Time to Figure You Out

Eli's body became stiff as Loreley started laughing her head off. "I... can't believe... hahaha... your face!" She said as she tried to breathe in between her laughing fits. Autumn's left eye started to twitch, Laila became pale as her jaw dropped, Marek and Blair just grinned at each other.

"You said you would forgive me no matter what!" Olivia shouted her protest as her eyes became misty as she looked at Eli. A vein suddenly popped right under his right eye as he tried his best to smile off the embarrassment. "Did you know it was me who asked you to dance?" Olivia scooted herself off the bed, creating space between her and Eli. "No-o not in particular... just some guy asked me to dance and then asked me trust him but ... I wasn't the one who kissed someone when they were sleeping defensively under a tree!" Olivia said as she passed the blame.

Eli looked at his friends. He gave off an overly pleasant aura with some ominous undertones. "Could you give us some privacy please?" He said sweetly causing everyone in the room to feel a chill run down their spines. Olivia quickly ran around the bed and jumped into Loreley's arms. "No don't go! We need to tell him why we were there!" Laila looked at Loreley and brought her hand up to her chin. "You were the one in blue singing?" Loreley flashed her a bright smile. "Edmond was the one in the suit."

Eli quickly composed himself when he heard she hadn't gine alone. "So what happened?" He said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "My shoe?" Olivia asked as she peeked from Loreley's embrace. "Ask Marek! He whipped it into the forest because I fell in love with you all over again!"

Olivia's jaw dropped as she turned to look at Marek. "I didn't want him daydreaming about someone who may have not been real! I was protecting your relationship!" He said as he brought up his hands defensively and broke out into a cold sweat. "You both owe me a new pair of shoes." Loreley said flatly. "Fine, fine, whatever you want. Now get to the point why were you there?" Eli said as he waived his indifference and narrowed his gaze.

"Someone tried to drug me then kidnap me." Olivia said as she let go of Loreley. Eli tensed up and Autumn's aura started to become dark and ominous. "What did you just say?" Eli said slowly and Olivia was afraid to keep going. "Edmond looked into it, apparently the guards watching surveillance were drugged, the guard who did the rounds has disappeared along with the nurse who gave Olivia the drugged dessert. She was lucky that he had wanted to visit her when he did or else she would be in the back of someone's van having God knows what to her."

Eli started to pace the room, Autumn was ready to burst and Blair was doing her best to calm herself and Autumn down. "Eli, how could she have been ballsy enough to have someone sneak into your family's hospital. They pride themselves for the safety and security of their patients. If they succeeded, it would have ruined the hospital, dragged your name down and ...." Marek stopped talking and only looked at Olivia.

Laila started to shake. "Enough of this bullsh*t! That monster needs to die! I can't let her have her way anymore!" Olivia and Loreley were shocked at Laila's sudden outburst. Autumn and Blair nodded their heads in agreement. "Well she is definitely planning something. I mean we broke the news that she isn't who she says she is." Blair said with a smug face.

Autumn shook her head in disappointment. "But it didn't make headlines. If you check the news or social media it's the tiniest blimp on people's radar. It might be a gag that she has arranged. We need to do something more extreme before she makes her move." Autumn said as she crossed her arms and started to go into deep thought.

"We could use out trump card." Blair said mischievously. "No not yet." Eli said as he stopped his pacing and sat on the bed. "Trump card?" Olivia and Loreley asked but were completely ignored. "For now we need to make Olivia's safety our priority. I thought she would be safe here but I was wrong. We need to let my aunt know what's going on and wait until they official remove the anklet. Then we move her to a safe house until the trial. That witch won't stop her attacks until she's dead and even then I could she her dragging her half decaying corpse across the fields just to get her revenge."

"So what do we do?" Olivia asked as she walked up and sat beside Eli. "We take rotations for now." Eli turned and looked at the clock. "It's almost 10:30 now, so we have a little more then 26 hours until the remove the anklet. We may even need to get Edmond's help on this, even though he's still technically recovering." Autumn grabbed Blair's and Laila's hands. "We will go back to my place and start planning what we're going to do. Loreley see if you can find anything out discreetly, do not go back home. Head somewhere safe or come to my house, make sure you are not alone! Marek you go find Dr. Delmira and let her know what's going on."

