My Small Mind Can’t Comprehend!

Getting up, Grandpa Galen takes the microphone from his hand and stands in front of the podium. Looking around the room occasionally, Grandpa Galen introduces himself, "Hello, some of you might know me, some of you might not. I'm the head lecturer of this year's ceremony, my name is Galen Christopher Cardona or formally known as Grandmaster Galen. I am one of the twelve current Grandmaster's of the Sage Sect."

"Cough. Cough."

Taking one more look around the auditorium, Grandpa Galen continues, "I have a lot of words to say in such a small amount of time, but I'm going to be simplifying a lot, if not all. If you cannot comprehend what I'm about to say then I suggest you back-out right now and prepare to join next year formally."

"The first thing that I would like to point out, ethics. The moral code is written in all of your handbooks, but I'm going to be reiterating and simplifying it right here and now. For those of you that haven't read the handbook and those of you that have, you can all have a different interpretation of what I'm about to say; however, one thing has to remain the same. You have to control yourself. This is an order and a rule of our academy that cannot be violated by anyone, not even the headmaster himself is allowed to violate it."

Looking around the room once more, Grandpa Galen takes a few more seconds at a certain spot in the middle seating area before continuing.

Watching his grandfather stare at him, Jacob's eyebrow twitches a little before sighing, "I was going to read the rulebook... but when I opened it, it just looked so intimidating."

Noticing his glare too, Amelia looks at Jacob in shock and mumbles, " I guess every family has their share of problems."

Noticing her gaze, Jacob looks back at her and tries to explain; meanwhile, Grandpa Galen continues his lecture.

"Back to what I was saying, this sect was founded by Kiu Louzen to help humanity further itself as a whole. Now, when you enter into the sect, you have a change of status, ascending even the politicians of old and the ministers of new. Just don't get it inside your head that you're some big shot, you are all students of this sect until we say otherwise."

With a stern expression, Grandpa Galen straightens his back, "We will and must never be cocky, we must never succumb to our greed and lust, we must never be overbearing and envious of others, and we must never be cowardly when we are needed the most."

Noticing their confusion, Grandpa Galen says, "Okay, okay, let me clear up some of the confusion. We aren't Buddhists, and we will never be. We are human, not robots. When I say envious, I don't mean the envy that you are probably thinking about right now but rather the envy that develops into greed, slithering into the hearts of men and women alike."

Trying to break the awkward tension, Grandpa Galen laughs, "HAHAHAHA."

Wiping an invisible tear out of his eye, Grandpa Galen continues, "Okay that's enough of this commotion. Let me finish my speech in peace, please."

Noticing the silence pervading the room, Grandpa Galen smiles, "Okay, moving on."

"I would like to say a quick joke before I continue.." Preparing to say a joke, one of the elders behind him suddenly appear by his side, "eh, what do you mean? I can't say any of my world famous jokes in front of these youngsters, aww."

Clammering, every student in the auditorium jump out of their seat. One of the students yells out, "Elder, what are you doing to Grandmaster Galen?"

Realizing that his action was somewhat inappropriate, the elder quickly takes over the microphone, " Hello, my name is Fang Guo. I was merely telling Grandmaster Galen to not get off-topic due to time restraints, now If you'll excuse me."

Handing the microphone back to Grandpa Galen, Fang Guo appears back in his seat, as if he had never gotten up in the first place.

Downcast, Grandpa Galen looks back at all of the students, "I'm sorry for the earlier interruption, Elder Fang was completely correct. I hope that all of you can relax yourselves and listen to the rest of my speech."

Watching all of the students sit down, Grandpa Galen continues, "This next part is not as noteworthy as the earlier sections of my speech; however, I hope that all of you can take note of this every time you wanna go somewhere outside of the Sage Sect."

"Geographically, we live on a gigantic continent. I hope you know that part because if you don't then, we are going to have some problems. This world was once split into seven separate continents, much smaller than what we have right now. This is all in the past, and even if we were to become separated again, that wouldn't matter. We have already covered the border problems relating to the tectonic plates, ages ago."

Smiling, Grandpa Galen pauses.

"However, we have discovered plenty more things about our planet and the ones around us. New and old things alike. For one, the dangerous liquid that surrounds us. It was officially named a couple of months back during the yearly meeting between all of the sects and establishments. The liquid substance is also going to be called scarlet death and the ocean will be officially named devils sea, from now on."

Taking out a remote from his pocket, Grandpa Galen turned around and pressed a button, displaying the solar system. Featuring the sun as the core and the eight planets orbiting it.

"Everyone should know that we live on a planet called Earth and we are the third planet closest to the sun, right?"

Pressing the button again, Grandpa Galen faces the students, "Now, this is the part that you don't know about." Zooming outward, the Milky Way comes into view and then toward the distance, continuously passing hundred, if not, thousands of similar galaxies.

Pressing the button once again, Grandpa Galen points toward the screen, "NOW, THIS IS OUR UNIVERSE!"

Pressing the button again, the image shows a second universe but with a slightly greenish color.

"This is what we have learned."

Clamoring, the students start whispering into each other's ear, "What is that thing, is that a second universe? What even is a universe?"

Noticing their breach of etiquette, Grandpa Galen shouts with QI in his voice, permeating throughout the auditorium, "Quiet! This is called a multiverse. We created the name after noticing that we are possibly in a much bigger object, possibly containing us within the vast cosmos. The multiverse is simply the shortened version of multiple universes, and it was first-thought-of during the era before cultivation. Formally known as the multiverse theory, next to the Big Bang theory."

Noticing everyone's disinterest in the topic, Grandpa Galen looks at the other elders and teachers behind him, only to see them dozing off on the scene.