Main Character Profile [Spoilers]

Name - Bai Li

Sex - Male

Age - 15

Soul Talent - Immeasurable

Combat Grade - Low-Tier Warrior

Affiliation - Union[Citizen], The Bearded Lady[Member], Bright Star League[Student]

Enemies - Mo Tian

Friends - Wei Tao

Cultivation(s) - Devil Sect[Refurbished]

Arts of Body[Skills] - Swift Leg Arc[Old|Removed], Tempered Body[Old/Removed], Chilled Resolve.

Poison King's Body.

Mastery - None

Souls - Nightmare Cowl [Nightmare Cobra]


**[General Information]**

Bai Li was just an orphan who had no recognition of his family who had felt as if had woken up at the age of 6. He was adopted to a rather puzzling family who ignored him for no reason during his years spent in the home where he grew. He grew up living an ordinary life similar to people of the 21st Century, reading books and such in the large ancient library that his house had, but the mysterious disappearance of his new family led him to be an independent youth who worked several part time jobs. All was too weird of his barely remaining childhood, the library with strange books and the astronomical price of the house where he once lived. Sparking what little aspirations of what he had in his life, his life goal was to find out about his past and the secrets that lay underneath the skin. He entered Golden Star Academy for his primary education and soon joined the Golden Cadet Academy for his secondary. But with sudden turn of events, he finds his roots to enter the Bright Star League and a much more Elite school instead of the standard.



Anyone born in the territory of the Union were already considered citizens of the dense population of humans throughout the galaxies ruled by them. After some time he had spent with the Bearded Lady, Bai Li had felt a connection to the group that he felt part of it, though not physically but spiritually. The leader of the Bearded Lady gave him a spot in case he ever wanted to venture with them in the future. After graduating early in the Golden Cadet Academy, he was given a choice of elite groups to join only to decline all, a hidden option soon appeared to which was the Bright Star League. Through learning of his discovery, he joined them in a last ditch effort to escape death.



Bai Li's cultivation method is the Devil Sect cultivation method revised by Fan Tong, who wrote anything he could remember about his cultivation into the book. Through months of analyzing the text made by the genius Fan Tong, he was able to understand the gist of the first chapter to an extent, though his own comprehension of the first chapter was minimal, it was enough to boost his powers to great extent from his original


**[Arts of Body]**

Swift Leg Art -

*Simplistic form of Featherweight, 5% of power in original. Agility and flexibility focused based around the legs.

Tempered Body -

*dilated form of Tempered Will, all characteristics are week and focused on one's natural endurance.

Chilled Resolve -

*Using the cultivation of the Devil Sect, modified the foundation of Featherweight with his own findings of the Devil Sect cultivation method from the book. Heightens strength, speed, and the five senses, sight primarily. Ability to view things at a much slower pace and lower body temperature.

Poison King's Body -

*Using the cultivation of the Devil Sect, modified the foundation of Tempered Will. Though giving similar amounts of defense as the Tempered Will, gives the ability to dispel the body of poisonous substances out of his body. Can use the poison's potency in his body to augment his strike to have a deadly strike. Does not give poison immunity.



No mastery of weapons



Nightmare Cowl

Origin - Nightmare Cobra

Soul Type - Armor Variant

Grade - Saint

Tier - High Tier

Level - Warrior

Description - A cloak formed by black fog that blocks sight. Ability to shape the cloak as he pleases with willpower. Mainly focused on speed and offensive abilities are that of a Mid tier Saint blood strength type monster