Marek nodded and made his way out to track down Eli's aunt. "How are you planning to do the rotations?" Laila asked. Eli thought about it for a second and looked up at the girls. "Let us guys handle it. You ladies have an important task and should focus on that. Make sure everything is covered after you find out what Agni plans to do. I trust Autumn's judgement, right now I want to focus on Olivia." Autumn nodded her head and started to pull Blair and Laila out while Loreley followed after. "We won't let you down." Autumn said as they all left the room.

Eli pulled out his phone and sent a quick text out to Porter, Rodan and Officer Reenie. "So he is a personal acquaintance of yours?" Olivia asked as she peeked at the message. "His wife is my grandmother's best friend." He said passively as he kept texting instructions. "I'm going to see who is available and come up with a schedule. We need to make it to 1:00 p.m. tomorrow." He said as he saw some replies come in. "I will take longer shifts to be with you, now that the world knows Laila and Romeo are engaged I don't have to worry about Agni trying to use you as blackmail for me or Laila to play her game."

Olivia leaned against his shoulder. "You guys have suffered a lot. I'm so sorry." Olivia said quietly as she snuggled against his arm. Eli pushed Olivia back and had her laying on the bed. He placed his phone onto the small table on the side of the bed and looked down at her slightly shocked face. "Don't forget that I need to 'talk' to you about what you did last night." Eli said in a low, husky voice as he started to caress her face. "I told you what happened and I couldn't help it!" Olivia pleaded her case.

"So Agni's goon dragged you to the gala and made you wear such a get up to what? Make me so captivated that I lose all reason? Do you know how much I grieved over my actions?" He said as his hand started to travel down her body and found itself under her shirt. The warmth of his hand made Olivia involuntarily moan and she quickly covered her mouth. "Never in my wildest dreams have I ever thought that I could keep falling so deeply in love with the same person." He said as he started to place soft kisses on her collar bone.

Olivia started to shake from pleasure. "You said you would forgive me no matter what!" Eli let out a small laugh in between his kisses and stopped his caressing momentarily. "I do but I can't let you go without a little punishment, I need to make sure you've learned your lesson." Olivia's body started to curl upwards as her panting stared to get heavier. "What lesson?! I'm sorry I won't ever do it again, I promise to stay safe." She said as her eyes started to water and she broke out into a sweat.

"No, you don't get it. You seduced me with just a look... if it was someone else that danced with you, if it was someone else that kissed you, if it was someone else that felt this lustful for you. I would kill him in a matter of seconds, do you understand what you did wrong? Olivia, you were too seductive that night and I can't have you do that again... well not in public." Olivia was dumbstruck, she didn't know what to say but at the same time Eli took the chance to move his hand from under her shirt and slipped it under her pants. She let out a gasp and Eli smirked from her reaction and started to move his hand faster.

"Please Eli, your not supposed to do this for the next little while." Olivia cried and Eli snapped back to reality. He quickly pulled out his hand and started hugging Olivia, placing gently kisses on her sweaty temple. "I'm so sorry, I love you, I let my temper take control." He said as he gently tried to sit her up. Olivia's breathing was erratic as she leaned into his embrace. The room was spinning and she could feel her heart pounding against her chest. "I don't feel so good." She said before she went limp.

Olivia woke up and saw a familiar face looking at her. "Dr. Delmira... hello." She said in a sleepy tone. Marek's face was a bright red as he averted his gaze from Olivia while Eli was forced to look at a corner. "What happened?" She said as she tried to move but felt her body felt completely drained. "You over exerted yourself. Marek was kind enough to fill me in on what happened last night, plus Eli confessed to what he did, 'even though I warned him' about ... cough... certain activities, you should be fine after some rest."

Olivia flushed a little but found it hard to keep her eyes open. "So you... punished... him?" She said as her eyes fluttered. Dr. Delmira laughed a little. "He's in time out." Olivia let a small laugh out before she fell right back to sleep.

When Olivia woke up again it had been a few hours. Marek was sitting in a chair reading over what looked like a medical reference book. "Studying?" She said as she started to sit up a bit. Marek quickly got up and placed the book on the chair. "How are you feeling?" He asked as walked up to her and grabbed the cup of water off the table. "You read my mind." She answered with a smile. "Did you get into the school you wanted?" She asked as she nodded her head towards the book.

