Let Me Go!

"What do you mean ominous?" Olivia asked as she took her seat on the toadstool. "I'm afraid the hands of fate are moving a lot faster for you then the rest in the past. It also seems that something will be happening soon, be prepared Olivia it looks like another great trial is headed your way."

"The people around me are planning, I have been left out for my own safety. How am I supposed to prepare for something that I have no control over." Olivia complained but Sakura rubbed her temples as she groaned to herself. "When has knowing what is going to happen every stopped you? What is coming will affect everything, the lives of your friends, the lives of your family, Vaidehi's life and the curse will continue not only with your children but all children with the Alegria blood in them. This time around the darkness has found a host that it can feed off of and has begun to mutant. I'm afraid that if the curse is not beaten this time it will be the end for everyone."

"No! That's not possible! I have found Yedda and Dhara, that has to count for something, right?" Sakura shot her a dirty look before she moved her gaze towards Marek. "I am not the one who makes the rules! It is my fault that you are in this mess! It is my foolishness for not wanting to face my problems but what you are doing is not any better! You are bringing in others into this mess when they have no business in it! You my dear are the one who does not understand!" Sakura shouted before she turned her back to Olivia and faced Marek "My sweet sister... I never thought I would ever see you face to face again."

Marek instantly turned bright red. He didn't really know what to do but stare at Sakura. "You don't remember... it's understandable since this numb skull thought it would be best to drag you into this." Sakura said as she raised her sleeve and slightly covered her mouth, she narrowed her gaze and shot an unapproving look towards Olivia.

"Hey! I was hoping to find clues to Vaidehi! Besides what do you mean the darkness has mutated?!" She shouted in defense but Sakura let out a dark laugh. "No!" She shouted making Olivia flinch. "You were try to feel accomplished, you were looking for gratification and praise for finding these two! For what?! A round of applause?" She said as she brought her hands together and gave Olivia a slow clap. "But..."

"But nothing!" She shouted as she straightened her back and looked down on her. "I told you they were fine! I told you all you had to do was find Vaidehi and help her! You needed to guide her to love and this curse would be broken! But what did you do?! You doubted yourself, you doubted my words and brought shame to me!" She spat. Olivia was ready to break down in tears but she shook her head. "Your wrong! I didn't doubt you or myself! I gave myself a higher probability of finding Vaidehi!"

"Really now? Please tell me has your probability really gone up or are you just trying to find excuses? Remember child I can see into your heart, you can not lie to me... Honestly the only thing you have done is make things worse for yourself! You have engaged yourself in something you can not handle by yourself anymore and now I must intervene." She said as she slipped her hands into her sleeves and leaned forward. "Hag! Lay off the kid already! How the f*ck is she supposed to find Vaidehi if your useless! I'm helping her whether you like it or not, so deal with it!" Edmond said as he crossed his legs and flipped Sakura off.

"Charming as ever Yedda, just absolutely charming... and Dhara what do you have to say in regards to Olivia's actions? Selfish or brave? You must remember, she has now involved you in this mess and I can not guarantee the outcome for you or the others." She asked Marek as her toadstool started to shrink. Marek brought his hand to his chin and started to ponder. Once the toadstool was gone Sakura stood up and went up to Marek. "She could have left you alone, you wouldn't have known anything, you wouldn't have to deal with the curse, you could have been living your life without guilt." She said as she started to stroke Marek's hair.

"What do you mean without guilt?" He said as he lowered his hand and looked at Sakura with wide eyes. "My sweet.... Marek was it? You don't have the luxury Edmond has. My bloodline mixed with Yedda's sometime ago, he's able to remember everything but you... you sweet, sweet child." Sakura walked around Marek and wrapped her arms around him and she started to hum.

"Now that you know your souls identity, will you not feel guilty for not searching for Zephyrus' reincarnated soul? Will you really be at peace with yourself knowing that the one person who loved you unconditionally even after finding out about your past self is out there possible unhappy?" Marek grabbed Sakura's hand and looked into her eyes. "My past?"

"That's right Dhara, your past is sad and pathetic yet you never let it ruin you. Your purity and innocence was your downfall, you were tricked into giving up your life for others. For what? For your blood sister to steal your husband? Your home? Your place in the community? To steal your life and have everyone think you were a plague? A child born under a disastrous star, even though you were doing everything in your power to improve everyone's lives! Yet... you were stronger than me in many ways... you knew what was happening and not only did you allow it to happen you chose to learn from it and kept your heart pure until the very end."

Marek looked at Sakura for a second and then burst into laughter. The three of them were dumbstruck as his crystal clear laughter echoed through the air. Suddenly a vision of an intelligent looking woman, with sharp eyes and neatly styled, ebony hair overlapped with Marek. Her smiling face instantly made her appear more youthful and spirited. "Sakura, that's all in the past now. Whatever happened, happened and no one can change that. I just need to look forward and live everyday without worry or regret."

Sakura's gaze softened and she let go of Marek. "Your right... what happened has happened and we must make the best of things." She said with a sigh. She walked over to the middle of the three and looked up into the blue sky. "Please remember what I am about to tell you. Once these words are spoken, my spirit will no longer be able to connect with any one else.... Olivia, I'm sorry. I have been testing you this entire time, trying to determine if you were worth of being saved.... you see I have spoken with every female member of your family and tried to get them to break this curse. Just like what you have experienced, I have never revealed too much in fear that I would break the promise I made with my mother. I can no longer just stand around and do nothing."

