly lifted it upwards. People gasped as they watched him pull the mask and black wig off. Standing before them was a young man, with tanned skin, chocolate brown eyes and matching, fluffy hair. "Romero Dokmai." She said after he gave everyone a cheeky grin. Some of the crowd started murmuring as others gasped at the news.

"Thank you everyone for coming to celebrate our intentions of union and hope to see you all at our wedding, in three years time of course. I must extended my sincerest thanks to Eli Delmira who helped organize this event with Mrs. Steel." Romeo's words gave Agni an out and the crowd started to nod their heads. Agni started to break out into a cold sweat. Reporters were filming the occasion live, prominent people were loving the idea of the two getting engaged. She looked across the room and a group of people stared at her. A man in a deep green suit who wore a black and gold mask, raised his glass to toast her. She felt rage!

Her rage was quieted when she heard the crowd break out into applause again as other shouted their congratulations. Laila wrapped an arm around Romeo's waist and snuggled into his embrace. "Now that's over I welcome you all to the dance floor." Laila said cheerfully.

The DJ tried to start up the music but found that nothing was working. He looked at Agni with a panicked face and she stomped over to his booth. "What now!" She hissed but the DJ shrugged. "I can't get the music to start." He said lazily. Agni was ready to rip his throat out when suddenly a light laugh was heard throughout the the room.

"Salagad**la mech*cka b**la, b*bb*di-b*bbidi-b*o! Put them together and what have you got? B*bb*di-b*bbidi-b*o!" Sang a couple that happily danced in circles in front of the main doors. A girl with golden locks of hair, wore a light blue corset styled dress with a giant Pink bow tied around her neck. Delicate lace covered her arms and flared at her wrists, while the bottom half of her dress had pieces of light blue, satin resembling flower petals act as a mini skirt. She had done a makeup mask that looked like blue and silver vines intertwining with each other across her face and her bright smile infected everyone.

While her partner wore a light grey suit with a long pink tail and a cute, grey mask with mouse ears. They broke away from each other and started waving their hands as they pranced around, trying to get the crowd to sing with them. "Salagad**la mech*cka b**la, b*bbidi-b*bbidi-b*o." They kept singing and soon enough the crowd joined in as they clapped.

"It'll do magic, believe it or not B*bbidi-b*bbidi-b*o. Yes, salagad**la means mech*cka bo*ler*o but the thingamab*b that does the job is b*bbidi-b*bbidi," The couple ran to the front doors and each grabbed a handle. "B*bbidi-b*bbidi," The crowd kept singing as the couple looked at one another and nodded. "B*bbidi-b*bbidi B*O!" The crowd shouted the last bit and exploded with delight. The couple pulled the doors wide open and a young woman walked in.