Fierce Battle at Blackwater City II

Merlin was not adept at riding horses, so he sat in the carriage. He pulled the curtain open and stared forward directly. Wilson Castle could already be seen from far away.

Suddenly, a thick smell of blood hit him as the cold wind blew. Merlin's expression changed and immediately jumped off the carriage. He said to Prat, "Uncle Prat, let's stop first!"

At this time, the bloody stench had obviously hit Prat as well. His expression turned grim.

"This direction. It's Wilson Castle!"

After identifying the direction where the stench was coming from, Merlin could not wait any longer. He dashed forward and arrived before Wilson Castle in one breath. At his current position, he could see many horrifying bodies lying around in the castle. They were the servants and guards whom he was very familiar with in Wilson Castle.

"D*mn it!" Merlin cursed. With Prat, he strode into the castle.