Olivia felt a cold chill run down her back. "What if I don't want you to go? What if I said I can do this on my own and break the curse?" Sakura shook her head. "Your mother thought the same thing when she found Dhara.... but her reincarnate met a horrific end and has been reincarnated into this young man, though his ties to her family is almost minimal, he seems to be more like her then any of the others I have encountered."

Sakura gave one last sigh. "My sweet Dhara, my little Yedda, please protect Olivia from that demon who is bent on destroying her. You see when mother saved me she allowed me to become the water nymph but because I was so set on my cursing Norell's child, that my soul split into two." Olivia's jaw dropped. "Are you saying that it's not Agni's fault that she dead set on killing me?"

Sakura shook her head. "No she wants you dead. The dark part of my soul has settled into her heart and only magnified her own darkness. The desire to destroy your family is completely her own, this is the reality of the curse. Once she has completed her agenda and has gotten what she most desires, the darkness will become dormant until the next target appears. However it seems her desires have fueled the darkness and it has gotten stronger. This she demon does not know how to give up her sins and will destroy every person in your bloodline... This includes you Yedda and your unborn."

"NO! We can not let this happen!" Olivia shouted while Edmond's eyes flashed murder. "So is there anyway of killing off the darkness so it doesn't move to another host?" Marek asked. Sakura gave him a side look. "My plan is to be set free from this realm so I can reattach myself to my other half." Edmond stood up, unable to control his murderous aura. "You can't! That would mean you become fused with that she demon! What is she wins, what if the dark part of your soul wins?! What if it cause that b*tch to become crazier and stronger?! What if she consumes your soul and d*mns you to hell? You will never be reincarnated and our efforts would be pointless!"

Olivia's eyes widened as she turned from Edmond to Sakura. "You lied you never wanted to be with everyone else... your committing suicide?! For what? A, a possibility for the curse to end?! No! There has to be another way! How can you even think of doing this! I can't let you do this, I don't want it!" Olivia shouted as she clutched the ends of her shirt.

"The possibility is great! I needed to test the resolve of every family member to make sure my own desire to merge with the darkness is a success! Olivia, you have been the only one so far to make me want to do this! Such a young child willing to go above and beyond to protect the ones you love, how does this not make you not worthy enough of my help? How will this not give me the strength to finally defeat the darkness and end this all? If that she demon consumes me then I was too weak in my resolve to be with the ones I love! Do not insult me! I will win and will stay with in that she demon, I will try to help her overcome her deadly desires and wait along side her until she dies of natural causes. If she is to die before her time her soul will corrupt mine and we will both be d*mned!" She said sternly as she moved her gaze towards Edmond.

Edmond refused to look her in the eyes and just clicked his tongue, she then turned to look at Marek but he hung his head low. "Now there isn't much time left." Sakura said with a sigh and allowed her shoulders to sag. "Vaidehi is also a male...ah!" Sakura said as she started to lose her form and the dream world started to shake and crumble. "Sakura!" The three of them shouted as she dropped to her knees. "I'm starting to fade this will truly be the last time we meet! Vai-ai-aid-e-ee-hi is, is, is, *ex*** C****p*t! Ahhh! Please save her!" She shouted in alternating pitches. Pieces of the world started to glitch and disappear, Sakura's body started to melt and bubble up as she spoke.

"Sakura please stop!" Olivia shouted as she watched everything vanish before her. "D**t** Cob-ahhh!" Sakura could no longer hold on to her form and finally turned into a giant puddle, her body's core started to flicker as it slowly started to dry out. "Nooooo!" Olivia screamed as Edmond grabbed her and held her back. "We need to get out of here!" He shouted as everything started crumbling away.

"Ahhhh!" They heard Marek yell as he disappeared before their eyes. "Marek!" Olivia yelled before the ground gave way under her and Edmond. Edmond tossed her to some even ground and allowed himself to fall into the abyss. "Edmond!" She cried. She looked up and an idea crept into her mind, 'This is not the end!' She kept her eyes glued to a small orb with the smallest amount of light flickering inside it, sitting in the middle of the puddle.

She gulped ash she scrambled up, the ground started giving way but she bite her bottom lip as she made one final attempt. She lunged herself towards the orb, her eyes shinning with hope as she got closer. The tips of her fingers barely touched it when everything dissolved before her eyes. she was now falling into the abyss.

With a sudden jolt Olivia sat up in the bed. She saw that Marek and Edmond were already awake, the colour had drained from their faces and eyes were bloodshot. "She's not coming back." Olivia whispered as she brought her knees up and hugged them.

Edmond raised his head towards the ceiling and sighed. "We can't fail now that we have Vaidehi's name." He said as he choked back some tears. "But the problem is how are we supposed to help him if we made Agni. I mean, if she hasn't killed him off yet, she might hide him so the whole truth won't come out." Marek said as he got up from the chair.

"Marek, I'm sorry but can you bring him here. I don't care how you do it but he needs to be with us until this whole thing with Agni passes and she is behind bars." Olivia said as she let go of her knees and straighten up her back. "He is the final key to everything, we can't let Sakura down, we need to believe in what we are doing and her final wishes.... Dexter Coblepot we will be meeting very soon."