Marek instantly became bashful. "Ya I did. My parents became really supportive and are excited for me." Olivia gaze became somewhat envious but she was still genuinely happy for her friend. "Congratulations." Marek didn't know what to say. He dropped his gaze. "It's not too late for you, ya know. You did technically graduate..."

Olivia shook her head no. "It's not the same. All of you can go experience a college life, enjoy youth and explore new possibilities... but I'm not going to say I'm upset. I am a little... I didn't earn my diploma, I missed out on graduating with everyone and the parties but you know what at this very moment I have to say I'm happy." Marek looked at her completely confused making Olivia laugh.

"I'm sorry, I know from your perspective I probably look like an extreme masochism but if you look past all the pain, all the suffering and all the lose. There are things to be thankful and happy for. Eli, being the main point, meeting you and everyone else, gaining some wonderful sisters and finally..." She looked down at her abdomen and placed a gently hand over top of it before looking up at Marek. "I'm going to a mother. I'm a little scared but I'm not alone." She said as she positively glowed.

Marek felt his body relax, he had no idea he had tensed up but seeing her smile made him feel calm and he sat on the bed. "I hope Blair and I can get to that point in our lives soon." He said with a sigh. Olivia tilted her head as she sucked back some water through the straw. "I'm a little jealous of you and Eli."

Olivia started to cough, she wasn't expecting Marek to speak so freely. "Don't get me wrong! I love how our relationship is now but sometimes I find myself daydreaming about our future together. Living in a modest house, raising kids together, watching them play and laugh.... sigh... being able to find one another no matter what. It just seems so magical." He said as he started to slip into his fantasy.

Olivia's heart started to pound as she heard Marek's words. She started to bite her bottom lip and internally debated about what she wanted to say. In the end she gave up and swallowed back her curiosity but then she felt her body pulse. She cringed a little as she heard a voice ring through her head. "Ask... ask....*****." Marek came back to reality when he felt the sudden movement behind him.

"He are you okay? One second I'll call a nurse." Marek said in a panic and tried to reach for the call button but was stopped when Olivia grabbed his wrist. He looked at Olivia and saw that she broke out into a heavy sweat. "Wait.... Sakura... I need to... ask." Olivia said as she gasped for air. "Sakura?! Are you alright?! I think your slipping into a hallucination. Let go so I can call the nurse."

"No... I'm fine..I swear I'm not slipping into a delusion or anything. I... has Blair told you anything about me recently." Olivia said as she slumped a little and started to calm her breathing down. "Hold on, let me adjust the bed so you can rest in a sitting position." Marek said as he quickly grabbed the bed's remote control and adjusted it accordingly. Olivia leaned back and watched as Marek in a panic looked for a small cloth to wipe the sweat from Olivia's face.

"You didn't answer my question." She said as Marek approach her with the cloth. He silently started moving the cloth around her face then to her neck. "She has... she told me you are Sakura's descendant and your bloodline is cursed." Olivia kept watching Marek's face as he finished drying up her neck. "And?"

Marek looked conflicted and decided to sit back down on the bed. "You can answer honestly." She said as she saw the relief in Marek's eyes. "I think it's somewhat crazy. How can someone be so willing to kill themselves and place a curse on their own family." Olivia raised her eyebrows and was a little shocked. "Well... what if Blair slept with another man and gave birth to his child? What if she decided to be with him instead of you, say after you spent some years raising the child thinking it was your own?"

Marek tensed up and she could see the hurt in his eyes. "I see, I would probably do the same." Olivia nodded her head. "Grief, misery, anger and betrayal make us do the stupidest things that we later on regret." Olivia whispered as she reached out to grab Marek's hand. Marek wasn't sure what compelled him to do it but he grabbed her hand and squeezed it.

"Do you believe in reincarnation?" She said as she held his hand. Marek nodded his head. "Ya, lately I have been having some strange dreams just bits and pieces but I always wake up thinking I'm forgetting something." Olivia tensed up and she remembered Sakura's voice urging her to ask.

"Marek... do you ever dream that you are a young women... a young women named Yedda?" Marek let go of Olivia's hand and paled. He shook his head no. "Your wrong princess." A familiar voice said from the entryway. Olivia looked up and saw Edmond walk in. "What am I wrong about?" She asked Edmond as he closed the door behind him.

"Sakura should have already told you already, I'm Yedda." Olivia's jaw dropped as she looked at Edmond. Edmond walked up to Marek and pulled him into an embrace. "It's been a while Dhara."